Where the fuck can I buy these? I would eat this every god damn day in elementary school but the only website I can find selling them is $120 for like 200 of them and I'm not that fat
Where the fuck can I buy these? I would eat this every god damn day in elementary school but the only website I can find selling them is $120 for like 200 of them and I'm not that fat
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Holy shit, I remember those. Totally worth the extreme guilt if they were nice and hot.
makem yourself its just bread cheese and im assuming some garlic
@person above me )idk how to use Veeky Forums lmao) no I need this exact product there's nothing in the world that tasted like these they're that good. Fuck off
Hello newfriemd. You can either click on the post number to reply or add >> followed by the post number to quote.
Also donot be rude, this is nice board filled with gentle people.
>telling user to cook
>on Veeky Forums
You must be lost
they put mind control chems in these school lunches numbnuts enjoy being a sedated test rat
I found perhaps an off brand of them, holy shit. Now I just need to track them down someplace, maybe a dollar store coz they look nasty.
Don't know about you OP, but i'd pay the $120 and keep the rest in my fridge or even sell them if i had no space.
I'm very glad to see there are still polite people in this world. (especially 4-chan)
Couldn't help replying to your post even if it had nothing to do with the thread . It just made me happy.
have you tried bosco sticks? made by tyson. looks like they got all kinds to choose from. I tried them once from a crappy grocery in my area and they were pretty good, but I never had your pic related at my school.
Where the fuck are they? I'd pay $2000 dollars for 5 of them. One time I let a kid cut me in line and he took the last one of them; I never showed another person kindness for the rest of my life. If I knew better I would have strangled him. I'd punch a fucking 3rd grader in the face to steal these if I saw one with them.
Funny enough, almost all places seem to get their food items from a single source: Reinhart.
McDonalds, Dairy Queen, and yes, even your local school all get their food shipments from Reinhart... (May be a bit biased, for where I live the places get their shit from Reinhart)... I actually know a guy who could sell me upwards of 50 Dairy Queen dillybars in a giant box... and the total cost... at most $40, probably not even that... they are dirt cheap, and the price my local DQ sells them at... let's just say the upcharge is like $3-4... Fuck that. Just find a worker at Reinhart willing to sell you them for dirt cheap... It's the same product, but worth a lot less... Also, I am sure they could get some of those cheese sticks if you asked them to....
So let's make Reinhart the new drug dealer!
If you're going to deepthroat his cock like that can you do it in private so I don't have to watch?
Actually, bosco sticks were the exact brand my school served.
there's no need to pretend
this is a horrible place full of dull, infirm, and rude persons.
I remember these
They were fucking disgusting
>standing in line at the a la carte to nab a few of these babies
>the black kids always cut in front of the line and grab ALL of them at once
>there's nothing but chips and tuna swirls left when I get up to the front
Be the change you want to see, user. For every rude post you see, make two nice posts. Exponential nice growth.
Oh (you)
Eat shit and go fuck yourself faggot
these sucked fucking dick oh my god your life must have sucked
literally get some bread and put a mozarella cheese stick in it, you fucking caveman
or order a stuffed crust pizza
>One time I let a kid cut me in line and he took the last one of them; I never showed another person kindness for the rest of my life.
these were amazing. bosco sticks a shit.
At my school these things, along with all the other good stuff, were sold in the cash only lines. No niggers to deal with because none of them ever had any cash.
reddit is down the hall and on the left you fucking autistic niggerfaggot