R8 breakfasts

what's for breakfast Veeky Forums?
I dont eat carb

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bump post your breakfast


Hope you're having water with your salt

i just puked up a little

Are you actually trying to do keto or did you just find whatever you could in your fridge?

Why not put all of that on a wrap?


I'll take the mustard. You can keep the rest.

Eggs are a lot better for a low carb breakfast.

I hope you're putting all of that between bread

Shes unintenionally looking creepy


Yeah it's not like it's staged or anything.

Enjoy your high blood pressure and heart disease

She wasn't trying to look creepy sje was trying to look scared.

Fuck you

Pancakes. Best When Served With A Side Of Under Boob.

>pickle full with artificial sugar
>I dont eat carb

Not yet :^)

I've eaten bacon & eggs so many times since I started this diet that I wanted something a little different.

fried plantain and a fried egg with a black cofefe

just a single grapefruit

i want an egg sandwich, i had a thing of eggs, but i ate them quick like. i might do bacon but thats a bit of work.

There are people on Veeky Forums who think this is a good breakfast.
I see grognards over there actually recommending straight deli meat for easy macros.

They're right.


damn dude do you poop, ever?

Wasn't being entirely truthful. Only source of carbs is pic related (1-2 bags a day)

Nice Jewish breakfast there. Nothing but preserved foods and vinegar.






If you're going to post a r8 thread, make sure you actually make something yourself, not just plop a bunch of shit you bought from the deli on a plate.

I'll keep that in mind for tomorrow :^)

that looks delicious

Even Thomas Jefferson had a waffle iron in Monticello when I visited

Good quick, cold breakfast OP. Fuck all the haters. I sometimes have 2 bacons, 2 eggs and it'll hold me until about 2pm. But that takes a good 15 minutes to cook and eat.

Sometimes I just have yogurt and be hungry until dinner, but sometimes I have beef jerky all morning and eat a normal dinner. home made jerky isn't incredibly expensive.

>home made jerky
Sounds fantastic. I love beef jerky and haven't had any in a long time because all the storebought stuff has added sugar. I'm going to have to start making my own. Thanks for the suggestion

The timeless classic that started it all.

I had this omelette the other day. Bacon, jalapeƱo and cheddar. Very low carb, very delicious

looks fucking great except

>no meat

I bought a dehydrator, A1 sauce marinaded jerky is wonderful, but my go-to is a ludicrous amount of pepper and some salt on the beef. it makes a silly mess when you try to eat it if you're not outside.


not meat

Eggs is chicken u r dumb

eggs come from chickens. they are not chicken.

Stop posting u r embarrassing ur self

how did you get this stupid? lots of practice? dropped on the head?


Poached eggs and toast

One of those eggs looks like a piece of ham.

Holy shit you knew Thomas Jefferson? How old are you?

Shakshouka with feta I made the other day, along with a nice cup of black coffee

No picture but coffee, 2-3 eggs and a fruit is what I eat for breakfast pretty much every day.


i checked, n theres some captain crunch n milk. were fucking saved from starvation.


You don't need meat in every fucking meal you ever eat.

couple of spponfuls of peanut butter, then I'll make some eggs or a shake or something

Made bacon egg and cheese biscuits for the GF and me.

It's a continental breakfast, I don't see the problem with it. Add an egg and a slice of rye bread and you're golden.

Tell her to get off the phone and enjoy your company.

He's on his phone too.

What a depressing image

She's allowed to be on her phone while I'm autisticly taking pictures of our breakfast

>assuming this is a first date, and not some regular people that talk all the time anyway.

We get it. You've never had a gf.

>when you eat enough sodium for an adult man for 2 days in 1 sitting
>high blood sugar
>"it's g-g-enetics"

Baby's mad and projecting because he heard it was rude to be on your phone on a date.

lol ya stupid.

Eggs Benny!

it appears a street cat has vomited on your eggs

Bro, how the fuck did you cook your hollandaise? Either use a double boiler or put a bowl over a saucepan with BARELY simmering water and next time you won't end up with a lemon scramble...

Next time just use mayo, it would be more merciful for all involved

great looking omelette

this looks amazing

please tell me that's not supposed to be hollandaise

My mom used to make shitty biscuits like that. Let me guess, sliced cheese? Overcooked eggs? Microwaved bacon? Canned biscuits? Absolutely disgusting

so eggs aren't meat. what are they? Dairy??

That looks like a magical breakfast user.

Holy shit these are all so bad. You guys are on a cooking board eating fucking cheese and bread and deli meats and OP is eating a BREAKFAST PICKLE?
What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?

>pb toast

have fun eating shit you fat little virgins

I didn't say you did. But it's fucking breakfast, retard.

Looks good but you should really be using cast iron for Shakshuka.


>it's a Veeky Forumsfag thinks he's superior to everyone else because he eats oats and squats
fuck m8 just kill yourself.

I had two pickled herring fillets on rye crispbread with some mustard and hot sauce, and then a stroopwafel with my coffee.

That egg could be a cartoon character


Ketoniggers are worse than vegans

In what universe is meat a mandatory part of breakfast?

I'll stick to a Korean breakfast.

dont listen to the haters keto bros

Reminder that coffee + small pastry is the ideal breakfast.

Maybe if you don't work out

>working out on a full stomach
>not saving your calories for a big dinner

>breaking the fast for a couple hundred calories
read up about autophagy. i havent eaten breakfast in 6 years

I did a 16-8 fast every day for a couple years. I stopped working out and I rediscovered pastries so I started eating those again for breakfast. I'm back to working out now. When I start cutting again, I'll probably take up fasting again as well.

Straight up scrambled eggs, How do they look?

Looks like Yuro style. Good, but they need toast.

They're more like a spread when they're that consistency.

sopa de macaco uma delicia


They probably would have been better on toast.

i had a bottle of water and a kosher dill pickle

You should trip code that u wouldn't want other people posting funny cooking pictures in your name

Don't eat breakfast. Maybe yogurt. Lunch, dinner, post drunk. Passout.