food and cook webms
Who in their bloody right mind thinks that this is a good thing to drink? Seriously who the fuck think that this is actuaklly a good idea to make a grilled cheese cocktail? Fuck I rather I rather just drink a bottle of vodka this this horrible looking piece of shit I swear to God if any of you niggers actually made this drink, you are disgusting piece of vile garbage. Seriously what the fuck.
pretty sure it's satire matey
surly the egg king trapped for life
I'm sickened but curious to try this
>Garnishing garbage
now eat it
All these webms everyone has already seen a 1000 times!
I'm thinking about replacing my kitchen with one of these.
>That enormous blob of gochujang
>Wow, okay, maybe it-
>a second one
what the FUCK
Fuck, I love eggie sammies.
jesus fucking christ well that anger is completely justified
>ywn have somebody with an ass that great bend over in front of you like that
>On one hand, da but
>On the other, she just served crispy franks on a stick
>that 2nd girl's reaction
>This stick goes into your peepee hole
>That'll be $84.99 plus tip :^)
Is that baked hotdogs with corn flakes stuck to them? The fuck?
Looks staged
It's flyover food.
Just made myself a fried egg sandwich because of this.
>15 dollars
I love this channel so much.
candy making looks so comfy
This. It's very popular in New York.
Candy making is scary as fuck seeing as molten candy might as well be lava for how well it transfers pain to you if you touch it.
I came right when that lid popped
Seems really inefficient, I'll stick with the microwave.
I will never get tired of this webm. If only I could taste it.
desert storm 2: electric boogaloo
how the fuck does he get out of there without breaking the eggs?
Fucking leafs.
the closeups of her ass are a metaphor for the shitty quality food she is cooking
I have.... but it has been a while. I'm getting old.
t. GenXfag
What in the fuck is this shit
tostinos pizza
I fucking hate these threads. It's the same 50 webms over and over again. The 7 jack webms, the tofu chopper, the bloody mary, the rib slicing.
I will never tire of this
it's called an egg rollie
tis a classic
uma delicia
I hadn't seen
before. That's not to say they haven't been posted before, but if you scan through these threads every now and then, even you can find some content that is new to you.
that is a fuckload of gochujang
It's a fleshlight that cooks eggs.
Why did this show end? It was pretty high quality for a tv show.
wow, what's happening? a farmer trapping his own pigs?
these are some retarded animals. ramming into each other desperate to escape.
>5 kinds of paprika
>some kind of rice
who didn't see that coming
No. These are parasites that kill the forest and are going to be exterminated.
for their meat?
do you have the entire video, i want to see how long it takes for them to calm down and stop trampling over each other
animals don't think like humans. they think more simply than we do.
>soggy vodka bread
but piiigs are intellligeeent
>t. Vegan who isnt smarter than a pig
not sure if disabled or just annoying
Meth is a terrible drug
Trap door beneath him
Oh no. Not today!
Nah if you were doing this everyday over an over you'd have to make it fun or you'd go fucking crazy. A lot of street vendors do this to create a rhythm and encourage tipping.
kek m8
Why bother
imagine getting to euthanize, process and butcher, store, and then eat these delicious piggies
they're a real problem in texas, and probably all over the south. we're not so afflicted by them in ohio
the big ones wouldn't be that edible tho. tough meat, maybe can make sausage with the older ones.
okay so just annoying
he can only leave once he has cooked all of them