>Soft boil egg
>Yolk is godly
>Hard boil egg
>Yolk is disgusting
How do people eat that shit?
Soft boil egg
I typically use my mouth but it varies from time to time.
i think an unboiled egg has the best yolk of all
That sounds like a weird way to go about it, but very inventive.
Boiled egg yolk is scrumptious
Depends how you want to eat it. Soft boiled is only good when it's still warm.
Goddamn. What's your shit look like after that
Sous vide eggs ftw
Stop burning your yolk in hard boiled eggs
You can't really slice a soft-boiled egg and put it on a sandwich.
just use a fried egg instead
triple fried egg sandwich with chili sauce and chutney is one of my favorites
I dunno, I feel like a fried egg and a boiled egg are completely different in texture. I also love hard-boiled eggs in a salad, shopska salad for example. Wouldn't be the same with a fried egg, I think.
tua mater
Hard boiled yolk is gross because it gets kind of dry and powdery, but it's useful for making something like deviled eggs or egg salad, it gets a nice texture when mixed with a little mayo.
You could mash it up and spread it on a piece of bread
I made a spinach salad today that was (mostly) spinach, scrambled eggs, and basil pesto. It was kind of weird but surprisingly good. Also I had nothing else to make.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Osterjause! Don't Americans have that? Do you not have Eierpecken?
Americans dye hard boiled eggs on Easter, and we usually have ham for dinner. Easter baskets are usually filled with candy for kids though.
And don't you smash the easter eggs together to see who wins?
>Don't Americans have that? Do you not have Eierpecken?
No we don't have eierpecken. And that makes me sad every day.
I understand. No person should have to live without Eierpecken. I'm so sorry for you!
>I'm so sorry for you!
Sprechen Sie russisch?
Hard boiled yolk is only disgusting if you overcook it.
This chart is for eggs dropped into boiling water.
You can see when the yolk goes from nice and creamy to gross and chalky.
7-8 minutes is perfect IMO.
kill yourself for actually saying "scrumptious"
Thats 7-8 is not hard boiled and would be awful to use in any recipe that calls for hard boiled eggs. 9 minutes is the ideal
>but u just sed it
Fair enough, 9 still doesn't look gross and chalky, which is what can happen if you get towards that 13 minute mark.
No, never heard of that. Whoever's egg breaks loses? We do something similar on Thanksgiving though, where two people grab the "wishbone" and pull it apart, whoever gets the top connecting piece wins.
8-9 minutes is perfect for me. The yolk is still a bit gooey, but it doesn't run everywhere when you cut through it, which personally I don't like.
It's also how I like my fried eggs, still gooey, but not runny.
For that I'd do a poached egg instead.
There's no way he didn't vomit immediately after that.
12 minute master race
>he doesnt insert them into his anus and allow his rectum to absorb the nutrients
faggot detected
That's the Greeks
9-11 minutes for snacking
12-14 minutes for cooking
Yokey fags get out.
Your chart is useless without specifying local atmospheric pressure. At high altitude and low atm, the temperature of boiling water changes signifcantly, which will affect the cooking of the eggs.
You actually got them backwards.
But in any case, enjoy your runny, mucousy mess.