>Recipe calls for milk
>Use water
>It works
why did it want milk?
Recipe calls for milk
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there's estrogen in milk it's for the pussyification of america
>They are making the frogs gay
Is this a recent phenomena caused by food in the cow diets? Because Europeans have been drinking milk for generations, and now its all bad because of estrogen?
I mean the water OP used probably has Fluoride in it, so that's just replacing one bad thing with another. But I really don't think Milk is bad for you.
>obtain recipe
>begin following recipe
>substitute ingredient
>final product works in that it created food
>I know EXACTLY what the final product would have been had I used the ingredient the recipe called for instead of substituting
>use water in my cereal
Not falling for the lactose jew.
Because milk is creamy and thicker than water and most likely whatever you made was thin and gruel-like compared to what it was supposed to be. And that's completely setting aside the fact that water and milk taste nothing alike.
what kind of recipe
i always just pour some in a glass and munch
>recipe calls for milk or water
>always use milk
People always hate porridge until they make it with milk instead of fucking water.
If you buy the conspiracy theories, it's something "They" (government/Jews/aliens) have been doing for a while now because [REDACTED].
The female growth hormones rBST and rBGH are injected into cows in the US by factory farms to increase production. Of course they're banned in all first world countries in europe and most of asia due to the fact they are carcinogens. You won't grow tits or vaginas from drinking factory farmed dairy, but you will contract cancer. And just like the Monsanto GMO lobby, they paid off our whores in congress to not require labelling that the milk contains it. You can buy non-carcinogenic dairy in the US but you'll have to look for declarations that they aren't using it on the label, and it will cost more. That's the kind of shit we have to put up with in our food supply. More and more China by the hour.
>people actually believe this
I hate milk too but for fucks sake get a better reason and stop listening to Alex Jones.
>buy hot chocolate mix
>instructions say add water
FDA determined no significant difference between cows treated with/without rBST. But the FDA is just in the pockets of the dairy industry, right?
Milk will add a subtle sweetness from the lactose and a bit of richness from the fat. The protein can also help give baked goods a little more structure. You can use water instead of milk for almost anything but usually milk will taste better.
>Agriculture is a trillion dollar industry, just in the US
>Is given many breaks because of the importance of food
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
>but you will contract cancer
[citation needed]
>facts are true when they align with my vegan agenda
wtf I hate milk now
There's powdered milk in the mix.
Just kidding, it's just garbage.
Why the fuck do people drink cow piss? It's meant for baby cows.
I hated oatmeal until I tried making it with water instead of milk.
Should have used a pancake for the bun, white bread would be disgusting
What are you a fucking vega faggot?
I like porridge with water just fine.
Why do American food companies enjoy killing off their consumers by adding carcinogens to all their products to make a profit?
because money
reminder that they spent half a BILLION dollars to increase milk consumption
Because most large food/agriculture corporations are also part of larger pharmaceutical corporations
rly unironically make you think
>many of them are part of pharmaceutical groups, they profit from you dying
>the ones that aren't either realize they have to use the same methods to compete, or just don't care since if that ever comes back to bite them in the ass the CEOs will be old enough to not care
>He made a good point
>Maybe I can attack his point using ad hominem
That's not what ad hominem means, unless you think vegan is a slur.