Why do Americans do this?

Why do Americans do this?

Because they're dogs

>kill me

Because more = better

Where that woman is from - flyover country - the only foods are CAFO meats, Bt corn industrial byproducts, and cardboard tasting produce

The idea that food could possibly be inherently satisfying and good on its own is an alien concept. If you were to present her with actual high quality food she would get angry and confused

In her world, the only way for a meal to be satisfying is for it to provide the sensation of being full. As full as possible. To the point where feeling sick afterwards is a sign of a "great chef"

Look at the child to her right. Presumably her daughter. The obesity starts young, most likely now I will be attacked by flyovers for "fat shaming" because child abuse is considered a virtue

Where is she from then?

Wisconsin, where having standards = putting on airs

The key is to serve up abysmally bad slop and then call it "eye talian" or "swiss" or whatever in order to show you have proud european heritage. If you think boiled noodles dumped on a bare tabletop and drowned in ketchup isn't real eye-talian you're anti-American, you obviously hate all Americans, and you have literally never even set foot here. Can food only be good if it's made in the physical bounds of italy? Because that's what you're saying. The judgment of paris happened, America #1!

Source: have been to Wisconsin, and spoken with authentic localfolk

>It's another city retard doesn't realize flyovers produce the food they eat episode

Who do you think feeds you? Those farmers in NYC?

Except you don't. What I eat mostly comes from farmers in New Jersey, the Hudson Valley, Long Island, and other areas nearby. It tastes better and it's not hosed down with chemical weapons.

I'm not sure what would lead you to think your food is even desired outside of McDonalds eating circles.

Dumbest post I've read in a while. Btw Wisconsin produces more cheese than Europe all together. So there's the good and the bad.

t. Wisconsin

You aren't the vast majority of the population. Nobody cares about you or what carrots you shove up your ass.

>more = better
Yes, I can tell you are from Wisconsin

>Reading comprehension
Get some.

I comprehended you just fine. What you consider "good" is what normal people consider "bad".

>Wisconsin cheese
>American cheese
RIP in piss

No, you didn't child. By producing the most in the country we have both the finest cheese and the low grade stuff. The finer cheeses cultures we're brought over from Europe and prepared the same way.

Then guess what little one, due to logistics and shipping, the low grade cheese is made here too. Notice the "made with real cheese", it means they used at least some so they got it here.

Now it's 8:15 schools starting, work on that reading comp during story time.

They're both drinking wine. Who's driving??

Whoever loses rock paper scissors

>made with real cheese
The fact that you people put that on your supposed "premium luxury cheese" says everything

And no, just because you stuck a swiss-looking cross on the label doesn't make your pasteurized process cheese food the same as gruyere or whatever

Producing a high volume and wide variety of garbage doesn't make the garbage any better.

But more = better
t. Wisconsin

>made with premium real cheese imitation food product (not FDA approved, not for human consumption)

>cheese: made with real cheese!
Do you not understand how shitty that sounds lmao

>last 5 replies were samefag
>9 posters 21 replies
Hope that lonely European feels good.


obsessed much you eurofag

I made two of the posts in this thread mocking American cheese. Stay salty, Murrilard.

Where is the plate?

>replying to a person's posts for an extended series of back & forth is "samefag"
That isn't what the word means, retard

t. Samefag (nobody asked Reddit)

>getting destroyed
>better shriek about reddit
widf will hire just about anyone these days

What is that graph?
