Here white people. See this??? THIS IS COOKING. Get it through your goddamn thick cracker skulls
Here white people. See this??? THIS IS COOKING. Get it through your goddamn thick cracker skulls
>slice of white bread and not cornbread
>Here white
Stopped reading right there
Saged :^)
What's that black shit? Cabbage?
Collard greens. Mix together with the mac were talkinjiive party!!!!!Yeah baby
Is that the sickle cell special?
Well, whether it was a white man or a black man who posted this, we can rest assured he was mentally disabled.
louder user
Dubs confirm op is a retard.
They're colored greens
Fried chicken - check
Mac and cheese - check
Green sewage - trash
There's a reason blacks are the fattest demographic in the us. What you call "flavor" is sodium and grease.
Looks like a green-haired fat chick spooning a blonde-haired fat chick.
But that's white people food.
Shut the fuck up, dumbass /pol/ motherfucker.
As a half-black person who has often been hurt by Veeky Forums posts, I am sick of the retard low IQ white faggots falling for racebait and spewing some emotional racist rant shit and I am sick of racist white motherfuckers from /pol/ coming to Veeky Forums, pretending to be blacks talking about soul food, going to /b/, pretending to be black men and ranting on that "muh big blek dik shiet," going to international boards, pretending to be Africans. Just fucking kill yourself. What a pathetic ass life you live, pretending to be black on the internet and posting a heart attack on a plate, insinuating it is 5-star cuisine. The only reason some blacks eat that shit is because it was common in the Southern US. That is why all the fuckers are fat now. Soul food is bullshit and you wouldn't be able to handle being black for five minutes without blowing your damn brains out so fuck off, fucking hillbilly.
Your sister called, you got her pregnant, she wants you to cut the embilical cord. Also, your mother wnats a divorce because you cheated on her. Fucking faggot.
Lastly, I hate Moot even sold out to this fucking new guy. This crossboard /pol/ recruitment shit would not even be fucking happening now.
>mixing greens with your Mac and cheese
I have literally never seen a black or white person do this. Ever.