Al/ck/ The workweek is here edition

Old thread bump limit reached Did squirrel bro make it through the weekend long gnome invasions?

How is hospital bro doing?

How are you doing?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How are you doing?
Extremely bad.

I'm out of alcohol, for the next 10 hours at least

Going sober for the next two months

>21 days sober
>got a full 7 hours of sleep last night
Feels less shit than normal m9


Not drinking for a week or so, need to save money for when I go see my friends in the south. That will be fun.

nice job. 21 days is no joke.

That sucks man. Hopefully you'll be alright. I had to wait until noon because of the idiotic Sunday laws here.

Doing fine, survived birthday party without drinking. It appear my autism is worsening, I barely talked to anybody.
I didn't even try, not sure if better or worse than inevitable awkwardness.

>Did squirrel bro make it through the weekend long gnome invasions?

>gnome invasions
He's insane enough to make it home. His goats will guide him. He'll be back.

Good luck! Remember it's okay to fail every now and then. Don't beat yourself up over it.

>purchased some R&R

This is just aweful, i want to kill myself for cheap but even being wasted isnt enough to make it better to drink, i need something with good price to quality ratio.

>Doing fine, survived birthday party without drinking.

Thanks for the squirrel bro update!

I want to see some more hammock pics.

Simpsonbro is that you? You look a lot better

Even Abe is feeling the dreadful gnome magic.
It is awful.
We are in pain.

Give the old brain a break, man.

when in the military we called that Reach aRound because when you threw that shit up, your guys were shaking so bad you had to hold on to the toilet.

Dude are you aware that you're insane?
I honestly don't mean that to sound in any way offensive, I'm just curious as to whether you're conscious that you're totally nuts.

70cl reduced to £12.99 as of today. I'm going to need a wheelbarrow


he just has a pet squirrel what's the problem?

Excuse me? But that is somewhat rude.
You don't know what its like to be gnomed out your dome 12-31 hours a week. It scares my squirrel and I.

I've got a confession boys.

I was doing just fine drinking moderately with beer.

So I though I could have some liquor as well. I remember drinking some and then waking up with a lethal fucking headache and a destroyed stomach.

Vodka is the devil it seems, piss lager doesn't seem to set me off. Project moderation failed because of the spirits. I'm getting back on the wagon though after this little bender. I hope.

I should've just stuck to weed.

Best of luck user.

Thanks senpai.

I think I will get back on the wagon because of the sheer fucking pain. I didn't remember it being this bad. It's absolutely horrible. I literally noticed myself whimpering, thought it was something else making that noise. I was beggin and praying between dry heaves.

Tell me more of these gnomes

Also I should say now that I'm uninhabited that these threads have really rang a bell and have helped me decide to get my shit together.

al/ck/ is making me a better man, without a shred of irony, so thank you lads

I do this shit too. I'll suddenly realise that for hours I've been making pained, groaning noises without realising I was doing it. I'll make a conscious effort to stop, then in no time at all realise I started again. It goes on for days


What do you want to know l? I'm currently scouting my lawn for gnome signs do ill answer when I can.

I'm 9 months off cigs. I'm a year off green. I'm 6 months into booze moderation(three drinks every other Friday at 6pm). I'm 3 weeks off caffeine. I've lost 20 pounds and keto. Now I just need a job(been three months).

Keep your head up bros.

so you have a squirrel for a pet?

One thing that helped me keep it somewhat under control was that I was watching my sister's bunny and he did pic related to me.

That's something to fucking live for.

Tell me random facts about them. Their size, what they wear, what they sound like, why they're targeting you... anything, I find it all rather curious

Checked, but dude, that's way too fucking expensive. I got a 0,7 korn plus a mixer plus a bunch of shots for 7,5 euronis today
t. krautfrog

how rich are you m8, fucking outdoor stairs n all

anyone drink this stuff?

its delicious obviously not for everyone tho

haven't had a drink in a month and im craving it badly, usually have one or two with some other beers

i would buy it for the spook alone

To expland on that, I shouldn't be drinking that much, shouldn't even touch hard liquor desu, I've got a publication to finish but my girl fucked with me today and yesterday for no good reason and I have nothing else to put me to sleep.

Yes I have a squirrel I rescued from the cold Months ago after bludgeoning its family to death.
And I first saw the gnomes when I noticed one 20-30 meters away while I was fighting my lawn (wildflowers). It was trying to steal my neighbors mail. And when I went to confront it but it was too fast.
Then they spiked my booze and then my meth as payback and it was all downhill from there. They wear brown robes and some wear small grey hats. They are the about 3-6 inches shorter than a mailbox.

why did you bludgeon a family of squirrels to death

What its just 2 ,$50 bags of quik concrete and stones we stole from the river.

>they spiked my booze and then my meth as payback

hell yeah

I live not too far from Toronto so i wanna go to the brewery at some point

I usually start off with a few of those before switching to something shitty

High on dope. And also destroying the sheetrock out of a shed I found and squirrels attacked so I accidently all of them and then raise their surviving child as my own.

Do you think your meth intake could be related to your ability to see tiny magical men somehow?
He doesn't want them nibbling on his nuts, duh

Also does any al/ck/ie here have an advice for heartburn? I get it all the time while drinking so I mostly just drink milk while getting drunk but I think I'm still on the fast track to an ulcer.

It's all becoming clear.
Dude I took meth once. One time. Someone gave me 500mg of Chinese glass which I smoked in one day, then couldn't sleep for FIVE fucking days. Never again. He even gave me another 500mg at a later date and I flushed it. Fuck that stuff.

>so I accidently all of them and then raise their surviving child as my own.
He's going to learn the truth one day and turn on you. I've seen this movie a hundred times

Bastard of a condition, isn't it. Sodium bicarbonate is the answer you're looking for. One teaspoon and within seconds you'll feel a lot better.

Checked, and yes, it is. I can't really get drunk anymore because of it, and I'm german, so it killed the pathetic remnants of my social life. If you helped me kill it, you are truly a god amongst men.


Do you think you saw em cause you fought (and I suppose beat) the wildflowers, then?

Just made a batch of Apple Pie Moonshine

No I left the wildflowers alone when I realized they were there first. Then the gnomes were noticed.

I'm gonna build a copper still. Turns out it's completely illegal, but the fact that it's illegal pissed me off so much that I'm even more determined to do it. I can only drink if I pay some corporate cunt to distill it for me? Nope.

Tomorrow at the crack of dawn I flee the state for 2 days to hopefully de-gnome myself.

aight, what did they spike you with ?

I like the spirit and the dubs approve. Do it, and if you blow yourself up you can still haunt the CEOs of various distilleries, kruger style.

Props to this user, seems to work pretty well, although I feel bubblier than before now.

Got kicked out of several places last night apparently. It took 4 bouncers to get me to leave the first place not sure what I did though. I also got kicked out of a bar after being there for 10 minutes not sure what happened there either. Got kicked out of some taco place for walking straight to the front of the line and being uncooperative with the staff. There may have been other places I was asked to leave but that's what my friends recalled and I literally ran off from the group at some point.

I also lost my ID, got a hickey somehow, spent like $200 on drinks, got a little too handsy with some girls (might have been why I got kicked out some places), pissed outside my friend's apartment, and have some random new Snapchat friends. This is definitely the worst I've felt in quite a while but I didn't really have a hangover which is good although I was still drunk a few hours after I woke up this afternoon. Thank God I didn't get a drunk and disorderly or something.

I need to get a girlfriend and not drink so much because I hate going to bars/clubs single. I think I need to take a break from drinking for a few weeks and get my shit more together.

Glad to see you found your way home man.
Do you have pics of gnomes? Could you try drawing one?
Hope you have internet where you go. You'll be seeing your wife?

Told ya.
Good luck getting back on that wagon user.

See if there is a collective or cooperative still nearby that isn't "corporate", it might be a safer option, at least the first time.

>I feel bubblier than before now.

I do not know what poison. But I swapped to beer and they cannot spike aluminum cans. And have trouble spiking dark liqour. My tequila and vodka is easy to spike as it is see-through translucent

So far so good

I can't at the moment. Maybe tomorrow in a gnome free environment. Also I am a terrible artist, I can't draw water.

> they cannot spike aluminum cans
that's fucking great, that means you can still have a gnome-poison-free nutrition.
> I am a terrible artist, I can't draw water.
actually, water is pretty hard to draw. Even if you're sober and in a gnome-free environment.
t. illustrator

Passed out around 10pm, woke up just now nearly 2am with withdrawals. I swear being an alcohol is a full time fucking job.

2 months sober and I still feel lifeless

It won't get better with time

I know, I'm gonna kill myself eventually

Water is hard to draw. Do gnomes swim?

Being sober is sooo comfortable.

It won't by itself, but it can with some efforts.
You've tried getting a new hobby, one requiring some physical activity, but it was boring dull and unpleasant? That's brainfog and anhedonia, it goes away eventually.

More booze for the rest of us. But seriously, you should take some normies with you. A dude committed sudoku with gas in our street when I was about 10, and when they went in to check on him, the whole building detonated, 13 people inside. Left quite an impression :^)

I started the gym actually and I'm enjoying it, but outside of that I find life so dull,

>Being sober is sooo comfortable.

I'd listen to Linkin Park and swan dive off a large building. I'd Snapchat the final moments of my life.

> (You)
>Being sober is sooo comfortable.

What do you mean by this exactly?

>Literally die like a faggot

Well, I'm not puking, not nauseated, shitting once or twice a day mostly regular turds, not in terrible pain, not shivering, the floor isn't crawling with spiders, and my face isn't bleeding, and I don't have to carry my withdrawing body in public to buy bottles of vodka daily.
Compared to all of the above, it feels pretty comfortable to me.

I still hate life, but it's paradoxically way more bearable sober.

No offense, but you sound like a huge faggot like said. It's your goddamn life, why would you spend the last seconds of it attention whoring on social media? Travis Bickle it, D-Fens it, but never, ever 13-Reasons-Why it.
none of the symptoms you described apply to potsmokers or acidheads. Not sayan that hard drugs won't do the things you described, but acting like the only options are
>Be sober
>Be Charlie Sheen
is some straight-edge propaganda bullshit. you gon' break eggs and a frying pan next? Fuckin Nar/ck/.

Only 8 days here, but feeling shit is the only thing which keeps me sober. The moment I have good feels, I race for the nearest bottle. I imagine how much more I could be enjoying myself with a few chugs, and immediately relapse into a world of hellish alcoholism. I have to maintain this shit feel or I'll just end up feeling a hundred times worse. I'm basically ruined.

2 weeks sober.

Eating yet more cereal.

The shit tastes so good now.

School ends in 2 weeks. It will be hard to stay sober without that albatross.

Wish you all well.

That makes lots of sense, actually. If you read "Junky", one if not the first book published that really goes into the topic of addiction from the standpoint of an addict, the author basically describes his whole life as a pattern of drug abuse and subsequent withdrawal, in which sobriety was sort of a necessary evil so he could feel a kick while using and not just "function" high basically.

I'm taking more than I can give.
The love is take is not equal to the love I give.

Its better this way than the other way around for you, trust me. Both the altruist and the egoist will rot, after all.

How do I stop getting hangovers?

Drink a lot of water. For every shot you take, drink a glass of water. You'll never be hungover.

I drink wine.

>year of our lord 2017AD

Why would anyone want to get a job in the time we live in? All one needs is some booze, food, shelter, and highspeed internet. The government will give you all three if you just ask.

Drink when you wake. Just enough to stop the hangover.
Getting hangovers isn't very al/ck/ btw, user. You need to stop drinking in order to get one. I'm guess you don't get serious withdrawals, otherwise you'd be too scared to be sober long enough to find yourself hung over. I know it'll fall on deaf ears, but I urge you to get out now while it's still possible without hallucinations and seizures. They'll get you one day and you'll regret letting it become so advanced.
Anyway yeah, the other user was right. As much water as you can stand to drink, and a couple of drinks when you wake feeling like shit. No more hangovers.

Packing my things, then gnome hunt 2 begins.

I get sick when I drink though, I just get so sick and feel like puking. Also I am Irish so I already have a slight physical dependency on alcohol.

Have you seen how unemployed alcoholics live? I know dozens of them. They live alone, in one room, no fridges, cookers, heating, often no electricity, just a sofa and a battery powered tape player. Anything of any value is sold the second their £400/month income is gone, they live off foodbanks, have zero chance of finding a gril, are malnourished and normally diseased, hate their lives and die in their 40's. They don't even have toilet paper, just the weekly free newspaper. High speed internet? Dude none of them have computers, they live in ghetto as fuck areas so even if they did own one it'd be stolen same day, and if they do own a phone, it'll be capable of calls, texts and that's it. I could livestream like 5 bedsits which perfectly fit this description if I could hide a cam on me somehow. The daily mail 'luxury life on the dole' meme is absolutely retarded. It only works if you live with your parents. I have lived this shit, I've been around these people for years. What you're saying is simply not true.

Good luck brother. Keep us updated!

Anyone else take benzos?

I've been taking .5-2mg of triazolam a day for 4 years with alcohol (gin). It helps me sleep, not shake during work, and it helps PTSD.

How fucked am I If the doctor who prescribes it, stops prescribing it?

Will I die from withdrawal?

The doctor is a family member who would never stop prescribing it to me intentionally. But I'm afraid he's going to retire or die of old age in the next 5-15 years

>there is no better feeling on earth then taking .5mg of triazolam and a few shots of gin then smoking a cigarette out in the snow while your body fills with warmth and a nice calm comes over you

>every morning wake up with shit in bed and pants
>bottle of vodka and start drinking it
>get so drunk I get violent smash holes in walls
>pass out in bed and repeat

Just drank a handle today. And its not even 6pm. Woke up at 2.

I was on diazepam for 14 years, then my doc forced a 6 month taper on me, in 2014. My drinking near enough doubled and I felt like I was dying all day, every day. After a year I was still in withdraws from the evil fucks, so I started buying diazepam, lorazepam and nitrazepam from the street, and do so to this day. I have 56 pills atm, just took 20mg diaz and 1mg lorazepam. It's the only thing aside from alcohol, which makes me forget that if my dealer is busted, my life will be in danger, and at the very least, the suffering I endure will be biblical.
Benzos are supreme for very short term use when quitting alcohol, but long term use is lethal, and I'd be scared half to death right now were it not for the fact that I can feel that lorazepam kicking in.
Even controlled tapering carried out by a doc, is horrendous. Sorry!

How many ml in a handle? I keep seeing this but I am unfamiliar with the term.

I had red wine with blue gatorade

Am i a meme?

1.75L iirc. American thing.

Are you in Pennsylvania my good man?

I would look into etizolam.

Way cheaper then buying street benzos, If you do your research on leddit (I know...). 1000mg = $80 USD.

But It's powder and you have to dilute it with food grade PG USP using volumetric dosing.

So If you bought 1000mg (1 gram)....You could dilute it in PG to 10mg/ml so every ML would contain 10mg of etizolam (so 1 drop from a dropper would be the equivalent of 1mg).

It has the same duration and effects as xanax. With etizolam being slightly more euphoric

There are also analogues of longer acting benzos like valium or klonopin