Vegetarian onigiris fillings

First time doing onigiris and i already have everything to cook but i still don't know what to use for filling, do you have any idea? Google doesn't help

My only restrictions are:
No meat (chicken, fish, pork etc)
No eggs

I'll be grateful if you help me, i'm really excited to cook and try them

Well, given that two of the most common onigiri fillings are umeboshi and tsukudani, maybe start there?

Classic onigiri fillings are salty and/or sour, as an aid to preservation.

Jelly donuts are my favorite

This blew my mind many years later when I looked back and realized that those were NOT, in fact, jelly donuts.

Why didn't they just call them rice balls?

Might as well just eat rice then lad.

Anko (red bean paste) is a traditional filling, so if your want authenticity I'd say go for that. It's sweet though, so if you want something savory stay clear of that.

If you want to depart from tradition you can use cucumber salad as a filling (just cucs, lemon juice, and plain yogurt with seasoning) or fill it with yam or avocado. You can even fill it with veggie tempura. Really any vegetarian sushi filling would work well.

#3 on here is vegetarian.


I put peanut butter in mine. Do not wrap the peanut butter ones with seaweed though.

I've never had it with (fried) tofu before but it sounds like it could work.

>veggie tempura

cream cheese + sambal oelek

Racism. The same with Power Rangers.


Pretty much anything you would eat with rice

sweet red bean

chicken, fish, pork, eggs

How do you make onigiri so the nori doesn't go soggy

Plum jam
Fruit paste
Minced steamed/ panfried cabbage

You can't go wrong, altho I'd use brown rice

Let the rice cool a bit before wrapping it, and make sure you keep it out of moist air. Me ex used to pop them in ziploc bags right after wrapping them, along with the desiccant pack from some beef jerky.

miso vegetables
>egg salad

Miso flakes are pretty good. The sourness of umeboshi kicked my ass first time I tried it, but it's got a lot of flavor.

>warm plastic
Enjoy your wrecked endocrine system

>warm plastic
>Let the rice cool
My heart goes out to your parents. It must've been hard to raise a mentally handicapped child.


Pickled plum or salter plum is good

Localization from the Japanese original

Haters gonna hate but I always fill my onigiri with avocado, mixed with a dash of soy sauce. It's just the best.