I might unironically make fries. What do you guys think?

I might unironically make fries. What do you guys think?

make unicorn chips you fucking dick.

what are those

Use a splatter screen.

it's funny, I couldn't find my knife, so I decided to clean my kitchen because obviously it's getting to be a problem, but I sat down and it was right next to me usb cord.

Funny how things work out. I like life.

I hope you fall face first into your frying oil.

alright, fries are done and I also have a chicken breast going on the foreman

don't know what you people are talking about either

shit man, clean your fucking everything and learn how to cook

yeah maybe sometime. I might move to an alaskan island soon or whatever. but I'd just get a naked maid to clean my place out before I go.


Don't naked maids drip precum everywhere?

I don't know.

i fucking refuse to believe this is real, post a timestamp faggot

Mine gets worse at times.

fries are done!


If my kitchen ever got half as dirty as that, I would fucking kill myself. Fuck you, OP

Did you write your timestamp on an adult diaper?

you sound pretty weak willed. it's not even that dirty. hour of cleaning tops.
no, I just used paper


If you don't like ketchup on fries you're practically a virgin and should fuck off to /r9k/ or /pol

Holy shit, it's real. People like that are on Veeky Forums.

Remember to apply ketchup to your fries in this fashion; it is the patrician way.


This. When I was in college my apartment would get much worse than that and when the fruit flies became a swarm I would just fire up a joint and have it spotless in 1-2 hours. It was humorous because the fruit flies would migrate to my neighbors and they'd always start bitching and wondering where they came from.

yeah. my neighbours apartment is much worse too.

Pretty sure this is the user that got all uppity the other day about never washing his dishes. Kek

have you never been a bachelor in college?


very retro kitsch, to make fries. watch, i will now "breath" without either irony OR sarcasm. very edgy of me.