Brits really this shit?
Brits really this shit?
I see no problem. Can't imagine they eat this every meal. Why are you so mad?
t. burger
No, that lack of creativity, plus extreme overdose of carbs and days is obviously and American invention
Only Americans would eat beans candied in sugar, then proceeded to call is a delicious savory side dish. The reason why so many Americans are far and have horrible acne is due to all of their foods Being soaked in sugar, deep fried, then served with a liquidised candy soda, and a side of some kind of overcooked under seasoned veritable
Americans are too stupid to realize the lack of quality in food, and simply enjoy eating sugar beans on processed chemical bread, and brag about it as if it has any form of quality of sustenance
Truth is Americans are just too stupid and brainwashed, and when the uncommon fatty realizes this, they blame everybody but themselves, hence OP blaming the grand British culture for such American invented atrocities
Fuck Americans
Two words. Chip butty.
Not enough corn syrup for you, septic? Your sandwich bread tastes as sweet as our cake.
>beans on toast is gross
>proceed to dump canned spaghetti on toast
>tastes like freedom
Truly the height of Western culture
Really what?
The worst part is that for Americans those beans don't even taste like you would expect. British baked beans are in a flavorless tomato sauce akin to wet ketchup or spaghetti-o sauce and tastes really strange with the beans.
That sound just as bad as Americans baked beans
Your Mums knickers
yeah but you have that awesome breakfast with all the food groups
Not thay bad from experience, granted i'd only eat it if i were stoned or had nothing else. Was on the beach last month with a buddy, we planned on swimming for a bit so we brought sausages, bread, mustard and a can of beans. Always wondered about so I grilled some bread and tried it. The crunch and flavor of toasted bread with the sweetness of the beans wasn't bad.
British beans and toast aren't sweet, septic.
Ahh, I've never tried british beans. Boston baked is where it's at. Molasses or bust fagbrits.
I'm pretty sure making sweeter bread is common in most places, not for eating with everything but like for breakfast or something. There are some breads with more sugar but I can also easily find bread with little to no sugar too. My local stores have at least 20 different kinds of breads, some sweet and some not. We have choices in America :)
>I'm pretty sure making sweeter bread is common in most places
It's not unless you are setting out to make a dessert bread. The typical supermarket bread in America would be considered a confection basically everywhere else in the world outside of possibly Japan.
No it's not sweetie
Most places will have a slice of bread (without sugar, FYI) and some coffee (real coffee not your watered down shitty mud water) and that's usually it unless it's a holiday.
Those places don't engorge themselves in dessert 24/7 for every meal because they understand the importance of not eating like an American or cow
Also normal non Americans can actually taste complex flavors and textures, unlike Americans who's taste buds are practically fried
this is the poor american version on a folded up flour tortilla with tapatio, served cold.
>Most places will have a slice of bread (without sugar, FYI
>dutch people put chocolate on their toast for breakfast
>english people campaigned to not have to reduce the amount of sugar in their jams
Yes, not overly often of course, its the sort of thing you eat when you cant really be asked/ are tired or maybe even poor.
Its pretty nice, our beans are nothing like yank beans. Should try it.
i dont care for baked beans but i like red beans on toast