What's up with their marketing strategies? Why do they pander to blacks and minorities so much?

What's up with their marketing strategies? Why do they pander to blacks and minorities so much?

The poor buy more easy to eat food because they literally aren't smart enough to cook. Part of being poor is that you spend most of your time trying not to be poor rather than trying to learn. It's like in one of those survival videogames where you try to amass resources to survive but you live in a shitty bungalow half buried in the dirt.

This for the most part
There are studies that being poor limits your long term thinking and makes you more impulsive and that includes purchasing and eating habits

Also McDonald's has become a pretty big class demarcator. It's considered trashy and a huge chunk of white people wont eat there unless if they have to

Also I imagine high volume franchises like that only work with a decent enough population and America's densest areas are usually black

>it's another black person drinking mcdonalds coffee episode

>Poor people food
>Why do they market to poor people

Idiot. Hell in places like California or Arizona they advertise strictly in Spanish.

Nigga you dumb, they're poor BECAUSE of a pack of long term thinking and impulsive habits

Lack, not pack.

>why does one of the cheapest food chains in existence market to low income people
I fucking wonder

If they really pandered to blacks they'd stock grape soda and watermelon.

>I was born into the middle class to parents with good jobs and I definitely am a product of my own intellect and long term thinking


Do black people drink coffee regularly?

That's just something weird I've never see often. Like maybe Starbucks but I can't imagine a black person drinking coffee for some reason.

>implying this is a class issue
>implying it's not personal finance
>implying it isn't cheaper to cook

Coffee is for people who have work to do user.

Some do. When I worked at a gas station in Ohio a black manager made his own cup of coffee using three times the amount of beans as normal. Then he would dump about 6 packs of sugar in it. 1 time I said, "man you use a lot of sugar".
He looked at me and went, " shit nigga I seen you drink soda, y'all don't think that's full of sugar? Nigga you crazy". Also I'm white, but black guys at places I work have always called me nigga.

>in arizona
no they don't, you faggot
T. I live here

>The whole state is where you live

They do too you dumb bitch. I lived there also. Go closer to the border.

They probably already have the flyover white trash demographic locked up

>More McDonald's in Jew York than any other city
>Hehe flyover

They lost the middle class by becoming the symbol of unhealthy eating. The poor aren't as fixated on the idea of healthy eating, so they became the target customers. That become self-reinforcing, because even those middle class folks who don't give a shit about healthy eating don't want to go to a restaurant full of poor people.

>t. Mad flyover

>duuuude the densest metropolitan area has the most fast food

Not the same guy but,
>at the border of mexico signs are in Spanish!

I wonder if in China the menus are in French.

Then it's self explanatory isn't it dipshit? So like him you should of just remained silent.

>Gets corrected he's retarded
>Amps up retard factor

>I live an hour from it
you want to fight me [spoiler]or fuck me[/spoiler]

>Mcd's drive thru
>I'll have a cheese burger
>we don't have cheeseburgers, sir
>you don't have cheese burgers?
>we don't have cheese burgers

I left and never went back

>le insulted flyover defense force man
Just because jew york has a lot if mcdonalds doesnt mean they dont have the flyover demographic locked up already.

They got NY locked up like a mother fucker. Didn't know your city had so much white trash. Thought you were sophisticated?

Im not from new york. And youre absolutely right. Doesnt mean im wrong.

Spoilers don't work on Veeky Forums, newfriend

[spoiler]I'd fuck you though.[/spoiler]

All these idiots think McD is worried about making money. Wrong, they are made men. McD is simply pushing propaganda at this point
>inb4 le tinfoil

>look mom I said flyover again!

Are all of your pussies constantly getting hurt by these words? Good lord. So sensitive

i thought coffee was only for closers

McDonald's is ok here.
It's just pricey enough to keep the scum away (they invariably eat at KFC).

White people abandoned McDonalds [spoiler]for wendy's[/spoiler] when they saw super sized me

All these spoiler here today. Must be summer.

Thank you capitalism!

It seems like they try to pander to middle class whites but end up attracting the ghetto because their food is so poor.

One McDonalds near me is run entirely by blacks with one disheveled fat white manager who needs a shower. The food and service is always awful.

Maybe they think they're poor.

Poor people eat beefburgers.

It's because you're a fucking nigga, you dumbass white motherfucker. Just because the color of your skin mark you white, don't mean you wasn't working in a goddamn gas station with the rest of us monkeys. Come down to our level, we treat you like you treat us. How's that for fair, white?

>Why do they pander to blacks and minorities so much?

Gee... I wonder why Fast Food companies pander to Niggers more than anybody else?

> Niggers are only obese cuz they are poor meme


According to the 2015 study by the CDC, African Americans actually become more obese and have more cases of diabetes and heart disease when they make more money.

let that sink in for a bit...

>Gee... I wonder why Fast Food companies pander to Niggers more than anybody else?

T H I C C = Sexy to blacks

In Nigger Culture, there is no such thing as "Obese."

What's the propaganda?

It was a college job bruv. But I feel you dawg, good lookin' out.

>T H I C C = Sexy to blacks
>In Nigger Culture, there is no such thing as "Obese."











Coffee is the thinking man's drink.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

I bet that was fun to write. Could have been blacker though.

Derp. That was ment for

Completely wrong.
Lurk moar.

If they pander to poor people what's up with their overpriced sandwich menu items, who are they selling those to?

>T H I C C = Sexy to blacks
>In Nigger Culture, there is no such thing as "Obese."


>what's up with their overpriced sandwich menu items, who are they selling those to?

Fuck you racist white boy. What? A nigga can't afford a fucking combo meal at mcdonalds?


>notes: * indicates statistically significant trend. Persons of other races and ethnicities included in totals.

LMAO! So, completely meaningless and not even representative of the category, "black." That's why you have to read the fine print, kiddies.

Pandering to poor people is the long term strategy of every brand.
>step 1: come up with new ideas. Sell it for high price to rich people. Rich people will buy it because poor people can't have it.
>step 2: improve supply chain efficiency. Sell to middle class
>step 3: slash product quality and find celebrities to shill
Once your brand is poofag tier you just have to establish a new brand and repeat the cycle.

>T H I C C = Sexy to blacks
>In Nigger Culture, there is no such thing as "Obese."

Black Obesity culture is infesting the rest of the world, not just you 'mericans.