Flyover here. I know you folks say you hate our food, but don't tell me you wouldn't eat the fuck outta some hotdish. Doesn't that shit look great?
Flyover here. I know you folks say you hate our food, but don't tell me you wouldn't eat the fuck outta some hotdish...
Wow, you must have had to open three different bags and at least one can of premade factory produced garbage to dump into that pan. Very impressive.
I usually mock flyovers for being simple minded bigots but I do love a good casserole.
"Good on you" as your people like to say.
Looks kinda gross.
The word you're looking for is edible. Tater tot hotdish is edible. That's the best you're going to get
Fucking Minnesotaians. It's a casserole, not a fucking "hot dish." You queer ass snow-fucking cannucks!
what's that white stuff? gravy?
Canned condensed cream of X soup. Could be mushroom. Could be chicken. Could be celery. Whatever it is, it came from a can cuz in the midwest, cookery is akin to witchcraft. The 'produce section' in Jewell-Osco is actually an elaborate witch trial. If you are caught actually buying produce to cook from scratch in the midwest, you'll be burned at the stake for heresy and witchcraft.
The underlying principle of midwestern cooking is indifference, if not outright hostility, to the use of anything that doesn't come prepackaged in a box, bag, can or packet.
Missed the point, really
Aw yeah, comfy flyover thread
That looks like something a drunk college kid would slap together from whatever remaining shit they had on hand.
Flyover turned coastie here.
I'm not proud of a lot of the things my family used to make, but I'd defend sweet potato and marshmallow casserole to the ends of the earth. Any thanksgiving without this is no thanksgiving at all.
This one's a staple at my mom's house too. It's the dessert before the dessert.
I love casseroles.
King Ranch Chicken
Hungry Jack
The South is the only flyover part of the country that has good food.
Prove me wrong.
Texas and Chicago
learned about "inside out ravioli" today from my flyover family
shells and ricotta
meat sauce
more mozza on top
Chicago isn't flyover. If we want to get autistic about it, it's actually a bigger air travel destination than NYC.
Texas is part of the South.
I'm from Chicago. I don't think the label applies, but Veeky Forums certainly does
In terms of intercontinental layovers, sure. Chicago's a fun town, but it's the pit stop to NYC's destination.
Bet you'd defend pic related, too. Just a major defect of growing up in your time and place. The way some jerkoffs here enthuse about Taco Bell.
Did you tried the double chalupa/from taco bell?
'nuff said.
Hell ya I agree. Shit was so cash yo. I can eat two and still have 'nuff left over for bus fare. Based
Right. Because when you have shit taste it doesn't matter what you eat.
That was so incredibly disgusting.... Like attempting to eat a taco and then getting the shittiest gloopy salad imaginable.
I'm a flyover and we never eat that shit. If we have a casserole it's not going to include cream of anything canned soup. You realize there are people here who aren't a) poorfags or b) stuck in the 60s right?
The marshmallows look good but I've always suspected they taste like shit, too sweet, so I don't try it.
Oh hell yeah. I miss potlucks at my old Church growing up in MN- Every Wednesday night there would be one before night services and we'd go every week.
Hot dish and egg noodle casseroles all day baby. My personal favorite casserole is beef egg noodle.
why would you not even try it? That makes no sense
Anyway yes it is a dish that's easy to have wind up boring and one-note. As I understand, most families have their own spin to give it more interest. We add lemon juice to the mash, which works wonders.
hotdish? why dont they call it cold plate or somethin
People who aren't retarded just call it casserole.
And people who are less retarded call a saute pan a casserole.
I like sweet potatoes enough to eat a lot of them. I'm just not crazy about the consistency of marshmallows. Roasting individually over a campfire is a nice treat because you eat it immediately. In a casserole the perfectly melted insides turn gummy well before they make it to your plate. A small portion, served right out of the oven in a ramikin might be good
You call your cookware casseroles?
hotdish is fucking delicious
Yeah you do want to serve it as fresh out of the oven as possible for that reason. The some foil and the residual heat from the mash keeps the marshmallows gooey for several hours though.
I mean, ive dealt with faggots who were spoon fed babies and never tried anything new, but this is the most basic shit ever and you are still too big of a pussy to try it. Gerber carrots all day everyday? why the fuck do you come to the food & cooking board?
Image living in this world.
Only the poor and old here do.
>no one else in america eats food from cans
Get over yourself, also.
why make dinner when you can make a dump?
>creamy chicken dump
That looks so damn good but I've tried it before and can't stand it. I don't think it's bad it's just too sweet for me.
And Atlanta has the busiest airport in the world. Not technically flyover. Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and most of the Carolinas are basically worthless though.
Imagine being this insecure about where you live that you have to create lengthy strawman posts about an entire region every opportunity you get
>one of the most important financial centers in the world
>just a pit stop
Apparently nearly ten million people thought it wasn't worth going all the way. Not bad for a city that doesn't have the ridiculous PR New York does, I say.
Exactly my point. That's ten million, compared to NYC's 58 million. I'm not knocking Chicago, I've had a ton of fun there, it's a great city and has some of the best restaurants in the country, not even talking about deep dish. The fact is, it's always gonna be second to NYC.
t. Butthurt midwesterner
You seem really upset about me not being thrilled by the idea of covering my vegetables with candy.
That just looks like a really shitty peach cobbler
Is this a submission to "this is why you're fat"? I didn't know that site was still around.
Do americans really eat this?
That looks awful desu
No. Just Midwesterners. They're an invasive species we've been trying to kill off for a while now. Poison seems to finally be working.
stop tryin tae be mister fuckin jamie oliver its food get it down ye ye posh cunt
where did all that edge come from, the nigger's knife that stabbed you?
Midwest to south to east coast to UK to Middle east to Asia to west coast to midwest.
Midwest is where it's at. I think Kansas City had it best. The coasts are the most overrated places on the planet. Only thing that keeps me up at night after acquiring a belly full of delicious midwest BBQ is memories of the the glorious authentic asian seafood.
Midwest needs to stop being referred to as flyover. Coasties have shit culture. South has shit culture and they need to get off their sugar water sweet tea schtick but they got some top notch eats if you know where to look.
Flyover here. (Cleveland)
Stop defending our region. You know its a culinary shithole. The energy you spend defending this nonsense is energy you could spend trying to come up with something good.
As a kid, just hearing someone say "hotdish" killed my appetite. It's not an appetizing word.
>culinary shithole
I've been across both oceans eating food. Don't even try me. Midwest has great food.
>both oceans
There's 5 oceans though lad
Only the ones that touch MURICAN SOIL count.
>I hate myself so you should to!