Does freezing steak, or meat in general, lower the quality?
Does freezing steak, or meat in general, lower the quality?
yes but it's not a big deal
No. Does flash freezing Tuna ruin suishi?
It depends entirely if they're vacuum sealed, and how quickly they are frozen.
Faster freezing = smaller ice crystals = less damage to the microscopic structure of the meat
haha no
A "little". The prep and cook is most important. I unthaw in the fridge the purist way. Or buy fresh the day I cook.
However my buddy always takes them out the freezer, microwave low power defrost. Then he seasons and waits 30 minutes as grill heats. I thought to myself "this is gonna suck", but it's always fucking delicious. And it's not just because we're drinking. I was sober, 1 time.
>I unthaw
Midwest detected
looks like we got a fucking scientist here
>looks like we got a fucking scientist here
No i'm just a big fan of Good Eats
Unthaw Usage. Logically, the verb unthaw should mean 'freeze', but in North America it means exactly the same as thaw (as in the warm weather helped unthaw the rail lines).
It's in the Oxford dictionary. Fuck off Europe.
>in North America it means exactly the same as thaw
No. That usage is pretty limited to the Midwest and a little of the nearby West. If you talk like the cop in the movie Fargo you say unthaw. The rest of the continent does not.
Well then suck my nuts because I'm from Wisconsin. It isn't even winter, I won't have to unthaw them.
But seriously I copy pasted that from Oxford dictionary. In literature, I made no error.
Quit lying.
So is my wife, that's how I recognized it.
Not used on the East coast, most of the South and the West.
yeah, it's dethaw
>most of the South and West
I'm in Ohio and people say it here.
>in North America
Haha no
Idiots on Veeky Forums think they trump society. Lol kid, nope.
This wind doesn't blow your way, retard.
It's literally saying your use of unthaw is common in some areas but should be wrong.
Except it does
>It's in the Oxford dictionary.
>Fuck off Europe.
You're not the brightest, are you?
Nope. I'm in the top 10%. Present an argument and I'll make you look stupid among your peers. Go ahead..
this sounds retarded, i've always heard/used "defrost"
technical yes. practical not.
The worst part about winter is the ground begins to refreeze (unthaw).
Ignore the faggots, fellow cheesehead.
We say "defrost" or "thaw" in North Carolina.
irregardless, ur an idiot
Have to say even down here in MS we say "thaw." When WI and OH are more ignorant about something than MS, you'all better start worrying.
All these Johnny come lately mother fuckers. No one gives a fuck about your stupid shit.
Cheesetards are considerably more retarded than southerners in my experience. Their accent also makes them sound as if the have a mouth full of peanut butter.
You're confusing dialect with intelligence. Which shows your own intelligence.
You may find a Wisconsin accent more annoying but on average 10 points higher IQ than any state in the South. It's actually one of the highest in the Nation. The curse of predominantly white people.
I have the supreme intelligence
>Does freezing steak, or meat in general, lower the quality?
Absolutely. Freezing creates ice crystals which break the cell membranes in the meat. Same thing happens to the cell walls when you freeze veggies. This harms the texture of the food and causes the natural juices to run out. The industry term is called "drip loss"; google it.
The harm can be reduced if the food is frozen very quickly like an industrial blast chiller found in a factory or on board a big fishing ship.
There's also the possibility of freezer burn, but that's dependent on your packaging. Vacuum packing can go a long way to prevent that.
Not enough to link a post or punctuate, but sure kid.