Time to crack open a new one boys. Old one hit the bump limit Sip tip: Put your sip in the freezer a few minutes before you drink it. There's nothing like
>that first ice cold sip of the day
/ S I P / G E N E R A L
Amputee sippin
Who else here /sippinandclosingdealsalldaylong/ ?
For me, it's water.
Kekked and saved
You are such a filthy little loser faggot OP. No one cares that you put your cum in the freezer before drinking it.
NoS is the true sip messiah.
what sip is better out of red white and blue sips
i personally like red sips the most
Very cool story
Couldn't be more wrong. The sip meme is specifically about moster ultra varieties, with the white can being the true OG sip
Reposting from last thread
Like I give a shit about some gay meme on Veeky Forums.
I only care about memes from /po/ and Veeky Forums.
Also, Monster is shit no matter how many ways they rebrand the same taste.
NoS is the only good energy drink. Besides Bawls of course.
Yet here you are, posting and emotionally invested in a /sips/ meme thread
monster is shilling pretty hard this year into making us buy their virgin beverages, they even paid some poor fuck to photoshop cringy pics
mods need to ban this shit since its textbook shilling
everyone should report advertising threads
Chill out red bull shill.
Maybe we should report newfags instead
Please kill yourselves
>He is being completely serious.
>monster rehab actually has fruit juice and tea in it
>3 grams of real sugar
>still has less calories than red bull """zero"""
how are they still in business?
I don't fuck around when it comes to muh sips, lad
Oh shit I have a glengarry glen ross sip saved somewhere from an old sip thread. I'll post it later.
Damn are things really that bad over at Red Bull? You guys still own a decent share of the market. Cheer up man.
Is this the Monster™ shilling thread? boy I sure love drinking Monster™ after a long day of shilling, what activities do you realize that get you in the mood for a cold dead Monster™?
You make much english, yes?
These threads disgust me. The word "sip" is forever tarnished.
Actually, it's orginally a Veeky Forums meme newfriend.
Anyone activate their almonds with sips?
Holy shit it's incredible
>he doesn't activate his almonds with activated beetus sips
This sip genuinely separates the boys from the men
I thought these threads were just shilling and shitposting until I tried my first white /sip/ last night with some friends. How could I have been so blind? I was such a fool to deny /sip/.
Monster tastes like shit and is for white trash and children. I am not 12 years old and do not live in a trailer park so I prefer a sip for a more sophisticated pallate.
Study sippin
What do you guys think of these sips? I was hooked immediately.
>those wrists
I'm surprised you can lift up the can lmao. Proof right here that /sip/ping is for pansy faggots
lmaoing at those small nails
I bite them until they're in constant daily pain from being so short
I'm a nervous guy
How many cans are you guys sipping each day?
It says on the side of the can only drink one can per day.
I have never seen that in my life
Fuck off shills
My sips are usually sugar-free, but I've seen this around and feel like I should try it.
And your dubs are very convincing...
How many /sips/ could a /sipper/ /sip/, if a /sipper/ could /sip/ /sips/?
/sip/ has to be the most bizarre marketing campaign I've seen in a while.
WHat the hell is this? the white monster happens to be the one I drink so what the fuck
All /sips/ are sugar free by definition, retard.
/sip/ memers should be permabanned
Are pre-workouts sips?
0 sugar
0 calories
Lots of what you need to start your day
t. fat as fatass
>that first sip of the day
RIP in peace yellow sips
there are also 0 calories in the white monster that /sip/ loves. or in the monster rehabs.
20 cal in rehabs
That NOS is awesome, the black full throttle is even better
true, but may as well be 0
anyone tried the lewis hamilton one?
pretty good desu, no sugar free version tho.
Who here /sailboatsipping/
>no sugar free version tho.
I went to purchase a sip today and saw a Gronk flavor...what the fuck is it?
>/sip/ generals
I still can't believe this is unironically a thing. Jesus christ.
>bought a 10 pack of ultra citron for $50 because its the only sip i've never had
one can will sit on my shelf until the day i die
Ultra Dry is shit, had some OG sips today though.
I still can't believe you haven't tried
>that first sip
wait, do you guys actually drink the sugar free shit?
I started getting into sippies way more often lately but I never buy fucking sugar/calorie free.
sips are exclusively the zero calorie monsters and rockstars you fucking moron
all the other ones are posted by non-sippers trying to fit in
>All /sips/ are sugar free by definition, retard.
This isn't fucking Stalinist Russia. All /sip/ers are welcome whether they prefer a sweeter full sugar Monster™ /sip/ or a nice cold zero calorie and sugar free Monster™ /sip/.
"Sips" refers exclusively to Monster Ultras. Anyone who says otherwise is a newfag. It's not a big deal--sip boys are inclusive--but the point I'm trying to make is that sugar-free is where this whole thing started.
Where the fuck are you? Cambridge?
Exactly this. Even the Rockstar expansion is pretty recent. It was pushed by poor converts who think sips are about caffeine content, but they have a place with specialty flavors like lemonade, sprite, and fruit punch
>blue that low
>citron that high
>black having a non-zero rating
How soon before a workout should I sip? 30 minutes, an hour?
all ratings represent sips at their best temperature level (nearly frozen)
I sip immediately before. Caffeine has a half life of 6 hours, so you'll still be experiencing its effects six hours later, but the burst of energy I get from sipping lasts about an hour. So I sip, stretch for 10-15 minutes, and then start lifting ASAP. Sometimes, if I haven't had much caffeine in the last couple of days, I'll sip about half the can beforehand and then continue sipping throughout my workout.
Good for a full sugar but not a sip.
Tastes similar to regular monster but more refined. If given the choice of gronk vs regular take gronk every time
Surprisingly good ratings
Holy fucking shit these threads are annoying
I've never had white, what does it taste like? Is it also similar to Rockstar's Silver (which I've also never had)? Please help me be inducted into true /sippy/ culture, sugar and/or calorie free...
I have no idea why mods allow it.
No it fucking isnt, there is 0 discussion here. At least the alkie threads you can get a good discussion on liquors going, this is just HMM WHICH OF 6 ASPARTEME FLAVORS DO I WANT TODAY
Very cool story
sugar free is a meme , you're still eating carbs
carbs make you fat faster than butter or oil
enjoy diabetes
Chill out and have a sip.
aspartame is not added to sips
sugar alcohol can't be digested by humans
>muh carbs
Fat ketonigger detected
What the fuck? Gronk tastes nothing like original, more similar to Red Bull than anything else
all those meme sips are ruining your palate mate
I meant it is in the same family, not like a fruity taste like most sips or full sugars
White sips only have 2g carbohydrates per 8 oz
Sippin and movin
How's the moving going friend? What are the circumstances?
Did the sip give you unparalleled and unfettered energy to move like a boss?
Nearly done. Helping my parents downsize. Empty nest.
I picked up and OHPed the entire house immediately after I took
>that first sip
Yeah fuck these kids with their memes. They're treating Veeky Forums like some sort of image board.
Which Cambridge?
Massachusetts or UK?
One of those, yes