They look pretty good and I'm seeing a lot of recipes on the internet.
Have you ever tried a buddha bowl?
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So a hipster rice and beans and salad dish?
I often put a bunch of stuff I like in a bowl, some of it pressure steamed together, but I've never called it that.
Where I live they call it the KFC Famous Bowl. I had it once. Who's Buddha?
Buddha was an angsty neet with rich parents.
Here are some recipes btw
Pretty much
Recipes ? It's just vegetables in a bowl.
The name Buddha bowl irritates me.Using a religious prophet as a hipster marketing gimmick seems disrespectful.
The bowls are more of a structure for a meal than a specific recipe.
They way I do mine - large bowl, 1/4 filled with veggies, 1/4 starch, 1/4 beans/mushrooms/other lean protein, 1/4 greens, top with a sauce/dressing.
Super easy, can be made quite healthy, choose whatever of these categories are your favorite.
I know Veeky Forums's been irrecoverably shit for a while now, but this? This is a new low.
It's a "buddha bowl", what did you expect
I expected concerted vegan shitposting like has been going on for hours now, not genuine unironic facebook normalfags.
i got them three years running at glastonbury and a couple of other festivals. they were stimulating to eat and felt good for you, helped you through a comedown
then i got one a fourth year and must've just hit some wall with them cause it actually made me wanna puke.
but yeah as a template what the fuck dude it's just mixed and raw vegetables in a pile.
If you're hipper, you could use that bowl for some "India-style bibimbap."
This cost you what, $15? Bowls are the biggest lunch scams I have ever seen in my life.
There's a difference?
lol no
they're actually substantial meals
there are way more scammy lunches out there
Is there a non-white ethnic food that white people haven't fucked up yet?
Just eat your mudpies and stitch my shoes, savage
Vegan shitposters are just that-- shitposters.
They know Veeky Forums is easy to trigger and that vegan threads hit bump limit every time without fail.
A real vegan young and hep enough to consider proselytizing on Veeky Forums would be done with facebook by now, that agegroup has moved on to twitter and instagram, and would be incapable of being wholly unironic besides.
Unironically posting a buzzfeed link as though it were somehow informative or helpful in any way is some genuine, unfiltered, "hi cheryl i tried your recipe you posted but i substituted the flour for quinoa and used coconut oil instead of eggs and it didn't turn out like your pictures?? i hope your husband thinks you're pretty at least because he's clearly not being fed well." kind of gormless bullshit.
Sorry no, I'm a Christian
In many Asian cuisines Buddha or Buddhist is shorthand for vegetarian. The vegetarian banh mi at one of my favorite shops is called Buddhist. Many Chinese American restaurants offer a vegetarian stir fry as a main dish under the name Buddha's Delight. Where I live these kinds of bowl dishes usually called Macro Bowls in a nod to the 70's Japanese food fad that popularized them.
This one actually looks really good