British """"""""""""""""cuisine""""""""""""""""
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>Americans eat this?
Ah fuck off chump.
VAfag here. I'd give it a whirl.
It even sounds gross. Chip butty sounds like a form of bodily discharge.
seriously this is shit is something that a hungry 6 year old comes up with the day after the family has gone to a burger joint. The fact that this is a mainstream dish astounds me.
Very Autistic fag? Are you proud of that? Surely you don't mean you're from flyover Virginia, Trump supporter.
Ever had a crispy samosa in buttered bread. Tastes pretty good. Never had a chip butty but I imagine it's similar albeit definitely worse.
>mainstream dish
Is this what you really think? Like, honestly believe? No fooling?
If so, I pity you. Chip butty is literally what you do when you've a bag a freshly cooked chips and you want to finish off the straglers at the end of the bag, no one actually plans this out as a main fucking dish.
Virginia went blue dipshit.
Also that's probably the weakestimate insult I've seen on this site.
I am a phone fag though, so you got me on that one.
>when you've a bag a freshly cooked chips and you want to finish off the straglers at the end of the bag
If they're freshly cooked, how about just fucking eating them? If you're still hungry you can make a proper fucking sandwich with the bread.
this tbqh, it's a semi-jokey thing people do when the opportunity presents itself, that happens to taste pretty good.
Never in my life have I heard of somebody expressly making/ordering a chip butty.
>Is this what you really think? Like, honestly believe? No fooling?
>If so, I pity you. Chip butty is literally what you do when you've a bag a freshly cooked chips and you want to finish off the straglers at the end of the bag, no one actually plans this out as a main fucking dish.
HAHAHAHA yet Gordon Ramsay literally made a YouTube video explaining how to make one.
>Never in my life have I heard of somebody expressly making/ordering a chip butty.
He also made a video on how to dice an onion. Are you saying that dicing a single onion is a main dish?
did he eat the onion as a meal at the end?
I live in Scotland and have never had a chip butty nor seen anyone eat one. You can get them in chippies but I think it's just a novelty item ya know for like tourists, like the deep fried mars bar.
is that guy a professional chef? is there a name for his concoction? does it have a cute know name like "the dewrito blendy"?
You 'avin a giggle mate? The chip butty is the height of the food experience :^)
you're a fucking moron
>this cringeworthy damage control
Top kek. You fucking Nigel Britblobs are so god damn pathetic.
The Chimichanga is the hight of culinary Nirvana
Why is it covered in plastic wrap?
Oh.. that's just the """"cheese""""
>chip butty
I've heard it called The Queen's Fried Knobblers Betwixt Two Floppsee-dos but never a chip butty. Must be a regional difference.
It's poor people food. Same as fish finger sandwiches, beans on toast, etc. A chip butty is what you used to have when you wanted something fast, warm, and filling but didn't have much money. Back when I was a nipper it was 50p for a big bap and a cone's worth of chips, and even if you didn't want to eat a sandwich with chips in them you could always eat the chips first and then the bread after the oil from the chips has soaked into the butter.
Crisps sandwiches are what children used to make, or what poor parents would make for children, and they didn't even taste that bad. If you're in poverty, turning a cheap snack into a cheap meal makes perfect sense. I don't know why you think it's so funny compared to the food poor Americans eat, I imagine you can find much worse just by stepping in a walmart and going to the tinned section.
>pick the worst possible image of a food from Mexico that invaded the U.S. through Arizona
checkmate, you fat American fucks!
> Ketchup is a vegetable
> Pizza is a vegetable
> Fill everything with HFCS
> Mild everything because we can't handle spice
> We have no identity, so we shit on other people's!
> And all over the floors.
American 'cuisine'.
pls no bully
> Mild everything because we can't handle spice
>no one actually plans this out as a main fucking dish
generally this, but GR did a ponsy version so i guess if you felt like one you could make it especially for that occasion. most people just go to the chippy tho. i usually prefer homemade chips.
I really don't get why this bothers people so much.
can americans not afford meat or what?
>t.buttmad autistic Nigel's
Oh I'm laffin
Nice try, but it is yank food, reverse search it.
No Brit would refer to a pregnant woman as "mom".
That isn't the union jack faggot
>americans get this triggered about chips and bread
i am laffin lads.
Your toasts sandwich is burning
na mate am eatin it right now
i'm scottish and ate this a few days ago, so don't talk shit mate
Ah yes, the classic Chip Buddy, a staple of Anglo Cuisine
Considering that we invented the vindaloo?
Yeah, america is pussy.
>pls no bully
So stop making 'rag on britain' threads. If you can't handle the banter, get out of the fucking kitchen.
Unless you're a nigger, all Americans are the bastard, mongrel offspring of European colonists.
Now, let that sink in.....
>So stop making 'rag on britain' threads
No I'm British. But pls no bully. Our American cousins are sensitive and not so smart. But occasionally they make some good food, when they don't put too much HFCS or cheese on it.
Let's clear things up. Looks like that's fucking peanut butter in OPs pic, although you might have a crisp sandwich that is a fucking spacker move, no one would do that, do people even believe you? Also a crisp sandwich is not a particularly common thing like pretty much only a really cheap or lazy person might do something like this. It's somewhat a similar case with a chip butty; a cheap and simple way to make a portion of chips more filling and go further.. Some people do just generally enjoy these things(more so a chip butty) bit it would honestly be one in 15 to 20. Personally for me I would almost also throw in some of my crisps into a ham sandwich at work that had lettuce, tomato and other stuff in, the crunch is kind of a nice texture for a boring sandwich and it also makes your lunch quicker to eat.
It is not
>Hasn't had English mustard
>Chip Buddy
Yeah, washed down with goga gola and wader.
Ahh, the traditional British cum peas on toast; quite the hearty delicacy.
Thats a great depression meal, American.