Rate my Taco
Disgusting but I'd probably still eat it/10
fuck off/10
Fuck off that's closer to a wrap than a taco.
If you really want to lose weight I recommend doing Intermittent fasting on top of low-carb and a calorie deficit. It just makes things easier. Black coffee's great but always fucks up my sleep schedule.
Drink lots of water! Better to have a few extra pounds of water weight on you for a couple days than overeating.
I'm diabetic
I only drink black coffee, when I drink it, which is not often. I only drink the free coffee at work.
I drink between a gallon and a gallon and a half/day. Before I got my sugar under control I drank 2 to 2 1/2 a day
weight must be falling off then
275>195 12 months
I have so much trouble with fasting and caloric restriction. It's not just the hunger pains but something like hypoglycemia or maybe acid reflux has made me gag and vomit when I have an empty stomach for too long. Haven't found any food that keeps me filled up long enough
ehhh I think you just get used to it
whenever I have trouble fasting I just go on a long walk
it's important to stay active
but it can be tough to fall asleep without eating anything all day
You probably don't want to hear it but I HIGHLY recommend fasting. It makes any other kind of dieting and routine way easier to manage.
When you start to do it pretty often your body begins to crave it and you get a sort of high off it.
Either way it sounds like what you're doing is working for you so good job.
I think I know what you're talking about. I am kinda addicted to the feeling of hunger pain the same way you get addicted to lifting weights. And yeah, its not too fun at night (or when your mouth gets flooded with drool while hunched over the toilet heaving), but I've managed to lose about 50 pounds with just regular caloric restriction. Maybe I could squeeze in fasting when I get the time off.
I mean yeah stick to what works for you.
But having to gag over a toilet because you haven't eaten for a day sounds really dramatic.
If you're having a violent reaction from something like that perhaps you should consider seeing a doctor.
I've been doing the intermittent fasting on top of a low carb routine for awhile now, lost a ton of weight, some still to go, but it's all pretty routine now. I have found that I can pretty much eat whatever the fuck I want 1 day a week, burger / beer / ice cream / chips / fruit / w/e and it doesn't make a difference as long as I'm holding steady on low carb (20g or less a day) and fasting for 3-4 days.
Far and away the best "diet", I rarely feel hungry. But it is kind of a bitch to get started, requires a real lifestyle change.
Looks like your mom's
>No escamol
Rate my taco
looks good
That's a tostada
looks good except for the meat
kys amigo.