When is he going to do a milquetoast video?
Oh, that's every week!
When is he going to do a milquetoast video?
Townshend is the people's hero
>it's a salty /pol/acks act salty because he made orange fool and they assumed it was a personal attack episode
Found this channel a week ago, i can't stop watching it, it's very addicting and interesting
He's so comfy and really enjoys what he does.
Good for him, I hope he does well. Most of the food looks great.
I've randomly watched his videos for about a year or so. A few days ago I've started a full on binge of all the videos on their page from the start. Shame, seems a lot of the early stuff was expunged.
I really want to try some meat pies and boiled puddings for thanksgiving this year. My normie 21st century in laws probably won't try it though
He looks like that shitty comedian who did I love the 80s and is at the roasts a lot
I put nutmeg on my nutmeg
/pol/ was nervous and bitchy about Townsend before he did orange fool (aka drumpf l'orange in Jeffersonian times). They'd already started a girlishly bitchy circlejerk when he had a show about slave food which according to /pol/ was a lie because there were no slaves in the US, only willing, happy and content immigrants of alternatively colored skin and deficient brains fulfilling god's mandate to build a white supremacist nation state.
It's easier to set those dipshits off than SJW faggots.
Did you have a stroke or is English your 5th language?
/pol/ is cancer.
What did John "Good Goy" Townsend mean by this?
Isn't it past your bedtime?
Boiled puddings have a texture that can turn people off, try cutting it in half, slicing it, frying it in a little butter and serving with a custard sauce. As for meat pies, do small ones about the size of a large dumpling and serve as an appetizer.
Heuhuehuehue ur so le enlightened and superior to us flyovers ;*
My wife's son has mlp blaring and it's fucking with my mind
The big Black guy who appears in the slave episodes is both gay AND a convert to Judaism. /pol/ hasn't found out about this yet I guess.
>Gay and Jewish
John still probably convinced him to fuck his wife.
Eat him.
You retards sure are hung up on this shit.
>probably won't try it though
What kind of sacks of filth won't even try a new food being freely offered to them? It's not like you're going to force them to eat more if they don't like it.
dont bully the townsend
And don't sexualize Ivy
I shamefully go on /pol/ every day and I never saw anybody even mention Townsend during the time those videos went up. Like never have I even seen anybody talk about the channel. methinks you are fibbing.
You can't be around to see everything that happens on a board.
I'm pretty sure people have been calling him a cuck even before Drumpf was president.
Now I'm gonna commission shadman to draw ivy.
For how much people seem to be referencing it just in this thread, on a completely different board, you'd think it was a big outrage that somehow leaked its way to other boards. In that case, I would probably would have seen it because I remember the video popping up in my subscribe list.
I suppose some people somewhere got upset considering he made a response to the comments.
Despite all that, that slave impersonator is one of the more interesting videos he's done.
I can't imagine what kind of unimaginative, jaded, and underage prick you must be to not find these videos extremely informative and interesting from a historical standpoint.
>I shamefully go on /pol/ every day
You bring great dishonor to this board!
I honestly think /pol/ gets more posts in an hour than Veeky Forums does in a day, they have legions of newfags these days so it would be easy something there to seem very minor in relation
I'd let him demo their new sheepskin condoms on me for an episode
>no homo seal
but that pic is from a gay doujin.
>its another video of him making some nasty boiled pudding
thats half the channel by now
/pol/ is a board of peace and Veeky Forums is a rightful /pol/ colony.
Post that gorgeous grill
for some reason it sound like you're greatly exaggerating things, kinda in the same way /pol/ does at times
Fucking top tier waifu, if she had her own channel just talking about Dairy I'd watch it every day
>it's a butthurt liberal acts salty because one of their peers got called out for their bullshit episode
She's a good lay.
I'd let her milk my udder.
>historical cooking channel makes historical dessert
calm down there /pol/babby
Which person in this thread complained about the dessert episode? Could you please point to the specific post in this thread?
I didn't read the comment section as soon as the video went up but I always wondered if it was the Trump supporters who started making comments about the name, or the anti-Trump people. It's not hard to believe that someone posted "heh this must b about trump XD" and that started the shitstorm that followed.
>in this thread
nobody is making any kind of reference to anything that happened in this thread you paste eater
Why did you have to bring it up out of no where, dingleberry.
Oh, I guess that whining was completely irrelevant then. Try to contain your anti-/pol/ rage next time.
I'm in love
1488 /pol/ack checking in. I love Townsend and the only thing I thought when I watched the orange fool episode was "Damn that looks tasty". Then again, I grew up eating blueberry fools (or a loose bastardization thereof) for dessert, so I'm familiar with the term.
He is a bisexual, to be honest, that's why James gets him to fuck his wife. To each their own though, you know?
don't you dare say anything bad about the most wholesome channel on youtube or i will end you
They're going to be redoing a lot of their older videos to reflect what they've learned and show better techniques. If you want the older stuff, they've still got the DVDs of the first few seasons.
Stop being racist.
The whole reason I went on /pol/ was to make FUN of reactionaries. Like Trigglypuff and that FUCK WHITE PEOPLE pantsuit person. -Somehow a board of racists was less obnoxious-
Somehow the wheels came off in a biiiig way and yeah they constantly call Townshend a cuck on /pol/ because of the slave thing. All he wanted to do was cook you a nice meal but then you had to do that. T_T
Why would he ruin his image on purpose by making an orange fool video on donald trumps day?