Whenever I try to make rice, I end up with what can only be described as rice puree.
What am I doing wrong?
Whenever I try to make rice, I end up with what can only be described as rice puree.
What am I doing wrong?
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Rinse the rice in cold water
Boil 1 1/2 cups of water, put in 3/4th cup of rice in the water. Turn the heat down to low and let it simmer covered for 20 minutes
To add to this, rinse it multiple times until the water doesn't get cloudy anymore. You don't have to do it until it's absolutely clear, but you might have to rinse 4-5 times for some kinds of rice.
if the water you're using is more than fingernail depth from the rice, it's too much
also don't touch the rice until it's cooked completely
>don't touch the rice until it's cooked
This, stop fucking with it and it'll come out much better
>if the water you're using is more than fingernail depth from the rice, it's too much
whelp, there was my problem
>have short, bitten nails
>the water isn't even over the rice
>have whore nails
>rice porridge
1 part rice to 2 parts water it's not that hard.
Also after it cooks let it sit and covered for at least 5 minutes.
Guidelines are usually directed at Normie's not degenerate drug addicts
Too much water. Just go buy a bag of jasmine rice from costco and a 20-40$ rice cooker and follow the directions. Steamed rice comes out better than boiled rice every time.
Also fuck rinsing the rice before hand. Never bothered with it, never had any problems.
usually better quality rice doesn't need rinsing at all. I buy the cheapest white rice I can find in Lidl and the stuff always ends up as a pot of rice gunk no matter how many times I rinse it. I have to pour a kettle of boiling water over it in a collander after I cook it to remove all the white starchy shite. But the one time I bought some decent quality basmati I didn't have that problem at all.
Can't go wrong with the 25lb bag with the elephant on it. Takes my family a year to go through it, but always comes out perfect.
I'm sorry the guidelines aren't directed at your mother.
we go through a fair bit of rice for a household of 3 but I just can't justify having a bag of rice that size in my tiny house. it's cheap enough as it is
Dont trust the fingernail thing , just always remember its a two to one ratio so, one cup of rice needs 2 cups of water.
What? I'll have you know my mother is a wonderful person
I almost bougtht that the other day but I kept thinking "where am I going to put all this rice"
You aren't adjusting your water / cooking time ratio's to match the pot you're using.
Stick with the same pot every time. Use the same ratio every time. Adjust your boil and simmer time to either increase or decrease the consistency.
Try this:
1 part rice
1.5 parts water
Boil for 8 minutes
Simmer on lowest setting for 10 minutes
Check to see if it's done. Too wet, let it simmer for another 5-10 minutes to steam off the excess. Too dry, decrease your simmer time.
Eventually, you'll find the sweet spot.
>not sauteing your rice before boiling it
Just get a rice cooker. They are made for retards like you who can only barely follow instructions.
Yeah you fucking idiots can't do anything. At least you idiots can be offered the chance to learn.
Get a rice cooker because you're too stupid to breathe.
2to1 eater to rice, bring rice to a boil for 3-4 mins then cover and simmer for 20. I add a little olive oil so the rice doesnt burn on the bottom when its done.
>whelp, there was my problem
No. The ratio for liquid to rice is always 2:1. The depth of water above the rice is dependent on the shape of the pot and the amount of rice being cooked. Repeat after me: 2 parts liquid to 1 part water.
Also, a cheap rice cooker makes better rice than on a stovetop. If you want rice like at a Chinese / Japanese restaurant, buy jasmine rice.
2 cups water in a medium sauce pan
Set burner to high
Add tablespoon of butter and a little salt
Add 1 cup rice and stir
Bring it back to a boil
Cover and turn burner down to the lowest setting
Leave it alone for 20 minutes
>ratio always 2:1
No. It's a good starting point, but if you're making a very large or small amount of rice, then that isn't perfect. You're gonna have soggy rice if you go 2:1 with 4 cups of rice, because you're still losing the same amount of water to evaporation as when you cook 1 cup of rice. Brown rice needs a much longer cooking time than white rice, so you're gonna need more water for that, unless you sous vide your rice like some kind of autist.
What is fucking wrong with you? How can you enjoy soggy disgusting shit you degenerate?
Even plebbit got it figured out long time ago. (Pic related) but now I usually go with visual measurement and it's fine.
Also wash your rice and soak it for an hour or few (depending on its type).
Just buy a rice cooker. It's worth getting a nice one if you cook rice often. Mine is used at least once a week.
Spotted the brown person
Water should be width of two fingers above rice.
You're talking out your butt. The ratio is completely dependent on the type of rice
Used to be fine with eyeballing rice and cooking it perfectly when I lived with my mum. Ever since I moved out I've just sucked dick at it though. It could very well be that I don't have a gas stove anymore. God I miss that.
Cooking is learning, man. It's okay. By some Uncle Ben's or something...
Follow the directions exactly. Get used to adjusting heat and stirring...and all that. The mechanics.
You'll probably fuck up, but that's normal. After a while, you'll get the hang of it.
Once you do, you can play with the directions and get rico suave on a motherfucker...
Like anything else....just keep trying! Persistence pays off in the kitchen.
Just fuck with it a little and find what works. Personally I cook it higher temp than is suggested and lift the lid a couple times and it comes out nice.
Wash the rice 3+ times in cold water. Then add the washed rice to a pot with 1.25-2 cups of water (depending on type of rice being used) or chicken broth. Let this sit for 5-10 minutes.
Bring the rice to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer, cover the pot, and let it sit for 20 minutes or until done. You can stir the rice just after it boils, and at most ONE time while it simmers. Otherwise do not bother it, or you risk it turning into slop.
Finally, fluff the rice with a fork, and serve.
Why are you faggots flat out saying 2:1 ratio? That's false since every rice is not the same. I make my Jasmine 1.1:1 water to rice. 2:1 and I should have just made mashed potatoes.
If you can't give any more info, then don't even bother posting in the first place
That's some low time preference right there.
Not doing that shit on a weeknight.
The longer you soak the rice the less they grow and the lesser the need to boil. So you end up with lesser starchy water.
Lol the final product looks horribly clumped up. This is what basmati should look like.
so yer making congee instead hmmm
I remember a couple of threads back someone mentioned cooking rice like pasta
I.e. Keep it boiling in enough water to cover it then strain it in a colander
Does anyone do this? does it really work?
Yes, that method does work. In fact, it's the preferred method for certain kinds of rice.
I use it for Carolina Gold. All other kinds of rice I just do the normal way in a pot or rice cooker though.
Awwright, I'll gibs dat a try. Holla back
Step 1 : get a rice cooker. That shit is good .
Step 2 : wash your rice 3-4 times .
Step 3: For x amount of rice take 2x amount of water
Step 4 (extra) : toast some spices like star anise , clover, cumin seeds, cardamom, mace , bay leaves etc
And put them in the rice cooker with your rice and water . Comes out nice and aromatic .
no it comes out dry and flakey.
Buy a fucking rice cooker.
Rinse your rice multiple times until the water is no longer cloudy.
2:1 water to rice ratio.
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil with 1/2 tsp salt and a TSP of butter.
Add 1 cup rice and boil for one minute.
Wrap pot lid with hand towel and cover pot to create a firm seal.
Reduce heat to low.
Allow to simmer on low for 20 minutes.
Remove from heat and allow to sit for a minimum of 5 minutes before removing lid. (10 minutes preferred).
Fluff rice with fork gently and serve immediately.
2 parts liquid to 1 parts water.
Drink up.
Alright Veeky Forums, it sounds like a lot of you use rice cookers and you've convinced me to try it. Google tells me that cookers can cost anywhere from $15 to $599, some digital, and all different sizes. So what kind do you use?
What brand?
What cup size?
Digital or no?
How much did you pay for it?
Would you recommend it to others?
Zojirushi's NS-WRC10 5.5 cup is pretty good if you cook a lot of rice. Costs maybe 80 dollars on Amazon.
Buy a rice cooker.
>What brand?
Zoojirushi is the best. Tiger and Panasonic are solid mid-tier. You don't want anything else.
>What cup size?
I've owned various ones over the years. Unless you are cooking for a huge family then go with a smaller size. Heck even 2 cups is a fuckload of rice. And the larger models often don't work well when cooking small amounts of rice.
>Digital or no?
I've owned both. Digital is nice, but it's more expensive.
>How much did you pay for it?
>Would you recommend it to others?
I have pic related. I pad about $50 for it, it's a great, standard, model. is also a great choice.
Avoid anything which has a lift-off lid like a normal pot does. You want one with a hinged locking lid that seals with a gasket.
People who can, do. People who can't, buy rice cookers.
Get one that is comfortable for your budget, and that has a locking lid. You don't want a cheap sitting lid, but you also don't need to drop $600 so you can have HAL 9000 make you decent rice.
Enjoy your arsenic.
I bought mine at a thrift store for $5 and it works perfectly