
Let's have a foreign Fanta thread!

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why does Europe get the exotic flavors?

Because Fanta was made by the Nazis


Fanta was created to sell soda to the nazis

I guess you win this round, user

Can we just talk about Fanta please

I always liked Fruit Twist

can we talk about nazi products?

Fuck off

melon fanta is good shit, but I've only ever seen it in Japan

I really want to try that. I also have heard Shokata is great but that's Europe only...they always get the good flavors

wtf is a cassis and what does it taste like

I think it's grape

For example

>Fanta was invented in nazi germany because they were boycotting Coca Cola for being american

fruity flavored sodas are consistently the worst flavored sodas.

The best sodas are shit like coke, root beer, cream soda.

It's an olive, the picture is on the can.

they're very sour

it was actually because the german coca cola company ran out of ingridents they needed to make coke because of the american boycott, but still needed to move product, so they made a soda out of whatever they had lying around. After the war they handed the recipie to the american coke company. learn 2 history faggot




>ran out of ingredients for coke due to american boycotting

Did germany lose the war due to lack of refreshment?

I traveled a lot in college and used to to love soda.

This is the best flavor of any soda out of the four continents I've been to. Its very annoying its only sold in the personal can size at 7-11 and in a few chain restaurants. All the other brands of melon soda are straight trash

Fanta as a brand in a time period people actually live in is the Coke company going in to an established market, buying who ever has the most popular fruit soda and rebranding it. Fanta is different in every single country around the world for this reason

Fuck I wish they didn't do this, I had fanta in Germany and it was delicious, light orange yellowy in colour and actually tasted like oranges. Meanwhile in Australia our fanta is neon orange and tastes very artificial

I live in the states, and in my entire life I've never seen a single human being drinking a fanta that wasnt orange or grape, and they were mostly niggers.

Just came here to say Crush is superior in every way. Peace.

Weirdest Fanta I've had was in Kazakhstan. The flavour was called "original" and it tasted like plain Lucozade.

Exotic best flavor


I had some of that grape fanta once.
How the fuck can you people in the states live with that crap? Corn syrup as a sweetener is just awful.

I miss melon fanta



Where to get grapefruit Fanta? I've only ever seen orange, grape, pineapple and some red flavor, strawberry I think.

Don't be so dumb


We just started getting pineapple flavor around here. Was enjoying it yesterday with some vodka. Quite refreshing on a hot day

Why can't we have the original Fanta? It sounds nicer than the current generic fruit pop we have today.

inb4 Nazis.

They also handed over the share of the profits that they had been saving for when the boycott ended through the 1930s and 40s.

They still sell the Mexican Fanta, closest thing you'll get I suppose

Nah, that's just orange pop. Original fanta was basically a blend of different fruits.

They sell those funnily enough in germany again.


The GOAT Fanta flavor


How many of these flavors actually exist?

Its bretty tasty.

i'm so mad that the sams near me got rid of their cherry limeade flavor

for me, it is la croix—the best fruit-flavored soft drink

Some of them do exist, I'm sure

>Shokata is great
It is. It's elderberry flowers and lemon.

Give me melon or give me death.

I was on vacation in the states, why is the fanta there so fucking disgusting. I mean it tasted so artificial and overly sweet I nearly had to puke.

I also noticed its not only the fanta it was nearly every soda I tried. The only thing somewhat ok was Gatorade and Coka Cola, everything else was so fucking sweet like made of pure glucose syrup.

All these three weeks I missed this refreshing juicy taste of my beloved German Fanta. Vacation was still nice I like the states just not their fucking diabetes causing corn syrup soda.

its branding and name make me think it's going to be expensive, but I'm glad it isn't

thankfully, you're right. after quitting drinking and all my other favorite vices, i had a huge habit for pic related. couldn't drink plain tap water without great kampf.

i'm just worried that, because it's so cheap, the "natural flavors" in la croix abuse that loose definition (curse the FDA!) to its fullest extent.

Bitter Water? What the fuck