How much murder have you committed today

Daily reminder no one gave you the right to murder animals for no reason other than taste preference

the fact that its a doggy dog world gives me the right. Humans are the alpha omega of life on earth so we gave ourselves the right.

Animals and their rights do not matter to me because they do not have the capacity to care about mine.

Daily reminder that i've never needed anyone's permission.

>no one gave you the right to murder animals

its the gift i gave to myself

Rather than argue morals how about semantics? Not humans, not murder.

>How much murder have you committed today
Not enough.

Daily reminder that arguing about animal rights is as pointless as arguing about death penalties and abortions. If your moral compass tells you that animals should have the same rights as people, you will never be satisfied with any argument that anyone offers that's contrary to your views. Similarly, people who don't believe that animals should have the same rights as people will never be swayed by your argument because they see animals in fundamentally different light than you do.

So fuck off, I guess.

It's not murder if I didn't slaughter it myself.

We're a species with binocular vision instead of monocular. We learned how to sweat by chasing down prey until they exhaust themselves to death. We have canine teeth, which are used to rip and tear into soft things instead of having nothing but molars which grind hardy greens and vegetation. Evolution and mother nature have given us the right to other animals.

CAI, I think.

Not enough. Thanks for reminding me that I'm still hungry.

what the fuck is that white shit??

Pork shoulder.
Two eggs.
And I literally raped a cow to get some milk for my afternoon tea.

I will do it all again tomorrow.

Pus from an abscess.

fuck off mede

Cows get abscesses, tumors, and infections as well. You probably have a pus filled cavity in your body RIGHT NOW

1 chicken and 1 blue cheese

so far no animal has ever complained

>I need a man's permission to do anything.

Eat shit, baitposter.
Now go make a anti-gun post on /k/, a vegan post on Veeky Forums, or whatever it is you actual faggots do with your spare time.

>How much murder have you committed today
not enough

I'm pretty sure my position on the food chain gave me the right to slaughter all those lesser beings

you're gonna eat pork shoulder two days in a row? disgusting, get some variety in ya life

>Daily reminder no one gave you the right to murder animals for no reason other than taste preference
umm sweatie, ever heard of god?

>Daily reminder no one gave you the right to murder animals for no reason other than taste preference
You're right, it's innate.

Why do carnists make these threads? Is it just to jerk themselves off with all the shitty excuses people use to eat meat?
Just say you eat it because it tastes good, guys. There's literally no other reason.

Might is right

I didn't shoot anything today, however it's not hunting's another 4 months before I can get out and bag me some meat...Turkey, then deer and bear...
The pepperonis Ima make with my haul...glorious...

Daily reminder that might makes right.

I was going to have a salad for dinner but now that you made this thread I'll be making burgers.

Dog eat dog.

Beaver toungue, brain, eyes.
Goose wing.

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Thread is bait or some shit but I still kinda don't get the whole meat is murder thing when really all eating involves the exchange/passing of life.
Many plants have been proven to show signs they understand when they are being hurt and some try and warn their plant friends; so it's not like anyone who eats holds a high ground.
The only way to be truly murder free is to die.