I finally did it, Veeky Forums
I fucked up rice.
Added too much water.
Before I kill myself, how would you unfuck it?
Soggy Rice
Try again.
But my chicken is done in 10 minutes and all I have is long-cook
Keep boiling it?
I... Didn't think of that.
I guess that should be expected of the guy that can't measure water.
This guy gets i. Rice is cheap. Throw it out and start over.
Rice takes 20. Hurry up.
How stoned are you
Either not enough or too much
2 to 1, that's all you need to know
there's no estimating involved
take a container. fill it up once with rice, then twice with water. you have successfully measured.
Keep boiling it then add milk and heat for another hour and you have porrige wa la
2 to 1
LOL no. it's 1 to 1. or 1 to 1.25 at most. add that much water and you wind up with porridge.
It depends on the rice you fuckstick
I tried cooking many kinds of rice with 1.5x water on lowest heat setting and it was way undercooked a lot of the time.
rice takes like 10 minutes in a pot
You're fucking dumb. You don't cook rice on the lowest setting. You bring it to a fucking boil, then once it boils you take it off the heat for a moment and adjust the heat to medium high. Once the water level drops, lower it again to medium. Then after a few minutes more to medium low and finally low. Shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes for 2-4 cups of rice.
>You don't cook rice on the lowest setting.
Yes you do.
>i tried cooking rice on the lowest heat setting and it was way undercooked a lot of the time
huh, that's a stumper
If the water is still boiling then a longer cooking duration will cook the rice more.
Stick to Taco Bell threads, you fucking idiot.
Boiled it down per user's instruction, turned out all right. Rice is a bit mushier and sticky than I'd like but it's not soggy so I call it a win. Have a picture.
I was trying to eyeball 1.5 but I'm pretty sure my dumb ass forgot that I had already added a cup.
You are allowed to use this, y'know
I don't own a sieve.
That looks very bland
Shame, it would've helped you. You might want to invest into one, they're not expensive
It is.
No sauces even?
People have to start somewhere. It's better than hot pockets
It's on the list with "Whisk," "Spatula," & "Skillet."
Next week!
How the fuck can you fuck up rice?
This is like fucking up 'cooking' a fucking bowl of cold cereal desu...
Broke as hell, eating on a budget while trying to trim. Sauce is a luxury right now.
For what it's worth, it's seasoned with Chili Pepper, Lemon Juice, Black Pepper, Salt, and Garlic Powder. It has flavor, just nothing special.
the pot won't even get to a boil on the lowest setting you dumb nigger. and after cooking it for that long you wind up with mush. rice is supposed to be prepared just a bit past al dente, where the grains come apart easily. you probably advocate not washing your rice too, you fucking white savage.
>How the fuck can you fuck up rice?
That's pretty easy: Use too much or too little water. Alternatively: use too much salt.
I feel you. We just have different priorities I suppose.
When I was poor I always went for condiments and additives first to make bad cheap food taste better. But you're all good, as long as you got some flavor
I'll do orange chicken stir fry in your honor tomorrow.
I have to run the fat away. Night Veeky Forums
How do I rinse rice? I don't have a large enough sieve to fit 3 cups of rice in, so I try to do it cup by cup but it usually still ends up pretty starchy.
Use a big bowl:
Cover with water
Agitate and swirl
Carefully pour the water out
Put some shit in it and pop it in the oven to make risotto.
You can thank me later.
Just drain it like apasta desü. Wire mesh sieve solve all you problems.
Take water out
Add salt
The correct ratio depends on what type of rice you're cooking.
Put your soggy rice in a container of dry rice to let your soggy rice dry out a bit, like you would a cell phone if you dropped it in the toilet.
This is both the stupidest and most intelligent idea I've heard today
I suck at cooking rice, I'm a retard when it comes to that.
When ever I boil 50g of rice I add 100ml of water and boil it for 9-10 mins. But it seems like no matter what I do, the rice always comes out slightly sticky. What am I doing wrong?
You stupid gook. Who the fuck would do this autistic way just for a pot of rice ?
You bring the shit to a boil THEN you reduce on low heat to let the rice simmer and you wait 10-20 minutes depending on the rice and the quantity of water.
You bring the pot to a boil on the highest setting, once it has started you reduce it to a simmer. How fucking hard can it be to understand that concept?
>what is a stove, and how does it work?
The ratio is 1:2 by volume, not weight. Also, you may have to vary the amount of water depending on what sort of rice you are cooking. Rinse your rice before cooking. Also, try buying some other less sticky brand of rice.
>Boil rice with a shitton of water
>Drain after a set amount of time (varies based on type of rice)
>Fluff the rice like normal
>Tastes the same without all the guesswork of ratios.
>All these white people arguing about rice
This is not hard silly white folks:
>put rice in the rice cooker
>add water
>press button, listen to "Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je, Maman" by W.A. Mozart
>listen to "Amaryllis" by Louis XIII
Been doing this for 30 years, I fail to see what there is to discuss