What does this taste like? I'm a weaboo faggot and am curious if it's good at all

What does this taste like? I'm a weaboo faggot and am curious if it's good at all

And where do you buy it in burgerland?

It tastes better than it smells but it's still not that good. Japs just eat it cuz "muh culture". My mom is from the town Natto originated.

You can buy it in most oriental grocers. It's usually frozen.

But for real, it smells like dirty gym socks and the texture really is just like phlegmy mucus. Not worth trying.

It tastes pretty good honestly. If you've had miso soup you will understand the general flavour. The part that many people find objectionable is the texture, which is basically like undercooked beans coated in mucous. You can buy it in any specialty store that carries other Japanese products, but whether or not you have one of those nearby really depends on where in burgerland you are.

Absolutely disgusting. Go to your local Asian market

Well I guess I can't expect anything else from fermented beans

another note is that if you have roommates they will be seriously offended by the smell when you microwave it. And I'm pretty sure you can't get unfrozen natto in the states. So you will be microwaving it.

forget some dank homemade baked with carrots and onions and tomatoes beans on the table for two days and you'll get that nice bitter sour savory taste without dealing with snot

or just leave it to defrost overnight?

well according to the travel channel the japanese traditionally consider slimy to be a sign of good quality foods

which is very strange because I feel like everybody else in the world considers slimy to be spoiled foods you should stay away from

Natto is usually used in gag jokes in anime so it's not like they don't see it as disgusting, they're not oblivious, I think Natto is more seen as a health food, not a form of great cuisine.

Fermented foods are known to be good for you - the frozen stuff you get in asian markets can't compare to fresh natto, even that bought in Family Mart or the like. It's eaten because it's healthy, filling and some people find it tasty - it's umami as fuck. You can even get natto sushi rolls in Japanese convenience stores, natto riceballs and so on.

I think it's like marmite though, where people will either like it, or hate it for the taste, texture, smell... whatever. It doesn't smell good. Neither does miso paste, or marmite, or sardines... but they're all delicious.

I buy it from the asian mart all the time.
Usually they're in the frozen section, never noticed an odor.
Check to see if the brand you're purchasing comes with little sauce packets like sweetened soy sauce and mustard, it adds a depth of flavor to the beans.

And a little protip: Don't stir the beans too aggressively unless you want the 'slime' texture people reference. I found if I don't stir it up too much it doesn't become as stringy or slimy.
Also it's a cheap filler for homemade sushi. Good luck!

It smells less than it's korean ancestor

>And where do you buy it in burgerland?


I've tried some. Tasted horrid.

I don't understand why people like eating rotten food. Those nasty ass rotting fish from one of those colder euro countries comes to mind. Then again I'm a slut for cheese. But at least most cheeses don't smell like death.

I'm a nigga for limburger cheese but I swear to god I have to make sure when to eat that shit or my breath will smell like death for the entire day.

I've had natto as well and I made fried rice with eggs and natto (found that recipe on youtube). My flat smelled like sweaty socks for a whole fucking day and I finished just thirth of the plate...even when I put hot sauce and more soy sauce it was still disgusting..

And the smelly fish is called Surströmming and it's traditional Swedish product.

Natto is shit and japs only pretend to like it.

I had some once. It tastes vaguely like soybeans, and more like a light taste of pure "pungentness". Good with the hot mustard it came with.

In Japan, "chefs" cum on soybeans, and people fucking pay to eat it.

>the bombs
>they do nothing

It just tastes and has the texture of runny snot with chunks in it

If you add mustard to it it tastes like runny snot with chunks that tastes like mustard.

It's not bad, but it's not something I would pay money to eat.

just melt some cheese into some white beans a la macaroni and cheese. It'll probably taste more like what you're hoping for.

Hello Elliot Deux

save yourself a disgusting meal and eat something else, im not picky at all and always excited to try new things, natto is one of the very few things i find completely disgusting.
would i try it again in japan? sure
would i buy one of those packs of fermented,slimy.smelly, disgusting packages from the asian market again? make your guess

Fermented shit rolled through a field of rotting poppy. Don't try it, you'll throw up, and everyone
will laugh at your weeb ass. If you can somehow manage to down the shit, though, it's really good
for your bone and muscle health. Massive dose of vitamin k too.

stop watching anime