I hope i look that comfy when i die

I hope i look that comfy when i die

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ugh, gross

What is that?

shaved dog

Whole piggy

Sleep tight pigger

uma delicia

I busted out laughing, thanks user

Has anyone found a way to not eat meat or cause harm to animals without being a faggy vegan?

fuck you

Rise them as you would rise a dog then a bullet to the head.
Oh wait you wrote NOT EAT MEAT, sorry can't help you with your homosexuality.

>found a way to not eat meat
Have you tried not eating meat?

That does seem to be the best way. Honor the animal and use every part for something.


Why the hell is is 30000 yen. Every single part of that pig separately would run you less than 10,000 yen all together

looks a lot better when grilled

He doesn't look very happy there.

lechon, yum

Looks like babe from the movie. He spent all that time training to be a dog and he ends up looking like one of dexters victims.

Why am I seeing this one pic so much lately? It's not new.
Was it on the front page of reddit or something?

I hope the cleric also has a ton of morphine for that one poor cow she constantly takes chunks of flesh off

Cows don't feel pain, you fucking hippie.
Do you really think we'd eat them if they did?

sleep tight porker

He looks so peaceful

Cold death is too real for people. Rost is pieces, piggo.

sleep tight pork chopper

Fuck, that looks good.

$300?! or is this fake chinese "yuan"

Because the (((butchers))) charge a 300% markup for their services.

>charge a 300% markup for their services
Killing babies comes with a price that entitled white people can easily afford

Imagine having that piglet in your fridge and you have to look at it every time you open the fridge.

Meat lovers pinata

I wanna stick my dick in it

rly makes u think

this pig isnt dead it just has that fetish where it likes to be wrapped up like this

that looks really comfy

i wish i had one in my fridge
that shit is fucking delcious, not that i have the space to cook it anyways fuck living in an apartment

why live in an apartment?

looks like he went out in the sun too much


why not

because better living arrangements can be had. if renting, a sharehouse with decent people (screen b4 hand) if buying maybe i guess but housing tends to be similar price.

because i live in a big city and im not rich enough to afford a house

>living with other people

larger house so better kitchen (an issue currently for you)
communal areas yet still private bedroom

if its a mega city i guess so

>using a bladed weapon

Pig is sleeping

What currency is that? Japanese Yen?


Underrated post.

It looks just like that princess manga.

Take a wild guess kawaiitard.

He looks so peaceful after the end, considering he never had a chance from the beginning.

toss er in the oven

It's not DnD, you dummy. Burning 6th level slots on a piece of meat would not be efficient.

Sleep tight, porker!

I mean, really, what's so wrong about eating people?

No, man, really fucking other people becone unbearable after a while.
And unless you're willing to like end up having this weird ass family-type relationship with a perfect stranger, it's truly awful.
Forget the horror stories to exemplify this point (of which there are many), their mere presence becomes a hassle to your existance.

sleep tight porker

But abortion is free for the most part especially if you're poor and your skin has a tone similar to feces

this tbqh

sleep tight, pigger

Suck dick

lab-grown meat

Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you the education system of the United States of America.


>clerics have to use blunt weapons
Post that shit on Veeky Forums, I could use a laugh

sup nigs. nothing like a balkan bbq.


Ah fuck. Take out the eyes at least

I feel a little bad, but not bad enough to stop eating eat.

Bad enough that I'd support humane treatment of livestock and wanna buy grass fed/organic/etc but not even consider giving up meat.

Do Americans really eat this?

>tfw buy 1 get 1 free on cats



Such a calm face, I should cook him and honor his death

yep, americans love pork.

heh, just like prometeus

The fucking face
>oshitnigger oven time

Aaaannd? Rotisserie that little pig.

You want your spine broken?
I mean, the only feasible advantage I can see to doing that is so that you can suck your own dick.

is he ok ~?


Have fun.

plankton and fish and sea greens and protein from the sea,,, and porkers

I think it's a whale.

i laughed too (:

Be a fucking vegan you pussy ass baby back bitch

Tnx bby


I can't tell what currency that is but I'm guessing it's around $300?

its 円


Yep. Reasonable for a 20+-pound piece of exotic specialty meat.

I love these! You salt them like a turkey over night, and roast them whole in oven. No. of kg = hours of roast
Etc: 3kgs= roast for 3 hours
2 hours with foil on top, last hour or even half an hour remove foil


God, I would love to eat that with honey glaze.
