/ S I P / G E N E R A L: Weekend edition

This thread is for sip boys, sip girls, and the sip curious. In this thread you will find caffeine, B-vitamins, zero sugar, and a crisp, refreshing finish. Welcome to your weekend sip general.

Other urls found in this thread:


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Use the Catalog, retard:

That's not a general, Einstein. I started this thread specifically because that one sucks.

Generals are cancer. Kill yourself out of Veeky Forums.

Generals are the best. I've got lots of them now, and I'm smarter than them. There's this thing, called, "the element of surprise.". They've never heard of it!!!

Represent. S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7


>mad at a meme


Your average sipper, everybody.

>doesn't sip
>makes fun of specific internet browsers
You must be a devil with the ladies

You guys are more pathetic than the alcoholics here.

why don't you go back to lebbit? you've been at this for literally 10 hours. it started with your meta thread where you whined about how you don't have a downvote button here and now
>12 posts
>6 unique posters
>conveniently 6 posts crying about sips
just get the fuck off Veeky Forums and go back faggot

Its the best browser on windows phones. Its just an html interpreter. No need to get your panties in a bunch anyway. Happy sipping, friend.

Happy Friday sips boys!

Here's another unique poster.
Go and fuck yourself, summercunt.


This shit literally belongs on rèddit

Boys sip soft drinks while men drink full bodied coffees

Isn't that the actress who always plays the chick who gets kidnapped and raped for days and then her dad or father figure tracks down the kidnappers and there's a lot of bloodshed which is supposedly the point of the movie even though the real point is the rape?

There's a reason citron was discontinued my /boys/. A cola zero sip is coming.


Sauce? Or just speculation?

stop pushing this literal poison in a can. fuck off with this sip shit

energy drink cans are very visually appealing

whoever is doing graphic design for monster and red bull have their shit together

*sips fedora*

daily reminder theres only 1 brand with 240 cafinee options

and thats Rockstar

they also have almost 1:1 flavor options for the 240 line and are also generally 2 for 4 dollars everywhere which is cheaper than the other brands

source: cafinee informer

This is your brain on Rockstar

Reminder that you are sipping this shit not downing it.
If you want max caffeine use pre-workout or just caffeine pills which can be had for like 5 bux for 50 200 mg pills

>tastes like gasoline
>can only drink one a day

I've been drinking Gatorade as a mid calorie alternative to soda.

Are there any other good soft drinks that are 100 calories or less per 12oz?

i believe mountain dew's energy drink has fewer than 100 calories per 16 oz

How's the taste?

Is it weird that I only /sip/ when I need that extra boost? I might be buying more soon when the Fall semester starts.

You're posting in the thread
Get some sips, the white sip is most people's favorite

That's what sips are for.

yes, i sip my fucking 240mg and usually end up with atlest half or 1/3-1/4 can left over after my 8 hour shift

you probably drank the fucking black plain can dumb fuck

the blue and white ones taste just like sprite or normal cola

I can't be doing with getting all wired up on that cafeeeen bullshit.

i'm sippin' pic related or cough medicine with sprite, nawmean.

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Are you the same Jordan that use to post on /g/?

i didn't believe in /sip/ meme but then I bought the big pack at Costco. my order is blue-white-red.

Work sippin. We have a pallet of the whites in the back

close that fridge

>being night shift closing bitch

literally everyone hates you because you barely do shit just to get out as soon as possible.

you aren't supposed to be eating or drinking back there


Mild. All flavors. Its kinda like juice with slight carbination.

im thankful every fucking day that i dont have some shit entry level job that pays $9/hr.

My friend tried a sip, he said it tastes awful. Should I stop talking to him or try to help him see the light?

I want to make some sippy images. Give me your images and I will sippify them. I need to get back in practice.

Just slam some tea. It has all the caffeine of a soda, but way healthier. I drink at least one bottle a day of some granola shit called Honest Tea, and it's only like 60 calories a pop

That's solid. Pic related has potential.

(A larger version of pic related. Sorry.)


Last sip sess I had one of these
10/10 might go buy me another right now and stop drinking these beers for the night

Comin atcha



Very very edgy post. Gotta 18 to post here bud.

Got my sip of the day, family.

Mr. Sip & Regret

didn't make this just to post it once

I bought a can of zero ultra because of these autistic threads, I just wanted to see what all the hype was about... Long story short, now I have a fridge full of zero ultra.

Yes and I still post there

>tfw they have only original and white available where I live.
And even those are hard to find. I commonly empty the shelf in the few places that have 'm.

About to start my day.
I'ma grip an sip.

Friendly reminder

Good morning bois! I just tried the black sip for the first time and honestly it wasn't as bad as seems to be the consensus here. I'm thoroughly ready to spend the day doing cardio and crossword puzzles.


holy shit i totally forgot about this lovely purple fuck


black sip?

First of all, these threads are cringy as fuck... second of all the white monster taste like shit and have no caffeine... please leave my board, thanks.

You should try and get a basic grasp of the English language, before you start sending people off 'your' board.



n..no you leave MY board.



All religious people are retarded.

reminder that there are 78 posts and 39 unique posters. all the complaints are one redditor who just started using Veeky Forums

you can see his meta thread > where he complains about sip threads and wants meal posting instead while basically begging for a downvote button. report any anti-sippers to get him banned

sip on dudes!

Anyone else absolutely love Monster Rehab? It's a rare sip where I live, but damn do I love me some rehab.

This is what I got this morning on the way into work

sucralose is fucking disgusting kill yourselves if you drink this shit

>he doesn't sip

No wonder you hate fun

Do not smite the nonsippers, they know not what they do

>poison in a can

Boi enjoy your make breasts from estrogen in your plastic bottles, I'll be enjoying high levels of energy and mental focus, not to mention being more Veeky Forums.


I spit out my sip laughing

So is the white zero ultra the most popular monster out there now? Its all these dudes in my class would drink.

Anyone try that mango flavor @ 7/11 tho? :^)

I can't fucking believe nobody has sippified this yet

His face was drawn like absolute shit, fucking /pol/tards learn2draw

You sound upset. SIPS are tastier than your own tears user.

Loved these before they jumped up to $8.50 a 4 pack. Now I'm back to black coffee and water

> sip curious

that like gender fluid or sth?

mans gotta sip


sippify this

sippify this one plssss

>tfw the shilling has turned your life into a meme
>tfw you start to think viral marketing is having a real effect
>tfw you realize you loved these things before the memes anyway, the only difference is that now you can enjoy them with internet strangers

We should all be so blessed with such insignificant feelings of belonging. Its much better than belonging to a bigoted church, nationalist/populist political party, a genetic lottery family. The sips are innocent, but allow us to bond anyway. Its like a car club, or trivia team. Harmless fun. Only shitheads would let a bit of innocent fun bother them.

>stop doing things I don't like
The man children will say.
>FUCK YOU, you fucking mental incompetent child
We will reply.

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not everybody starts at the top user