Why are pickled beets so good bros? Is the amazing flavor something Europeans will never understand?
*be's tasty at you*
>he somehow enjoys being flyover scum
Oh L O L
i'm pretty sure pickled beets were invented in europe bro
and by bro i mean never my bro
In a thread last night it was decided that everywhere in Cali constituted flyover land, and only dirty Cali niggers felt differently. Please delete your post.
>he's never enjoyed a pickled beet
>he doesn't enjoyed pickled things
>he doesn't like country food
I'm a vegan and I'll admit that I get weird cravings for pickled eggs and scrapple that nothing else can really ignite
I thought those were rats in the background
>I'm a vegan and I'll admit that I get weird cravings for pickled eggs and scrapple that nothing else can really ignite
Stopped reading there
that was the end of his post you mongloid
fucking lel
>I'm a vegan
Stopped reading there
Nobody cares you're a vegan, stop indulging your stupid shallow narcissistic eating habits in threads that have literally nothing to do with veganism, on a fucking anonymous image board. Nobody gives a fuck, nobody asked, and nobody wants to hear about your special condition.
You're just as bad as women who start of a statement with "I'm a women" to get attention. It ads nothing to your already uninteresting post.
they're nature's candy, you know
lmao triggd
>I'm a vegan but I eat eggs
Why did u even add that
I'm not a vegan but I was tempted to pretend just to troll you, this kind of post is just begging for it
this. getting tired of all the vegan bullshit on this board.
They're the secret to authentic red velvet cake
I fucking love beets. Something about that subtle, earthy flavor gets me.
I'm pretty sure though eastern euros do a lot of beets. Russia's most famous dish internationally, borscht, is a beet stew.
is the flavor umami? still don't know what that is
Yes, beets are considered umami.
beets are a fucking vegetable, retard
>Is the amazing flavor something Europeans will never understand?
Umami is a flavor profile you uncultured swine. It's not exclusive to any type of food product.
I think the term umami is gay as fuck, but guess what beets qualify as "umami". Faggot fuck.
But beets don't qualify as umami.