Why is everyone here such a jerk?
Why is everyone here such a jerk?
It's all alcoholics crossposting in other threads.
Because ignorance is bliss, but it pisses off the smart people.
Because your mother sucks cocks in hell
There are more edgy teenagers out during summer
grow up weeb
Because this board makes people hungry and hungry people are crabby
I'm literally anorexic browsing this as some kind of self torture form.
Aww, triggered liberal needs a safe space?
Board is full of passive aggressive women.
Veeky Forums is one of the last bastions of Veeky Forums culture. It can't change or I will leave this site forever.
I've tried to figure this out.
My guess is that /b/tards graduate and think, "uhh, I eat foods" lol Veeky Forums.
This board is so vomit filled I'm amazed that so many real contributors still post.
This is probably the real reason.
Imagine being so insecure in your social status and identity that you become a snob over food.
It's been a /pol/ overflow board for a while now
morons. both of you. morons.
this board is chock full of asshole guys.
and a smattering of nice people, male and female.
this board does not suck because of teh ebil womenz. it sucks because of the adolescent men who shitpost here.
cause youre on Veeky Forums you dumb faggot
Think I found one of the roasties.
>Think I found one of the roasties.
perfect example.
/b/tier comment. no content.
this could be the best board on Veeky Forums. you get ready to go prepare some meal. come here to get jazzed. find vomit, diahreah (lol sp), lol wuts bets at mcdonalds?
and you realize that half of Veeky Forums is 14 years old mentally.
believe me, clowns. 14 year old girls are not here. just men with 14 year old mentalities.
you havent accepted the true essence of Veeky Forums yet
>you havent accepted the true essence of Veeky Forums yet
au contraire. that's why I love Veeky Forums. but this is the one channel where I feel bad. fuck the car guys. fuck the innawoods guys. fuck everybody.
but cool people come here, and it's the one place where I wish Veeky Forums could be cool.
but I agree with you. Veeky Forums is supposed to suck.
>believe me, clowns. 14 year old girls are not here
so what you are saying is you are a 14 year old girl...
This user is right, get real you faggots.
>Reddit spacing
>passive aggressive attitude
Yeah I think that user was right.
Stay toasty dear roastie.
The more you protest the more suspicious you look.
Not even that user, I just happen to agree with an observation some other user posted.
I don't expect you to understand ofc
>Not even that user
Sure sweetie, sure.
Holy fuck, Veeky Forums roasties get so fucking mad when they're called out, it's hilarious.
Veeky Forums is literally full of butthurt single moms who ironically can't cook for shit. I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the fast food threads are started by them.
Damn, roastie, is it your time to sync up with the lunar cycle?