Would you eat snake/
As a kid me and my friends would all steal something from home, then stet a fire and cook what we had gotten. (hot dogs). These kids have us beaten
Would you eat snake/
Why do they not cut its head off first or even TRY to sever its nervous system before putting it in the water? Fucking sociopathic shitskins.
I have eaten it, but like anything I snapped it's neck first. Honestly it's unremarkable.
Rattlesnake tastes like shit tbqh
probably has something to do with growing up in a more doggy dog world than actual humans. They just stop caring about other life because their life sucks so much cock. sub humans though...what are you gonna do
Every once in a while we'd come across a rattle snake while hunting and would usually eat it. It's alright. I dont think I would buy it but it's not bad cooked over a fire in the desert.
It's already dead dumbass
Am I missing something? The things dead as fuck in the video
It's dead you retarded amerilard. Back to mcdonalds for you!
Yeah I'd try it. But in a restaurant. Not by some gook kids their bamboo hut in the middle of a rice paddy.
Who hasn't eaten snake? It's not exactly exotic.
Yeah I keep it in the fridge next to the chicken
When I lived in China I was once 'treated' to snake at a meal. It was 90% bones and what little meat there was was dry.
I told the night patrol men at my building there was a snake in the area when I came home one night. They bashed it's skull in and ate it. Decent blokes.
>growing up in a more doggy dog world
Stories like this are a diamond dozen
Is that also where you store the goalposts you move?
I haven't. I'd say most people haven't especially outside asia. I want to try it but haven't had the chance.
Like many things the only value in eating snake is in saying that you ate it, and maybe having a cool story to tell.
sopa de... serpente?
seems like it would taste fine to me, depending on the diet of the snake I guess
Boil it with the head on then descale it, gut it and roast it.
Cutting the head off first might make things a little messy.
Did you not notice how the snake showed no signs of struggle?
Had rattlesnake tendies, tasted the same as alligator, which in turn tastes like a chicken fucked a fish
a snake is a living sausage
I had alligator, but what they packaged as nuggets and they basically tasted like tough, lean pork. Then I heard in a video that different parts of the gator taste drastically differently, ie fishy chicken vs lean pork..
We have snake here all the time in Louisiana
shit was already dead frail white boy
Snake just wouldn't be good eat because are always using all their muscles.
If you could raise a bunch of snakes to like 1 year old while letting them move as little as possible then cook that meat you might get something that would end up being really unique and especially tasty instead of just unique.
Snake is really good survival food though. relatively easy to catch and easy to clean cook and eat.
forgot to say i've had rattlesnake it's ok. you should eat it really hot it gets much less appetizing as it cools after frying.