What do I eat to look like this
What do I eat to look like this
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dick and plenty of it
You don't, that's why it's called cutting.
Also, about 10-15% body fat. Cardio is the only way.
lmao at you, dumbass
absolutely pissening
Nah. You start by smelling your own farts
it sick it piss it revolting it insulting it NATURE BOY RIC FLAIRENING
▲ ▲
Baked salmon cooked in a pan on the stovetop, and also Lenny's dick.
work out for 3-4 times a week / 6-12 month depending on how you look right now in terms of muscle mass.
as far as diet goes, just take your weight in lbs and that's how many grams of protein you need, as well as enough carbs for energy to power your body as you workout for a total of about 2k calories.
A typical day of eating like that is:
1) 3 eggs + porridge
2) protein shake or bar
3) rice + veggies + lean protein(chicken, turkey, cod, beans etc.)
4) protein shake or bar
5) rice + veggies + lean protein
6) 1.5 cup of fat free yoghurt
Ask Veeky Forums but I'd say eat at maintenance, watch your macros and do Stronglifts or starting strength
It depends on what you're trying to do. Muscle is expensive so you'll need to eat a lot of lean protein and establish a regiment. Once you have the size, this is where cardio comes into play in order to lose a lot of the bulk.
A pretty clean, balanced diet. Around 0.6g of protein to 1kg lean body mass. Anywhere from 1800 to 2600 kcal per day depending on height. 3x weekly full-body lifting (5x5), 30-60 minutes daily cardio for about 3-5 years.
Bi-monthly shots of haloperidol and a steady diet of catfish.
That physique's dogshit tho
Judging from that gyno and child-bearing hips, lift some weights and eat lots of soy.
dicks and tranny ass
steroids and the cock of someone from Long Island
only post worth reading ITT. sage
Lennys golem semen
is this recent? someone must be forcing him to take his dbol and tren
That guy looks like a really self-conscious Will Ferrell.
Holy shit, this is the best Jason gnova has ever looked. Gotta catch up on the ments
That's the first time I've seen Genova not look autistic.
As for you answer, go the the gym you queer.
Currently it DNPening it Dust Extremening it massive coronaryening.
what a queer
that's Jason genova the retard
o i am laffin
He shredded it sick he dying in his primening
Oh wait.
who the fuck would bring janoy to ck?
It cookening it botulismening
eat sort of healthy w/ about 1850 calories a day and workout for 5 months.
Then, if you are like this guy, still be a scrawny twig who thinks he is jacked
fuckin hell Janoy Cresva looks like that? What the fuck is he cycling