White people don't season they food..
White people dont season they food
Why ruin the natural chicken flavor with spices and shit?
>tfw rich people tricked you into hating flavor
Hasn't the white race suffered enough?
I don´t like chiken, for em it tastes of hormones, like a fuck ton of them, so seasoning actually helps numb the pain of the fattened newborn bird in my tongue.
>He doesn't use spices
if it takes any more spices than that you shouldn't be eating it.
>indian spices were to hid the taste of rotting meat
Holy fuck that guy's ugly. What the fuck is it saying in the second sentence?
Sftu honkeys
enjoy you seasoned cancer fucboi
White people do season their food. Britbongs, flyover garbage, and canadians are overwhelmed by anything more complicated than black pepper.
The French can't figure out how to avoid total societal collapse every 80 years and hicks in the South can't stop fucking their sisters yet somehow they've both figured out spices while the boring garbage of the white hinterland can't figure this shit out.
>Wow Tyronedeesha this chicken is quite flavorful, what did you season it
>Some a dat hot cheetos, franks hot sauce and SIZURP what WHAT!
A palate so dull and flat you could use it as a runway.
Why is the dog eater trying to talk like a black person?
Hey check it out this losers never had Caribbean food.
It's a health food, it doesn't have to taste good. You have to make it taste good with fats, oils, sodium
reminder the top 100 chef list has even women in it but no niggers
Meanwhile Mexico has figured out the perfect balance of seasonings.
Really? Figured this guy might have made it, then again maybe he is just a TV chef.
Lost Most likely made by whites... White peoples pallets are inferior to blacks.. yall can't taste spices that's why yall dont season..
Top 100 is pretty small when you know what you're talking about
>health food
White people are so uncool. I'm going to make sure i have lots of cute mixed babies so my kids can have some #swagga lol
I still literally don't even know how you're supposed to eat this. Shake it up until you can use a spoon?
Garlic, onion, peppers, shallots, chives, cilantro, parsley, paprika, sage, thyme, basil, Rosemary, chives ETC all go great with chicken without adding fat, oil, or sodium.
Its like no one on this board actually cooks.
seems like scotland with their fried dumbass boxes or america with our bacon burgers, or those milkshakes with cake slices as garnishes
just pile as much shit as you can until you puke blood
how about we enjoy something for once
>Its like no one on this board actually cooks.
How's your first week here?
yes? it has those health assets, nutrients. for healthy people with balance and bullshit. minerals, vitamins, whatever, they make food taste bad. chicken tastes bad
>just pile as much shit as you can until you puke blood
Are you saying you don't like every flavor of all time all at once?
ive been away for a few years and this board has gotten just ever so slightly shittier but what else is new I guess
user, chiken as you know it is absolutely unhleatful, you see those salds with chiken for diets? they have more fat than a patty of mcdonalds, just because there is chiken. the poor birds are fatened within weeks of being born, decapitated and sold at your local supermarket, "healthy" chiken is a myth, also as you just said, it tastes horrible.
Are you the real life Spurdo? Fugg.
Dont be mean to him, the veganism has left him too weak to type
I´m drunk and english is not my antive language, sorry for the incoherent rambling.
I might be slightly retarded, but vegan is something I'm not, just no chiken in my plate.
You never experiment with cumin, smoked paprika (GOAT), fesh herbs, seasoning salts, tumeric, cloves, fennel seed, mustard seed, ground coriander? No other spices or seasoning at all?
Everything you cook must be incredibly bland.
What is that, it looks delicious.
i definitely took off on your mums pussy
That'd be real disappointing for you bro, my moms horrifying looking.
>I over season everything like a piece of shit so seasoning is bad
>what is subtlety?
all of these vids
>taijin in 5
>the point
>its over there
>you missed it
I don't mind using fresh herbs (like rosemary, thyme, sage, and basil), or certain spices like cumin and fennel seed. Hell, even some Cayenne pepper is fine, but using tons of chili peppers, and indiscriminately using shitloads of spices like Indian people or Southeast Asian people do is just overkilling it.
>pass user since 2012
Personally, I like to shove each individual hotwing into my urethra.
fuck you Dave, go reboot another star war
>indian spices were to hid the taste of rotting meat
no they weren't, and if you thought about the logic of this idea for more than a moment you'd realize this is incredibly stupid.
Rotting meat kills people, and everyone knows this, so it stands to reason that you'd want to be able to identify it *more* easily, not less. Secondly, before modern times it was highly costly to slaughter and produce most meat so if it was prepared it would probably be eaten nearly immediately. the reason spices are used is because they taste good and that's all there is to it. Why come up with an asinine explanation for something that has an obvious function?
You'd be surprised what it takes to actually kill you. Rotting meat may have been a hyperbole on my part, but "off" meat isnt. You season meat for it to not taste fucked up. It doesn't mean that the seasoning tastes bad; it just means that food way back in the day needed to be seasoned more so it didn't taste lethal.
Where'd this meme even come from? I figured it was typical shitposting on Veeky Forums but my old black coworker swears up and down we don't use spices.
It's an off shoot of the "soul food" meme. That southern black people make the most amazing and tastiest food ever, when it's really just trash leftover food seasoned to hell and back just so it doesn't like trash food.
>chicken is absolutely unhealthful
You absolute fucking mongoloid. Chicken is the BEST source of lean protein outside of Tuna and salmon. Salmon is expensive as fuck and if you ate tuna as much as you ate chicken (in terms of weight) you'd get mercury poisoning.
You're fucking stupid
t. Veeky Forums
everything black people cook tastes like old grease and lowrys.
>Be me
>family owns the largest chicken farm in the USA
>I used to smack them with sticks and stomp on them as a young boy
>in my teens my cousin showed me a funny trick
>He threw dog turds at the chickens
>Chickens ate the dog turds
>threw marbles, rocks, corn covered in hot sauce, gum balls, dried glue blobs, duct tape, and one even ate a pen cap that I dropped on the porch
> I stopped beating them after I was about 17 and my girlfriend cried after I fed one a roofing nail
>I still chuckle when I see them eating the goat droppings or when my siblings abuse them though
Such is life on a chicken farm. I don't even eat chicken anymore. We just turn those fuckers loose sometimes and use em for target practice though.
Chicken tendies are made of pink slime in the USA now.
>chicken tendies
That's not chicken you fuckball. Real chicken cut off the bone and butchered is what us adults are talking about.
Go back to asking mummy if you've made enough GBP to get some mountain dew with your tendies.
extra mayo sir?
if white people were so content with their bland cuisine the age of exploration wouldn't have happened
white people like spices, they just don't know how to do it themselves
Am I supposed to be impressed or shocked by this? That's fucking nothing.
Who the fuck are these white people that don't spice their food?
Is this a yankee thing?
Its catfish coubilllon. A cajun french fish or shellfish stew served over rice. Nicely spicy, very hearty. Its great with fresh greens on side the balance out the richness.
There are some meats or dishes that are meant to be enjoyed with few spices - steak for example. But its silly to approach all food with that sort of mindset. Oftentimes its not 'indiscriminate' use. Especially those cultural dishes that have been around and unchanged for decades like in Nipland. It limits the dishes and types of cuisine you could possibly enjoy if you turn up your nose to anything with more than salt and pepper and one extra spice.
blacks only like old bay and hot sauce
Yeah, white people don't season their food and niggers rob convenience stores. Do you have anything new to say?
why not eat chicken(
no shit. thats like one lobbyist's salary
There are some cuts of steak and fish that stand out on their own and don't need much to be delicious. Other meats and other cuts of steak however would be if cooked anything else but well done. Thus spices, marinades, sauces, rubs, and different methods of cooking help make these meats more palatable.
Most cooking institutions only recognize classical cooking, which is basically just french cooking. Even international chefs must have their international cuisine rooted in french technique to be recognized by institutions. It's easier for other European (or European influenced) cultures to do this since they are so closely tied to France, but for the rest of the world this entails a bias against their cuisine from any institute that would make a list like this.
Tldr: chef instutions are elitist as shit and biased
This but unironically
*Would be gross
Brown people can't afford food..
It's because when you have good beef, all you need to season it is salt and pepper. If you need more flavour or such, then use sauces, like mustard, horseradish, etc.
>Entire world recognizes French cuisine as the most complex and flavorful
>Use it to judge food as the gold standard
>"Nuh uh, muh African food is just as good you is racist"
*French people recognize French cuisine as the most complex and flavorful
I always love these low IQ /pol/ responses. Instead of proof of use of flavorings, including "seasoning", in white culture, they just spew nonsense like, "s-subhumans only u-use spices to cover up low quality f-food!! I saw someone post that, so it m-must be true!" or "sp-spices dumb! just taste the meat!"
First off the chicken tenders your mom serves you have spices in it. Second of all, you eat shit tier foster farms if at all, because your IQ is so low, don't pretend to claim any superiority, subhuman.
Why don't you work on real defenses and bring up French, italian, and Spanish culinary culture or something more?
We have herbs.
We have centuries-old folk songs about herbs.
Eat several dicks, OP.
>just pours what could only be Hawaiian Punch all over it
Every. Single. Time.
>paid $40 for this dank weed, how'd I do Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums - teens getting angry at twitter and facebook screenies
You sayin there no black French? you racist fucking honkey
m8 our ancestors were scavengers, you can eat carcasses and be fine with it, as long as you developed the intestinal flora to digest them.
>Entire world recognizes French cuisine as the most complex and flavorful
It makes sense under the miasma theory of disease. It's still bunk though, because as you say meat would be expensive, and habitually leaving expensive food to rot makes no sense.
Traditional Indian food uses more spices than European because India a lot more spices grow in that region.
I wish the apocalypse would hurry up
Peasant food
Poorer peasant food.
In Europe there are only two real culinary cultures, French and Austrian(though I do mean the whole habsburg Empire), everything else is just variants of peasant food and slightly altered deserts.
>these posts
Chicken is amazing. Ralph's chicken is not.
On the other hand, Ralph's chicken is not the only source of chicken in America. You can get smaller, more normal sized birds in the same supermarkets.
i find these threads utterly bewildering.
first there's people who see a roast chicken and cry 'bland' because there's no spices on it, which is retarded.
then there's people who seem to think spices are antithetical to good cooking, that they cover up the taste of good ingredients.
then there's literally people who claim you should only use spices with shitty ingredients, not good ones. what the fuck does that even mean?
is there no one else sane who makes and eats both spicy and non-spicy food regularly? i mean, spices are a source of flavour, but so are the ingredients you're spicing in the first place. 'flavour' is not a single chemical product you synthesise with a precise and economical formula. a single carrot can be flavourful, or it can be flavourful with cumin or sumac or orange or cinnamon or white wine cream tarragon chicken broth or whatever.
if you're a good cook you can literally boil a chicken with some plump beige dumplings and a scattering of vegetables in the pot and make it taste amazing. you can also make a masala or curry paste or whatever and build a dish off it and have that taste amazing.
maybe my ability to enjoy pretty much everything is white privilege or some shit, cause those fucking cunts who bring hot sauce to dinner parties and put pressure on their white mother in law to make dal and rice instead of meatloaf or whatever are just missing out.
Thank you, this needed to be posted.
You're absolutely right, but these threads were never about cooking.
Is that soda at the end ?