Having a huuuge party on Sunday for the premiere of Ricky & Morty: Rickmancing the Stone (the Pickle Rick episode!!) and need some advice on some pickle-themed recipes for this.
Pls dump all pickle related food recipes ya got.
Got a crush on this nerdy girl who loves the show almost as much as me so this needs to go right!
And they say Veeky Forums is dead. I for one am happy that stormfront invaded /pol/ and /pol/ and r/the_donald/ migrated to /tv/ and the entire website. Surely the increased traffic and younger demographics will make the website more profitable and there won't be any negative consequences to laissez faire moderation in the near future. Thank you mods and thank you Hiro. >inb4 cry more bitch nigger
Asher Ortiz
Landon Rogers
WTF does this have to do with /pol/? Why is everything about that board to you snowflakes?
Chase Rivera
Zachary Garcia
Kevin Brown
stormfront had nothing to do with election /pol/, it was a perfect storm of extremist board culture aligning with an extreme outsider underdog that no one expected to make it.
r/the_donald cancer came later as late bandwaggoners wanted to pretend their were always in on the Trump thing and slowly trickled into /pol/ and replaced the demographic and started infesting other boards like /tv/
so cry more bitch nigger, its no /pol/s fault for being right anymore than /r9K/ is to blame for the meme-mining ops that killed it