The many faces of a hamburger

We all know what a protein style hamburger is.
I'm trying to stay away from refined carbs to minimize my sugar intake.

Aside from lettuce, what's an optimal medium to use in place of buns for a hamburger?

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You can make a microwave flaxseed "bread" with eggs, Google those terms and I'm sure you'll find it.

So I see you went to a carnival,user...


Expensive alternative but it works.


That looks like Hope Solo.

This is actually brilliant

What the fuck is hope solo? Han solo's daughter?



i believe user is referring to her leaked nude selfies

>I'm trying to stay away from refined carbs to minimize my sugar intake
And you actually think a fucking bun will make difference?

A bun you fucking freak


Body positive is cute and all but its not productive towards health

>this user is unaware of how calorie and carb dense breads are, especially white breads

Bread, white rice, candybars.. all basically equally sugary

Lettuce is 60% carbs, its complete poison. Put a few grams of butter on it and you'll be safe

>Aside from lettuce, what's an optimal medium to use in place of buns for a hamburger?
A plate on the bottom of the burger, sauteed onions and gravy on the top.

I lost nearly a hundred pounds doing exactly that

Portobello mushrooms?

>le-le braed is bad 4 u!!!

kill yourselves, memeing faggots. fucking pussies scared of bread, you faggots needed a year of conscription after high school

Use the patties as the bread.

edgelord go home

I had either some cinnamon raisin or blueberry bagels laying around, and I decided to slap a burger in em and it was actually good

It at least takes away >200kcal
Not insignificant

You could also just take away the burger and eat a fucking salad

but muh protein and muh fats

bell peppers, cabbage, cooked kale, eggplants,

lookup "fathead low carb dough" and make that into buns.

I didn't say it was healthy or reasonable, I was just pointing out that it takes away some empty calories. I wouldn't eat burgers, bun or not.

just eat a lean meat patty

thick slices of potato or sweet potato or winter squash