What cheese is best Veeky Forums?

What cheese is best Veeky Forums?

What cheese is worst?

>What cheese is best Veeky Forums?


>What cheese is worst?

blue cheese and american """cheese"""

Best: chedder
Worst: Rock Fort

That depends on its application.
Pizza either cheddar or mozzarella
Salads either goats cheese or halloumi
Crackers, brie for me

Best: Cheese from France, Italy, Germany, Spain, New England, and the California coast to the north of the SF Bay

Acceptable in an emergency: Cheese from commieland (Czechoslovakia, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria and so on), England/Scotland/Ireland, Virginia, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal, and all those other kinds of awful places with no culture

Not acceptable under any circumstances: Cheese from Wales, New Zealand, Finland, or Oregon

Not actually cheese but frequently mistaken as such by flyover folk: Fake plastic from Wisconsin

Best: american
Worst: feta

Baiting 101, disparage as many places as possible.

Best: cheddar

Worst gorgonzola, or any other blue cheese. Flavor isn't bad, it's just not for me.

emmentaler, gouda

any "light" products

The best thing to do when eating strong smelling cheese is to eat that as a small part of something else.

Stilton for example can be crumbled into a sausage and caremalised onion panini (americans would call this a melt i guess).

>swiss is a type of a cheese

Best: Proper parmiggiano and proper gorgonzola
Mid-tier: super old cheddar
shit tier: anything french

What kind of cheese? What for? This is way too much of a general question. In my personal opinion:

Universal Best: Cheddar
Soft/blue cheese best: Camembert
Hard cheese best: Parmigiano-Reggiano

But there's plenty of other cheeses which are really good. Swiss La Gruyère is really good for example. Basically any cheese will be pretty good as long as you buy the actual cheese and not some "cheese-like" product that they sell in America.

These are amazing. Tasty, cheap, healthful, easy, and very useful.

Not the greatest cheese, but they make a great staple.

red leicester.

>What cheese is best Veeky Forums?
>Not the greatest cheese

One time I had a goats milk Brie, it was delicious. 10/10 best soft cheese for me.

Worst was this truffle Gouda we got in a restursunt. It was greasy and super truffly, not the best.

Best: Pic Related

Worst: String cheese

>cottage cheese
>string "cheese"

Favourite allround so far is Epoisses. I've not yet had a cheese that was unpleasant, although massmade stuff is often so bland or monodimensional as to depress me. Mascarpone by itself is pretty grim
Welsh goats cheese is some of the best on the planet

Pecorino Romano is the gratest cheese.


this whole thread

>What cheese is best Veeky Forums?
proper camembert

>What cheese is worst?

This whole board*

ow WTF that looks like it hurt really bad

>What cheese is best Veeky Forums?
I usually love strong cheese, like Tête de Moine or Old Amsterdam

>What cheese is worst?
Easily young gouda. It just tastes like quark that you left out in the sun, it's so boring

I can't see lauging cow cheese without thinking of that one vegan who went
"I bet the cow wasn't laughing when you slaughtered her to make that!"

Ayyy I'm at a cheese factory right now


Best: cream cheese
Worst: cottage cheese

Putrid smelling like death really solidified fat globules known as cheese

Not much of choice in good ones maybe mozz idk

Halloumi, Gouda and mozzarella is the trinity

>using geography to determine how good cheese is
Please stop being retarded burger.









>solidified fat globules
that would be butter

I like comte.

American :^)


I am French and I have no fucking idea what those cheeses are

me neither.

do you let your cheese "warm up" too? everyone keeps telling me that we do this but I don't, I just take that shit out and eat it

t. baguette #2

What kind of cheese do you eat? Actually what does your normal day look like with meals? Do you have cheese and bread often?

It's not necessary but usually when something is colder you don't taste it as much.

America: the Veeky Forums post

>emmentaler, gouda
Are you 8 years old? or do you have taste buds like a toddler?

Absolutely transcension tier taste, user.
Also, cosmos level cheese is spiced/tweaked cheddar. Bought an apple smoked one recently, I think it went to my nutsack because my post cheese fap smelled like summer

I can tell you it isn't gruyère cheese, which I tried recently. Tastes like pure salt, and smells like stale urine and jizz

Temperature wise, it's 100% your choice for you're taste

But letting cheese in room temperature for hours of day will help give it more taste

t.baguette#1 who works with cheese

People eat a LOT of bread, cheese is common, but it's not everywhere

I would say the most popular cheeses in France are:


Brie (the cow one)

Goat like animal cheese:
Buche de chèvre
Brie (goat and similar one)

Interesting, thank you!

>mozzarella is cheese
>cheddar on pizza

Best cheese is Parmigiano Regiano you fucking plebs.

... but actually cheese varies so much only an american, used to only "Cheese" cheese, can ask which is the best.

How can France's selections of cheese be so terrible, and Italy's be so great, when they are so close to each other?


What year is it??

Don't know why you ask me, but there are many delicious french cheeses.

He broke his ankle, lets say for arguments sake he didn't break the skin and the contaminated water didn't cause an infection that would likely lead to other problems including amputation or death. At best he is looking at months of healing with physiotherapy and reduced mobility for several years. Likely he is looking at reduced mobility for the rest of his life as well as fragility of the surrounding tissue meaning a greater likelihood of repeat injuries.

I consider myself lucky as i once stepped down from a 2.5ft height and my ankle twisted over like his but only caused a very severe sprain, my ankle is still swollen 4 years later. It clicks and points in the wrong direction. Don't fuck with your ankles people, it can fuck you up for life.

Sorry my patrician tastes offend you, can i suggest a large dose of self reflection.

>Best: Italy [...] Germany,

Except Casu Marzu and Milbenkäse.

Tie between brie and cheddar. Much like how the English and the French form the bedrock on which free democratic societies in the West rest, so too do they establish the baseline for fine cheese.

American processed """cheese""" food. I say this as an American born and raised.

British cheese is superior to french, much like our cuisine we had to sacrifice that knowledge to rescue the french during WWII, if the french weren't surrender monkeys we would not have to have sacrificed our cuisine to save them. We had to endure rationing into the mid 50's, destroying british food culture to save those pussies that bowed down to germany. Even now we have to make the hard choices to oppose germany's need to conquer europe.

Fuck you germany and france, good luck with the "new europeans".

Danish blue

Low fat 30+ Gauda

Anything Dutch

Anything American

Best cheese is government cheese.

>British cheese is superior to french

holy fuck delusion
Go fuck yourself perfidious, your cheese is mediocre at best.

French > Swiss > German cheese.


Britain produces the greatest of anything we put our hand to, hence the name; Great Britain.

UK sucks at mostly everything. The only good thing you guys put out is music and movies. You're basicly America #2 except America is also good at technology wihle you suck balls. You are the periphery of Europe and if it wasn't for your colonial past no one would give a fuck about you. And your cheese sucks.

You forgot fine firearms. And suits. Oh, and mustard.

But yeah, I can't think of too much else that I'd desire from a British maker.

Sorry Amebro, yeah firearms also. Technology, military and IT and many other stuff. Cars not so much, I preffer Japan and Germany. But UK, apart from good rock music and some movies and tv series, nothing really comes to my mind.

stay delusional, kid.

Britain hasn't been relevant since the end of WW2.
Your cheese sucks as much as your yellow crooked teeth, inbred mongrel.

youre not fancy because you buy humboldt fog

Halloumi and mozarella is the bestest


Why do Americans have such bad teeth anyway?

saved kek

british suits are awful though, the only people who should wear them are members of the royal family and that's because it's their native costume, not because it actually looks good

neapolitan >> all (unless you are a fat fuck in which case lose weight you fat fuck)

Sugar, soda

I'm not American, don't ask me.

Hands down my guilty pleasure. Shop bought in a plastic cup like a chicken salt shaker, Parmesan cheese.

Cheese I like are.


Jarlsberg, Red Leicester

Cashel Blue, Shropshire Blue

Gouda, Mozzarella

Parma Reggiano

Ricotta, Mascarpone

>Cheese from Oregon somehow unacceptable
Have you never had Tillamook, or are you just shitposting?

On the contrary, I specifically had Tilamook in mind

Fine for fast food burgers, but that's about it

bottom left could be Cantal

I see you are a man of refined taste

Best: If I had to choose one, I'd pick a smoked English cheddar. Other great cheeses include blue goat cheese, smoked gruyere, and oka.

Worst: really cheap fluorescent orange cheddar. I'd rather eat kraft singles.

Guilty pleasures: cheez whiz, herb and garlic boursin, and Caprice des Dieux.

Honestly, it's hard to find a cheese I don't like. Every cheese has its place in my eyes.

Fucking finally! Somebody said it

I would have said more tomme d'Ardèche

>that would be butter
when putrefied its cheese

I dunno senpai Asiago is stiff competition. Pecarino is good though.

that would be cultured butter. cheese isn't pure fat, you can't turn fat into cheese.



everything else is too bland

rennet/stomach is for decay and/or putrefaction used and needed in natural cheese
skip the whey
keeping the casein

not argument that it smells like death

>French > Swiss
Hey back it up there with those hot opinions.

Fuck no these taste like a baby's milky bile.

The absolute best way to eat blue cheese is with bacon or some other fatty pork. If it's nice and hot, the blue cheese will melt a bit and the flavors blend together perfectly.

thank you for this post and confiming one of my biggest fears

orange cheddar

I'm biased but I really like Lancashire cheeses. Particularly the Lancashire crumbly.

I can't stand any variety of Emmental/ "Swiss" cheeses. I just find them to be depressingly bland and rubbery.

Currently in France with GF. She didnt't like rébluchon or comté and only wants tomme blanche. Also is reluctant to try other. I hate her picky eating.

Paneer and Halloumi

Halloumi Burger is amazing.
Tomatos, red onion, aioli, arugola, heaps of grilled halloumi and maybe some chilis or chilisauce.

Try it, its amazing.

My favourite:

Least favourite:

The objective worst:


Camembert, Gouda, Cheddar, Valencay


Cottage (((Cheese))) Low-fat store-bought ricotta, (((American))) Cheese