Is there any way to save these hash browns? I think I fucked up
Is there any way to save these hash browns? I think I fucked up
Deglaze your potatoes, it will get all the black bits off of them. I recommend kool-aid for your cooking liquid
No now get out and dont be a retard. If you want them extra crispy just cook longer at lower heat.
I see you fucked up though, you need to rotate the image 180 degrees and you should be golden.
masao pls
I went to take a quick shit and came back out and they were like this
You seem fun
Thanks. :)
More like hash blacks. I'll see myself out.
Why did this get me...
You're not OP faggot
I know, they nerfed me in the last update. :^)
Shut the fuck up faggot get off my thread you're not funny
More like harsh blacks. I'll let myself in.
Eyyy... calm down, man.
No shut up you tripfag stop pretending to be me
This fag goes around Veeky Forums redditposting constantly. I think he's baiting.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about also?
Annoying the hell out of me
Dude you're not funny that's what were talking about
Oh I see, I'm being trolled. You got me, guys. I bet you spent a whole hour rehearsing your routine on discord before you came on here to pull a fast one over on some unsuspecting soul.
Fuck me, right? Silly tripfag.
You can stop anytime.
Lol what the hell are you talking about? Tripfags gonna tripfag
Oh no
This guy can't even trip fag right. go back to redd it plz
I can't.
Consider killing yourself then
We're all killing ourselves.
Le bazinga xD
I wasn't being facetious.
cut your own thoat
I don't have one. You're mistaking me for Odin.
Did you just find out what Odin is along with Veeky Forums today? For the love of god go back to fucking reddito or where ever the hell you came from
>being unfunny and wrong at the same time
Osiris(tripfag), people on here don't take kindly to tripfags coming in and trying to claim other people's posts as their own. You're not funny. You're tripfagging wrong, and you sound like you need a mental health examination.
Why don't you go and eat some ass?
either he's constantly here or he just came from reddit. pick one and stick to it
>>being unfunny and wrong at the same time
That's a perfect description of frogposts, thank you!
use the carbon to filter your water
why don't you remove your trip and fuckoff
unfunny special snowflake piece of garbage
Then how would you filter me? I'm providing a public service here. Don't ruin it for everyone because you can't contain your impotent rage.
my abuse is dispassionate
your posts are abhorrent
>yet my salty tears
>flow forth like a torrent
You forgot the second half of your stanza so I finished it for you, old bean.
Learn to read
OP is mad because you came in and tried to claim his post for your own. You tripfags are all the same
You must have me quite confused with someone else.
Definitely not. I can read unlike you. Your very first post on here was attempting to claim it under your own name and now you're trying to cover it up by being an unfunny faggot
What service is that exactly? Being an example of everything we hate here?
I am genuinely confounded by your inability to face reality.
Yeah that's why everyone on here ganged up on you and your shitty reddit-tier sense of humor.
what did you mean by postig "thanks:)" to the bump comment earlier then? Please, elaborate
Osiris really making that name for himself as le ebic reddit troll huh
What is happening...
Did I accidentally post in a special needs thread? I thought the retarded OP post was someone's attempt at a joke but in retrospect I realize I may have miscalculated.
I eagerly await your swift rejoinder.
No we just want you to explain your "thanks :)" comment. Please. We all want to know what tripfag could have meant by this.
It was his shitty attempt at trying to claim the OP as his own
You guys sure are some jolly japers.
shutup you fucking special snowflake retard your posts are bad and you sound like you barely have a grasp on the English language. has it not become completely apparent to you that no one here likes you?
>special snowflake
Thanks :)
you only fucked up if you dont eat them. now eat them and remember how little you want to fuck up again
Yeah, this.
Leave. Leave Veeky Forums forever and kill yourself no one likes you
How to filter tripfags, since I figured it would interest people here:
1. Click Settings (bottom/top of page)
2. Click Filters & Post Hiding
3. Toggle and Edit "Filter and highlight specific threads/posts"
4. Toggle "On", "Auto", and "Hide". Leave "Boards" empty. Then enter a pattern:
For namefags, like Killy for example, add this (as type "Name"):
For tripfags utilizing ordinary tripcodes, like Eliza !METS.GNIWQ for example, add this (as type "Tripcode"):
For tripfags utilizing secure tripcodes, like STHLM !!6Gk3cvqPqbL for example, add this (as type "Tripcode"):
You can also filter tripfags on a name-basis. This will allow your filter to persist even though they switch username passwords.
5. Click "Save" and "Save Settings".
Only stubs will be left of comments made by these users.
Now that's just not true.
I already suggested it. He seemed resistant to the idea for some reason.
Your posts from a few minutes ago on other threads here are atrocious. Go drink your own shit
Lame attempt at an insult considering we're on a cooking board.
I hope you will do better in the future.
Fuck my ass is so loose
Does anyone know if coconut cooking spray makes a good anal lube? My boyfriend is extremely dominant and won't allow lube in the house. My ass is so loose and chapped. Looking for alternatives
Just adding to this, if you use too low of a heat they will just absorb the oil and go soggy
>that scratched to hell non-stick pan
The kitchen is not for you.