Wtf. So I just met my wife at the neighborhood coffee shop. She went ahead and ordered me the same thing she got for no reason. I wanted a completely different order. She got me a large Red Eye and a toasted sesame bagel with blackberry jam. I hate blackberry jam and that's way too much caffeine for me. Fucking bitch.
Wtf. So I just met my wife at the neighborhood coffee shop...
dump her
You are like a child and you deserve being treated like a child, eat it even if you don't like it.
I'm almost sure that your wife get blacked while you are complaining on anime websites about what she gives you to eat instead of fucking her.
If you enjoy your penis in her vagina you'll pretend like you like it.
why are permavirgins so obsessed with black dicks?
Just for that I'm not going to talk to her for the rest of the day. Enjoy knowing you've made some random woman miserable.
no it's your fault, not her.
>blogging on Veeky
>blackberry jam
It's a Freudian slip, she's cucking you with bbc
How so?
Wouldn't that be the "BBJ"?
I like redeyes and blackberry jam. Sucks to be you, fag
OP I knowwww this feeling so bad. One time my wife went ahead of me to the cafe and bought me an entire sandwich, like wtf? We usually split half of one and still feel too full :(
That's rough.
I'd be pretty pissed if my bf ordered for me but Christ don't act like such a child. If you can't even tell your wife to fuck off and let you order your own food you don't need to be together.
>I'm not going to talk to her for the rest of the day
Why are you rewarding bad behavior?
>pretending to be in a relationship on the internet
>that tiny amount of jam
>with that huge ass bagel
god that looks disgustingly dry and tough to swallow
u mad humeboi?
>wifes boyfriends bagels
>cuckaberry jam
I read a study that if you eat the same food as somebody else they are more inclined to agree with you. Maybe now is a good time to ask about anal.
Whom the fuck puts blackberry jam on a sesame bagel. Where the fuck do you live?
>Whom the fuck puts blackberry jam
>Whom the fuck
And they're not even right
It's just trolls who think all of Veeky Forums is /pol/
>I hate blackberry jam
Divorce your wife because you are clearly a faggot
I bet she just read some dumb article in a women's magazine about couples who eat the same thing and she is testing you