>I don't eat meat because think of da poor animals!!!!!!!! :((((((
is there any argument more pathetic than this?
>I don't eat meat because think of da poor animals!!!!!!!! :((((((
is there any argument more pathetic than this?
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I just crushed a spider, the only remorse that I had was that I didn't even try to eat it.
I do think of the animals, and the vegetables too.
Humans can choose their diet. Animals cannot. This sort of bullshit pisses me off.
It's cousin Harold is going to come back to avenge his death. Good luck going to sleep tonight.
seriously any "male" who refuses to eat meat because of their feelings towards the poor animals deserved to be castrsted
literally the definition of a beta male
wtf do u mean
we are at the top of the food chain, what is there to get mad about
Harold won't go to waste, it's going to be my late night snack.
>I don't support national socialism because think of da poor joos!!!!!!!! :((((((
is there any argument more pathetic than this?
That dog looks like a cuck, deserves to be a vegan
Forcing your dog to be vegan. That's fucked. Dogs descend from wolves, feed them meat, at least some of the time.
Dog looks smart.
The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.
I know right, Eastern crudity and barbarity is clearly superior
>pics of gooks cooking dogs alive
What's one more animal? Why do dogs hold special significance? If you're OK with eating meat, then any meat is fine unless you define arbitrary moral reasons.
>replying to pasta
Why is _always_ a melanin enriched individual and a melanin deprived one?
good goy
no dogs have to eat whatever we feed them. we are at the TOP of the food chain idiot
I agree, I want to eat Californians.
>Why is _always_ a melanin enriched individual and a melanin deprived one?
Don't be anti-semitic
It is the worst reason for vegeterianism.
Top tier vegans do it for health reasons, mid tier vegans do it for environmental reasons and shit tier philosophically hypocritical assholes do it for ethical reasons.
What did the owner mean by that? Dogs are known carnivores and dog food contains meat from other animals.
Prove it
There is and pic related is even more pathetic, like your existence lol.
I'm glad you're mad.
900 iq post. Simple cu/ck/s can't understand.
Dogs are omnivores and can live without meat, I think its cats that need meat.
Nice subjective morality bud
Here's a zinger for ya
[spoiler]I disagree[/spoiler]
And here's a zinger, for you.
I mean you complaining about this on Veeky Forums with a sadfrog pic in the OP seems more pathetic.
I'm not vegan, but if I ever decided not to eat meat it wouldn't be because of animal abuse, animals taste great. It would only be because we couldn't afford to manufacture meat and have it avaliable and cheap like we do now. I'd hunt too though.
>I'd hunt too though.
No you wouldn't you Cheeto crumb fingered assclown
There is literally nothing wrong with the argument.
Yeah, there's an even worse argument
>I eat meat but you shouldn't be mean to animals :((((
this a thing?
>fries and mashed potatos
>chicken sandwich and 3pieces of chicken
You have to go back
Feed your dog chocolate and see what happens.
It's a delicious thing.
They aren't carnivores. Cats are.
I hope your dog eats your face when you die. Maybe it'd get a decent meal for once. I'm assuming youre a fat beta virgin with superiority issues.
"rights" are a human construct and are completely baseless and subjective
"Numbers" also are human constructs. What's your point?
I live in Tennessee nigger, deer is like lunch meat around here.
I agree. Rights are a construct which humans have created, and agreed upon. Why should these not be extended to animals?
You can be punished for treating certain animals 'cruelly'. There are laws that dictate animals should be cared for. Why then, should we create these laws, and then go on to deny that they suffer? Clearly killing something isn't moral, when there is no requirement to do so.
rights doesn't real so they can be warped and flexed in contradictive paradoxical ways. yes animals kept domestically have laws protecting them but people think of them differently to animals one would eat. plus were not just mercilessly slaughtering them for no purpose at all, they're dumb animals who were subjugated by superior human intellect
after all, were at the top of the food chain :)
People do think of them differently, but that isn't a reason to eat them. Animals have a basic level of sentience, and reasonable intelligence. Some more so than a child aged 1-3. Basing a reason to kill something on intelligence would make killing retards and children justified.
I disagree
i understand why it's hard to have empathy as an autistic 16 year old male edgelord