Can someone redpill me on hashbrowns?

Can someone redpill me on hashbrowns?

Basically it's shredded potatos?

Give me a fast summary.

browns and tots are the left overs from fry processing

but tots are pure kino

yeah basically. but the density is so on point, if they're cooked at a high temp they go good and crunchy

oily and carcinogenic potatoes

I like to buy a stack of frozen hash browns and cook them in the toaster. Godtier easy breakfast.

Thanks. This is very helpful so far.

Hash browns are like french fries for breakfast

Eat to live

>eggs & bacon
now we're getting somewhere

>eggs, bacon & hash browns
kick ass, simple breakfast

>potatoes for breakfast
at that point why not just call it morning lunch

People have been eating potatoes for breakfast forever you dumb twat. Carbs in the morning is good for energy throughout the day.

So on one hand, frozen waffles don't have a problem, but are frozen hash browns in a toaster truly viable as well?

so eat porridge then like a normal culture

>Eating porridge
>In America

Please refrain from even speaking about your horrible culture and compare it to ours.

Made some recently. Added onion and seasoned (cayenne, onion powder, garlic powder) oil to the destarched shredded potato with plenty of butter in the pan.

They came out well, but a little darker than I expected.

Liechtensteinian culture is the gold standard.

How is that bad though? Left overs as in little otherwise not useful chunks? I mean, they're all minced up anyway...

>Can someone redpill me on hashbrowns?
yes, they're shit.

I've never had a problem heating them in the toaster other than it can get greasy in there; I have to clean it every month which isn't too laborious.

>redpill me

stopped reading there, faggot.

Mouthbreathing autist detected.

>no memes allowed!

>Newfag that thinks redpill is from /pol/

>Give me a fast summary.
Basically it's shredded potatos.

They're a real pain in the ass to make from scratch so really you're better off getting these.

If you insist on making them yourself:
>start with some russet taters, thoroughly rinsed
>run them through a cheese grater (you don't need to peel them; you won't even notice the peels in the final product)
>put them in a colander and rinse them until all the starch is rinsed off (you'll know they're ready when they stop feeling slimy)
>lay them out in between two tea towels/paper towels until they're completely dry
>into a well oiled cast iron pan at medium heat
>don't move them around or they won't get that nice crust on the bottom
>you can either leave the top layer soft and mushy or flip and brown both sides
>wa la, bone apple teat

good method but i'd also suggest squeezing them out when you're done rinsing the starch off, helps get a lot of the water out and making them crispier plus they'll dry faster

Basically it's shredded potatoes

>but tots are pure kino

We need to nip this shit in the fucking bud. I've seen more than two people describe food as kino today and it makes no goddamn sense.

neither does you BUTT

Woah, simmer down, no need to go THAT far.

potatoes provide necessary calories, also excellent nutrition.

The only people that hate potatoes are fatasses who can't into portion control.

>Red pill me on potato chips
>Basically fried potato slices

I think I can help you out OP

1. Go to Taco John's
2. Work up courage to talk to human at counter
3. Stutter and ask for 1 large order of Potato Ole's
4. Mill about muttering to self about One Punch Man while avoiding eye contact
5. Continue avoiding eye contact with counter human while collecting order after number is called
6. Eat 1 Potato Ole
7. Become Chad AF
8. Call Potato Oles empty calories while walking out
9. On the way out get cute counter girl's number
10. ???
11. Profit

>Basically it's shredded potatos?
Usually, sometimes diced

The ones you see in patty form are usually bound with flour or corn starch.

Some shops like Wafflehouse boil their potatoes first, then shreds them, then fries them producing a fluffier texture

To make them yourself it is as easy as shredding potatoes and throwing them in a pan, but most chefs will suggest you use cheese cloth to wring out as much excess moisture as possible before forming into patties and frying in a small amount of oliveoil

Be sure not too fuss with them in the pan so they form a good crust.

Salt/pepper to taste, serve hot

...I wanna try this "bone apple teat." Sounds tasty.

These things are like fucking crack to me.

No other fast food hash browns do the trick.

>potatoes provide necessary calories, also excellent nutrition
Good thing there are two other meals where they belong then.


Toasted hash browns battered in french toast egg mix are god tier.

I put them in butter toasted sub folds with bacon and syrup.

But we do eat porridge, we just call it oatmeal. Also we have corn porridge but we call it grits.

Yeah that's MGTOW, /pol/'s edgy aspergers cousin.

I just grate them onto a small kitchen towel and wring out the starch over the sink, then cook them in the same pan my bacon is cooking in, which also provides the grease. Only reason I would go as far as a colander would be if I didn't want to do laundry.

The only name you need to know in hashbrowns. I get mine scattered, smothered, diced, capped, and peppered.

>Limiting what foods you eat for breakfast

90% of breakfast food sucks ass, I'll enjoy my steak, eggs, and hash browns while you attempt to create a palatable meal with your surplus oats.


>Basically it's shredded potatos?
You got it, champ.

Nice crispy outside with a warm, soft, shredded inside. Good hashbrowns are fucking amazing.. I love crispy food.


Hey, I resent that. Fat-asses love potatoes too.

>Making a menu for your own kitchen, with recipes you've prefected and are personally proud of

Someone convince me this isn't a neato idea

It's pretty romantic actually.
Cooking is a great way to a woman's heart

I like to get them and pretend I'm an anime character eating a croquette.

I like to do a russet/red potato combination.
> shred one medium russet potato
> soak in water to prevent deep browning to oxygen
> shred two small red potatoes
> drain russet potato shreds
> pat dry with paper towels
> thoroughly mix together potato shreds

> oil in pan, nice and hot
> go toward medium high heat (if burners go off number scale of 1 through 9, choose 7)
> potato shreds go in pan, loosely
> once bottom of hash browns get to a golden brown, flip that shit
> let it get to a golden brown crispy state, then plate and eat

The issue I find with frozen packages of "hash browns" is because of all the moisture it brings to the pan, you never get to the proper browning and crispness when you make them yourself.

You seem to be confusing 90% of breakfast food with your dad.

youre on an american website posting a gif of an american tv show, dink. any culture you have is american, minus the dirt and animal organ eating shit, caavedweller.

No shit you fucking retard. Figure that out by yourself?

I'm an American on a American website telling non American people to go eat dick.

my bad. i thought it was in reverse. carry on.

No problem. Go talk shit to an actual inferior person like a yuropoor. We will clean this board together user.

Americans eat porridge literally all the time, they just eat it cold and call it cereal. What's really fucked up is that the last time I was in a Wal-Mart, the aisle had a section labeled "cereal" and then a section labeled "hot cereal", the latter contained the oatmeal, cream of wheat, and other regular hot porridge items. It should be labeled "cold porridge" or even "cereal" and then a "porridge" section.