Redpill me on peanut butter

Redpill me on peanut butter.

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You'll get run over by a car

Thank you based black people for inventing this masterpiece. I can't count how many times I've had a delicious PBJ for lunch or a late night snack

Objectively true. Smooth peanut butter should come with a coupon to be on the receiving end of a glory hole.

You've already lost the plot if your idea of peanut butter is that peanut-flavored Crisco.

Redpill: it should have two ingredients: peanuts, and salt.

Like it or don't, I don't give a fuck

It's good and good for you

As this thread shows, people will be elitist about absolutely fucking anything.

The easiest and best way to hammer down some calories. Miss lunch because of stupid meetings? Grab the PB and crackers out of your desk, eat 700 calories in a minute, and you're right as rain.

Also the A#1 dip for a sliced granny smith apple

Natty or bust!
This guy gets it.
Fuck off, goddamn casual!

This is a complete myth. Carver may have popularized it but white southern farmers created it. I'm not even racist but its history.

There's a lot of dead bugs and mice/rat feces in mass produced nut butter products.

Its delicious, filling, easy to store and cheap. Literally god tier food.

What I'm hearing is that it might have even more protein than originally thought.

>says something racist
>I'm not even racist guise!

It's delicious, nutrient dense, cheap and extremely versatile.

It's right up there with eggs in terms of being a perfect food. I pity the weak who suffer from peanut allergies.

He said nothing racist you retarded nigger.

And oil dummy, but not hydrogenated and that shit better be separated. Emulsified peanut butter is for the birds.

Also crunchy or hang yourself

>Also crunchy or hang yourself
I want peanut BUTTER, not trail mix, you faggot

>Based blacks
Los aztecas inventaron PB way before any porch monkey evolved enough brain cells to mush up some peanuts. Go back to Plebbit niggerlover.

>facts are racism

So are IQ tests and Maths.


>t. babydick /pol/cuck whiteboi

If I took a white invention and said that whites just popularized it, but it was actually invented by black farmers then now do you see how that would be racist?

>iq tests

Yeah, worship your asian masters whiteboi, if you want to play that game.

>pattern recognition has no purpose

Lol, no wonder your ancestors couldn't navigate the planet using just the stars as a guide. Sorry facts hurt your feelings.

Racism is a social construct that doesn't exist, like race. Can't be racist if race isn't real.

Asian here, usually at this point in the conversation these people say something like "oh yeah? well guess what the nigger spics would kill you if it wasn't for whites like us, also asians have no souls, go back to asia if you don't like racism"

Are you okay user?


Pakistan? India?

That's not racist though.

Yes, knowing racism isn't real because we're all one HUMAN race is comforting.

Why? So you can figure out which racial slur to use? I think you'll feel much more "redpilled" if you just type them all.


Why would I when racism doesn't exist, and people are just assholes? You know that right? That we're all one HUMAN race, so racism doesn't exist...right? Seems like you're complaining for no reason and need to grow thicker skin. The world is full of meanie-bo-beanies.

>that /pol/ guy who derails every Veeky Forums thread with ravings about black dicks and crime statistics
>huh? huh? why is everyone complaining for no reason?
Yes, everyone is just oversensitive, your behavior is perfectly appropriate for this board

its awesome when used as an ingredient in dessert foods.

No one said anything like that. Seems like you're just complaining for fun. Victim complex is annoying. Heavy burden to carry friend-o. I hope you realize more than one person replied to you.


I've only made 3 posts in this thread and I'm quite confident all of the replies to my posts came from you

It must be so hard to be called a bigot and a racist all the time just for "telling it like it is"

Being a bigot against people who you consider bigots isn't hypocritical at all though. Amirite? Racists don't exist because race doesn't. Why is this hard to understand? Did you spend a lot of time home from school, hiding from bullies and that's why you're lacking in diverse intellectual capacities? So closed minded.

I usually see them say that Asians don't have genes for creativity or something like that so their higher IQ doesn't matter. It makes me a bit sad honestly because you can tell most of them are insecure or just overreacting to supremacists from other races.

>I can't be a bigot because if I'm a bigot then that means that you're a bigot for calling me a bigot!
>please legitimize me!
You're lost, go back to /pol/

if it has more than ONE ingredient, it belongs in the trash.

Should be illegal to label as anything other than "peanut frosting."

>all this word vomit

So just to clarify being a bigot against what YOU think is bigotry, isn't bigoted. What a smelly bubble your world must be. McChicken farts are awful.

It's time to stop posting

>redrider bb gun me on peanut butter
should be a permaban and anyone who posts in these shit threads (myself included) should get a 24 hour ban too


I'll stop as soon as you agree that racism isn't real because race doesn't exist. You're just being a Sensitive-Sally. Don't be a Debbie Downer friend, be a Peppy Piper.



>every breed of dog is equal in every way

It wasn't actually invented by a black man. He just invented one way of making it.

They're all dogs, share common ancestors and thrive on the same food source, so essentially yes. Racism isn't real, it's a social construct.

Enjoy your organ rejection.

Such an extreme circumstance to funnel an argument to pertaining to the fact racism isn't real. How oddly off topic.

>dogs are people

Ah yes a pitbull and a yorkie are on the same level physically and mentally.

There is no chunky peanut butter. There's only smooth and smooth with chunks added at the end.

It's good.

Such a pathetic strawman argument. Racism isn't real. Dogs aren't people. I mean...maybe YOUR dog is your only friend so you humanize and infantilize it, but dogs are simply tools for people that can be easily replaced with money. Can't do that with people in the western world anymore.

People lived in different parts of the world. Different climates, different environments, different diets. It shaped how they developed. We're all very different.

The best way to enjoy it on bread is on white bread in my experience. I barely ever eat/buy white bread so I barely ever eat it.

I use a different kind of peanut butter (bought at asian stores) for peanut sauces I make, tastes like shit on bread though.

How else can I enjoy peanut butter ?

it tastes yummy with jelly on bead with it

>commie logic
so if i dont condition my dog 2 b my slave/pet/tool, & left it 2 its own devices in the wild, all breeds of dogs would literally b the same, physically, & temperament-wise? excluding looks

What do genetic/IQ/civic and spiritual aspects and differences have to do with the fact we're all Humans? All people(s) deserve their own environment in which to develop and perpetuate their own specific traditions and mannerisms. That's what makes the world unique and diverse, the fact all these homogenous enclaves exist across Earth. Mulling them all together takes diversity away from the world, blending us into one boring homogenous group of beings. Like it or not a person is just a person, and racism isn't real as a consequence. A pitbull is best suited to protect your physical person incase of violent attack, but a yorkie is a dog purchased exclusively for emotional gratification. Both have purpose, the meaning and importance of which remains important to the owner and their needs entirely. It's subjective.

TLDR- racism isn't real.

>All people(s) deserve their own environment in which to develop and perpetuate their own specific traditions and mannerisms.
Yeah I'd love for ancient human sacrifice rituals to have stuck around. Some traditions shouldn't survive.

You didn't say anything of substance. Stop.

>stuck around
>implying they've left


The fact that racism isn't real is eyeopening and liberating.

>dogs are people

They're not though. Dogs evolved to better suit human needs. However, placed in the wild domesticated dogs do just fine. Don't call me a Communist because you're retarded, in FACT, go to former communist states and see the packs of dogs that roam around their streets terrorizing their human populations. It's funny.

Pic related, I'm the product of non-Communists. How odd to bring it up.


I don't think most people consider the middle of a city to be "the wild" for animals.

>White Southern Farmers created it

If you mean they grew the fucking peanuts, sure? How fucking revisionist do you have to try to be? It's not we wuz kangs here. It's fucking peanut butter

Military brat?

>I don't think most people consider the middle of a city to be "the wild" for animals.

In his defense, in a former Soviet Balkanized state? It definitely is.

Domesticated dogs form packs in the wild and have rather large territories, included but not limited to, urban, sub-urban, rural and remote territories. Movement through which comes and goes with the needs of the pack.

Racism is real. Did you just finish your first psychology class?

Even I can't help you at this point, I'm sorry you live this life. Condolences and thank you for your courage

No, German, moved to America in Utero. My parents had the intelligence and foresight to see how political trends were changing the very people of Germany, ergo, needed to leave for Yankee land. Both places are great, I prefer New York though. More "home" ya know.

Racism isn't real if race isn't. Absurd to think it COULD exist in the wake of such facts. Don't confuse your feelings for scientific fact ever again. Thanks.

Look up the definition of race

race doesn't exist and gender doesn't exist haven't you seen BILL FUCKING NYE? jesus christ you bigot.

Oh ya I forgot about the number one scientist

Racism isn't real, we're ALL Human.

Fun fact- the JIF brand of peanut butter actually has trans fat in it.

It doesn't say trans fat on the label because if the product contains

You're thinking of species

Racism isn't real, people are insecure and like to cry for special attention sometimes. I can live with that. What YOU'RE doing is adding fuel to the shit fire instead of rendering it obsolete. They say race isn't real, I say racism isn't back to them, citing their own absurdities as a citation/reference point. Understand?

No. You're stupid. Stop caring about muh sjws and figure out your life.

Yeah it's like how the first ingredient in Tic Tacs is sugar but the label says it has 0g of sugar. This website says fully hydrogenated oils aren't as bad as partially hydrogenated oils though because they actually don't have trans fat:

It's well sorted enough to know racism is a social construct that doesn't exist and people complain too much about inequities while simultaneously doing nothing to better their lot in life. Like you for instance, you're prattling on like my senile Great Grandmother who's slowly rotting to death in a nursing home in Bremen, Germany. When she dies I'll make sure the home saves her bed for you to hide from the mean-ol-bigots.

>racism isn't real

I literally grew up with a man who talked about "killing niggers" and disowned his daughter for marrying a 3rd generation hispanic

Saying social constructs don't exist is a great way to tell everyone that you don't actually understand what a social construct is.

That's just a word, racism isn't real.'re crying about the actions of others. Sounds like you don't have much going on in your own personal life to be talking about others this much. Sad man.

I said racism IS a social construct. Don't take liberties with what I'm saying because you're too stupid to refute what I'm saying. Racism doesn't exist.

I don't blame him.

>Los aztecas inventaron PB way before
Why give up so quickly?

>racism is a social construct that doesn't exist

>Racism isn't real if race isn't.
This statement is absolutely moronic.

Racism isn't based on the existence of race. Racism is based on the perception of race. If the perception of race exists, then racism exists, independent of the existence of race. This is how social constructs work.

but animals are people. just cause theyre stuck at a child's level of awareness doesnt make then any lesser. if anything, it makes them better than "sophisticated" pieces of crap like the average adult human.
tl;dr you're scum that thinks too highly of itself.


>racism isn't based on race

Also wut.

>animals are people

Also also wut.

There is a difference between peanut spread and peanut butter. Always check the label.

People who like smooth literally don't deserve human rights.