Putting sour creme in mashed Potatoes

>Putting sour creme in mashed Potatoes
Kill you are self

I feel you OP, I can't stand the smell

I know spics smell like shit.

>Kill you are self

Lols. I think you meant theirselves.

Who fucking does this? I've never heard of this.

alot of people do this, especially restaurants

Live a little.

creme is what is in the middle of oreos. it's sugary, not sour.

cream comes from cows

Why don't you just commit sudoku and rip in pieces.

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maybe you should put a couple spoons of sugar and shred half a block of cheese into it just in case. fucking amerifats


>in mashed potatoes
A little on a baked potato is fine, but mashed?

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If you use sour cream in any capacity, you deserve brain cancer.

Wew no way people do this?

Poz man cream doesn't come from cows and I've swallowed more than my share of that in my life

How did sour cream hurt you, user?

Dude, add potatoes, camembert, nutmeg, liiiitle of cumin, butter/olive oil mix, roasted garlic, creme fraiche, chives, mix that shit up and if you think that shit isnt god send you better put a bulletinni in your faggofacini.


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Not exactly the same thing but I mix salad cream into my mashed potatoes and it's fucking gorgeous.

t. skele cancerfag who needs all the calories he can get