What in the FUCK is wrong with Americans and their food?

what in the FUCK is wrong with Americans and their food?

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There are a bagillion places to eat in the US. Yeah, some of those places have shit food. Is there not one shitty resturant in europe?

It looks like decal matter TOP KEK XDDD

No, they're all 3 michellin star rated restaurants that serve only beluga caviar on a piece of hamón ibérico de bellota with shaved black truffle on a plate made of solid gold which you can then take home.

Michellin like the tire company?

no like the michellin man from ghostbusters

Yes. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelin_Guide

Everytime I see this image I think that it's sitting out of a printout of a Veeky Forums cap

Huh, so that's a thing.

No fucking shit, shart-tard.

americans really eat this?


They started it as a way to encourage travel with cars, which of course means more tires wearing out so more tire sales $$

Looks like a sloppy joe. If so, would eat.

You think that's hard on the eyes. You've never seen the common US dish, "Shit on a shingle". And yes, it's fucking delicious.

They steal ideas from the rest of the world, and then make them shit

Do you get a spoon at least?

>ITT europeans don't get the fact that America is physically only a little bit smaller than the entire EU

For instance I don't even know what that is in the picture.

Oh man it's almost like nearly every culture in the world immigrated here and brought it's stuff with it or something? HOW DOES DID DAT HAPPENZ????

That would take the slop out of the Sloppy Joe. Americans unironically enjoy being pigs.

>For instance I don't even know what that is in the picture.
Sloppy Joes, you ignorant yuppie.

who the fuck hasnt seen a sloppy joe. u sure ur american?

Just add a bun and wa-la!