This guy angrily walks into your house and begins demanding food. What do you make to satisfy his hunger?

This guy angrily walks into your house and begins demanding food. What do you make to satisfy his hunger?

a bowl of eggs

This is my one and only chance to impress and get noticed by the culinary elite. I'm pulling out the big guns.

Something from your native England, Chef!

This is America, I'll just shoot him with my Deagle and be done with it.

All I ever stock are instant yakisoba bowls and steel reserve. I am very fucking poor

Microwaved leftover pizza.

>instant yakisoba
Excellent taste my fri-
>Steel Reserve
Eh, guess nobody's perfect.

>Jew Gun

Checks out

instant coffee and some plain artisanal oatmeal

Castle Doctrine. This post is /k/ approved.

>these eggs, did you lay them yourself?
>No, chef.
>Fucking hell..

Cum brownies

marmito on buttered breado hehehehehe

Fettuccine Alfredo except instead of cheese in the sauce I use a mixture of Ped Egg shavings and finely ground glass shards.

Bone Appa Teet!

I'd eat that

A mouth full of lead.
Da fuck you doin bustin into someones house yellin about shit bein raw?

Homemade icecream, fresh frozen.

>/k/ approved

like hell it is

give him an uncooked steak and then scream "jamie oliver is best chef" then run

Toss a few frozen dinners into the microwave or maybe some Kraft Mac and Cheese

get the fries

A sausage roll.

>Ramsay knocks on the door
>you open it
>hes bouncing around left and right not maintaining eye contact
>frequently smacking the back of his hand into the palm of his other hand
>his hair bouncing around each time he nods in your direction while speaking
>he occasionally leans in close to wispier something in your ear
>while you respond to him he pulls his shirt tight on each side near his hips and mumbles insults while looking to his side
>squinting and rubbing his eyes

I feed him MRE's.

Cockmeat sandwitch

I'd serve him some fresh justice, a punch in the stomach
get out of my house

/k/ is one person. I'm that person. I approved it. But yeah, deagles are gay.

This is a /k/ thread

a bottle of Worcestershire sauce

Steamed hams

I'd ask him to cook for me instead