Why don't roasties drink beer?
Why don't roasties drink beer?
Because roasties are braindead subhuman pieces of trash.
Beer is seen as the common, blue collar drink. Roasties are middle-upper class or above.
Beer is (largely) seen as a masculine drink.
Roasties strive to avoid seeming masculine.
Beer is slightly bitter.
Roasties are idiots and can't enjoy a drink if it's not sweet.
Beer is low in alcohol content.
Roasties drink to get drunk so as to excuse their sexual promiscuity and irresponsibility.
I literally just drank some beer with roasties two days ago.
They dont like the taste.
what's a roastie?
>People disagreeing with me hurts my feelings
You are, apparently.
Stop vargposting
This. And bitterness. Otherwise they'd have a problem with their chia lattes and sodas.
I like beer
What's a roastie anyway?
A promiscuous woman
A way to spot a r9k poster.
I already told you, it's you. You're the roastie.
Your mother
Some virgin term for party sloots. They seem to believe in vaginal scarring from miles of dick, yet I've seen virginal "roast beef" pussy in high school.
But I drink lots of beer, surely I can't be
You're just a fat one, it's okay.
Not female.
They do. They hang out in breweries. The worst is when they bring their kids...like, you're gonna bring your toddler to the fucking bar? Ok
>he believed she was a virgin
I remember being 20 lol
And? There's tons of high school roasties now being that under Obama's administration girls as young as 12 were encouraged to begin race mixing with the resident schoolyard bull.
I don't get why you guys hate rich girls. One of the joys of my 20's was chasing and soiling a bunch of Daddy's Little Princesses. Girls from good families are dying to be bad. It's not all that hard to convince them that you're bad, then you can pretty much have your way with them. That's a wonderful thing.
Just because you let your mustache grow and wear mens clothes doesnt make you male
I'm literally a dude my man. Always been since the day I was born.
Gender dysphoria at its finest.
You're not fooling anybody
>fishing for timestamped pictures of dicks
Good lord user just go on grinder
>implying anybody wants pictures of your nasty snatch
>LARPing this hard
Just stop
I'm not trans ffs.
Was born with a god damn penis and still have it.
Have you considered therapy, user? I'm concerned for you.
Is it a feminine penis user?
This has got to be the most "junior high school beta virgin" tier expression, of many, used on this entire site.
You need to step up your game to at least college level.
>vaginal scarring
These idiots think girls pee out of the vagina, so why wouldn't they believe dumb shit about the rest of the female genital system?
>being this new
>Women are all upper-middle class or above
What the fuck are you on about
My roastie detector is going off the charts on this one
Triggered roastie morons.
>Beer is slightly bitter.
Never been to germany, hue? Nearly every city has it's own beer. From flavoured water-taste to the sweet and creamy one. Also it's common to add thinks like banana juice to it in restaurants (Bananenweizen).
But that might explain why german roasties drink beer more often than not.
It's funny you trolls come in here and do all this "roastie" bashing. Go do it somewhere else, you know maybe somewhere that actually has females that this would anger.
Not even trolling right. You're just spouting memes with like minded idiots. Damn newfags.
Shut the fuck up, roastie.
Fuck off, roastie
>Proved my point immediately
Fuck off, roastie. You're only embarrassing yourself.
You don't even have a drivers license, kid, and you expect us to believe you're some kind of pussy expert?
Kek, this roastie thinks she's in good company.
>All these toasty roasties and white knights ITT
>all these underage virgin British Ameriboos
There's literally no women in here. It's trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.
There have been a few over the years. Probably fewer now that /pol/ and /r9k/ seem to be so well represented.
>replying to yourself
If by some you mean genetic female, then yeah. They are usually overweight, uggos, and or nerd girls. Not the typical kind of girl they are associating as "roasties".
Yep. Everyone who disagrees with your virgin terminology and life style is a roastie and the same person.
Fuck off, roastie.
The funny thing is, I'm a "roastie" myself, but your butthurt is quite amusing.
No you're not. You're a 7/10 at best. Probably lower since you actually desire roastie status.
>I'm a roastie
Nice try, fatty
>get's butthurt about people calling out roastie
>get's butthurt about roastie calling his butthurt out
Let me guess, you're one of the "good guys".
>this the busiest thread on Veeky Forums
Roasties sure are defensive
Nope. I'm chauvinist as fuck and believe women should be submissive to men like my wife is.
I just find beta virgin lifestyle memes cringy. Go back to r9k it's your containment board.
Since when does roastie mean 10/10? It's about flapps and whoring around, if anything it's having a cunt. Lurk some more.
>t. roastie in disguise
>my wife's submissive
>for example, she tells me what to cook and when it needs to be done for her and her bull, but she lets me choose my own maid outfits and buy all the ingredients by myself
>I'm chauvinist as fuck
I want you to enjoy this (You), last one I have for ya.
Oh God retards like you are even worse than roasties.
This board is mostly women. Roastieposters are also probably mostly women.
Can confirm.
t. Roastieposting roastie
Girls basically fucking do pee out of their vagina. Nobody really gives a shit where your urethra is because it's basically your fucking vagina.
C'mon, this is a food board during the dinner hours. We don't need an anatomical description of a filthy mold factory.
This is meme territory you dumb fuck, let us have our memes and un-PC jokes. If they scare you pic related
a Roastie is a dish of beef which is roasted in an oven. jews mainly.
>stock photo used on cover of risque glamour magazine from 1988.
do americans really eat this?
Women who drink beer are statistically more likely to have sex on the first date so in fact it's actually roasties who do drink beer.
Dah fook is a roastie?
german beer is ok at best but mostly sucks
This more than anything really. Only time I see girls drinking beer at the bar is when it's a super low-calorie variant. Ironically the sweet sugary vodka-based drinks they get instead are packed with as much if not more calories than beer but they either don't realize that, or they use the excuse "sugary drinks get me drunk faster"
I don't know if that true, but it does seem to be true of cigarette smokers.
Women according to /r9k/ beta faggots who can't see past their vaginas.
It's chads who just see a vagoina m8
Most women can't.
Shut the fuck up, roastie.
>Beer is low in alcohol content.
Not when I chug two 4 packs of 90 minute IPA from Dogfish Head. 9% bitch.
You sound like an unbelievably huge faggot.
Max cringe
>tfw missed out on banging college roasties because my dumbass wanted an actual relationship
Nice blog, normie faggot.
Mostly we have pilsner here (mass market stuff). But had some other lagers.
>something blatantly or subtly non /r9k/
>a mostly sensible comment
>says the roastie hurrdurr!
>troll post
Seriously, roastie posters are worse than ja/ck/posters
One time I was fingering a woman and I stuck my finger up her urethra instead. We all got a nice chuckle from that one, lemmie tell ya.
>that just sounds so ridiculous, it can't be true
>look up director