Your favorite Mexican dishes?
Your favorite Mexican dishes?
High-wall tacos
Die you fucking Barneyfag
I like the "Be careful the plate is hot."
For me, it's taco bell. The best Mexican food out there.
Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me
Tacos al pastor
For me, it's the taco supreme
Carnitas or charro beans.
For me, it is the ice cream taco. The best Mexican dish.
Para mi es la McPollo
El mejor sandwich de comida rápida
they all need to burn
My uncle designed/developed that product.
Tamles con champurrado
If I'm making salvadoran, I'll fry yucca and anchovies together and place it over a bed of heavily fermented curtido and maybe some lettuce. Give a giant bottle of hot sauce for this and serve after with some fried plantains.
You have to go back, Jose. We're building a wall.
I really want them to be burnt
Quesadilla and Sopapilla
for me its tacos al pastor
fucking die already
fuck off
I like enchiladas, mole, tamales, and pupusas.
>fucking die already
I remember you, you were spamming anti mlp shit on that /v/ thread about if there are any decent video game characters with red hair. Your autism is astounding.
I did mean op but THIS GUY
Half of the fun is finding something not even related to the horsefucker show and seeing if it triggers his autism.
(It does)
Lel you're right there is entertainment watching this sub-human squabble it's almost sad in a way it's not its own fault it's retarded.
numale detected
These would be great if they weren't so scary :/
You can go to /mlp/ and ask them for subtle images to use to trigger him and they have TONS they will share.
fucking die
Reminder that he's an autistic
Reminder that he's a leaf
Reminder that he makes these threads himself and responds to himself because he wants to be horse famous secretly
Die you fucking Barneyfag
There is only one Mexican food: the cornball!
¡Soy loco por los Cornballs!
fucking die
Did nigga knows his shit
I like Birria. It's a goat stew.
desu I actually prefer Tex-Mex.
fucking die faggot
>he's still mad
Dude, spoiler that shit
they need to fucking die though
>be illegal mexican in factory
>take waffle for ice cream cone
>dont roll it into a cone
>instead make a taco
>be promoted to specialist mexican
>so very, very mad
they really need to
fucking die
Motherfuckin mole my dude. Chicken enchiladas with mole are the best thing ever. Would definitely racemix with a brown qt if she knew a home recipe for it.
Tacos de canasta
fucking die
Tacos are good
This dude's bot is broken.
fucking die
Ah I see, I just might for the kek factor when I'm bored.
Set aside that, I like huevos rellenos (Idk if i spelled it right tho) also Like caldo de pollo or posole with some lemon.
I am so glad that I grew a sense of self awareness and stopped telling people that I watch this damn show.
Unfortunately it was too late and by the time my friends and family knew about it the show exploded into full autism.
I was hoping that the show would fizzle and die out after I realized what an embarrassment I was but unfortunately the show grew worse and worse while continuing to be popular and now I can't even bear to watch it myself.
Can you imagine telling everyone you know you love something and then realizing over a year later that you're just making yourself look like a cringeworthy neckbeard?
I want to kill myself.
Well, at least you're self-aware about it.
That's good, I guess?
Yeah everything's good except for when I see the show in commercials or ads with people who know I used to watch the show. Or when my trap nephew tries to talk to me about it.
Usually he gets me drunk enough to have a conversation about it.
Other than that I'm glad I've become self aware, it's helped me achieve a lot in my life and my past experiences being a cringelord have helped a good amount of my friends learn what not to do to not look like a cringy fedora.
fucking die
>told people about it
>trap nephew.
Top or bottom?
tacos dorados
Anyone care to explain what this guy is sperging out about?
Op's image is a still from Mlp, and this user is known as Barneyfag. Anytime someone posts about mlp outside /mlp/, he'll be there to sperg. Apparently he's a leaf.
Autistic Canadian Jewish tard who was in special ed, apparently in this special ed group he was forced to watch Barney which somehow mentally scarred him. Apparently In Canada MLP airs on the same channel as Barney, and thus this retard hates MLP and feels as if it's a personal attack on his psyche to even see it mentioned
breakfast tacos, boy
I know, I'm stupid.
I don't fuck my nephew you fag!
>caring what people think
Must be a tough life, considering literally everyone who doesn't watch anime thinks everyone who does is a pedophile, or anyone who doesn't read comic books thinks everyone who does is a virgin, or anyone who doesn't play role playing games blah blah fucking blah
Point is, only idiots are self conscious about their hobbies or interests into adulthood. That's shit people have anxiety about in high school, in adulthood you hate everyones interests that you don't have and they hate yours, and nobody cares, you just go on living your life mutually acknowledging that you all judge each other and likely hate one another
I like corn tamales I had one today with Mexican sour cream and queso freso!
Someone who is seriously autistic over mlp and Barney related media. This person has no contribution to the real world and is a complete waste of space and should have been a blowjob but instead we have a broken condom while the mother was on bath salts fucking her dad in some backwater small town where everyone is related and all fucking eachother.
Both of you are mentally retarded.
I could also go for lengua tacos!
Nice thread OP
We dont eat that shit that you call mexica ""food"" is more like texan american -wetback food, try asking a taco in mexico and you will not receive that bullcrap, we eat tacos with normal tortilla,not with toasted tortillas,seriously i dont get why americans think that an american company can call it mexican food and believe that is true.
You should watch season 7. Its pretty good so far. Except if you are a faustbaby, then you should consider suicide.
Because Mexico is so insignificant that no one cares?
>here is my opinion based on my hurted feelings.
Much like Italian food, America made it superior
Hows the Mexican FOOD here?
Subjective. But that is not mexican food, why? Because that shit wasnt created in mexico but US therefore is american food,i am not discussing if it tastes it bad or good, just saying that is not mexican
fucking die
How do you even know that it comes from MLP?
I like the one with beans chicken or shredded beef
A simple Google Image Search can bring it up. And also because it's only one of four instances of live-action in the show, so it gets redundant
t. Barneyfag
The same argument can be applied to all other foreign cuisine. Everyone would literally complain because the main stream food industry in the us isn't culturally correct in some form or another. I'm sure everyone gets under represented equally if that makes you any feel better. It's okay. :)
How do you know it's one of the only live action scenes without having watched it?
>How do you know it's one of the only live action scenes without having watched it?
If only it were possible to read synopses of films, books, and other media which discuss its content. Ah well, perhaps one day such a thing will exist.
s7 has been amazing desu senpai, have genuinely enjoyed the majority of it so far
>implying multiple people haven't started doing it to shitpost
I'm pretty sure barneyfag was on /v/ last
Street tacos
die you fuggin barney fag :DDDDDDDD
Barneyfag memorized the show so much he reached an autism singularity.
the scene in question is insignificant in the episode and will not have been written into any synopsis
you should kill yourself
Know what what will get rid of all the Barneyfags and mlpfags forever????
Like really forever???
Killing yourself.