Damn son, get to wally world quick

Damn son, get to wally world quick

Damn son, put a gun in your mouth quick

Pizza wheel detected

I don't shop at walmart because I morally object to their business practices.

You mean capitalism?

Draconian capitalism

looks kinda crappy and on the small side

Yeah you show me where I can get a brand new all stainless grill for $74
There's only two people in my house, and in what way does it look crappy?

>muh morals

shit nigga we out here fucking animals having gay incest sex, shooting niggas in the street, polyamory, etc

and you being a little bitch about walmart

So your attitude is that the world is going to shit (which it is), so might as well jump in the shit pool?

Try naming a better economic model

You mean employing tons of people?

As a consumer, you have a choice to not support "evil" businesses

Absolutely but just standing on empty self righteousness is meaningless if you can't explain why it's evil

it just does

But change out self righteousness and evil with your opinion and crappy

Employees are treated like shit and paid shit, their goods are mostly imported crap made by people with even worse working conditions, and I'd rather invest in my area's local economy by going to local stores and grocers.

There's nothing amoral about Wal-Mart's business practices, Sam Walton was just a genius when it came to store stock

>Employees are treated like shit and paid shit

As an employee, you have a choice not to work for "evil" businesses.

Also, why should a box handler be paid more than $9/hour? A trained monkey could do most of the shit they do. It's the same as a burger flipper whining about being paid minimum wage, they're not meant to be careers

Yet, most of them still qualify for public assistance. Really makes you think.

my husband works for them and makes well over min wage 14$ an hour in a place that pays 8.75 min wage so i dont see the whole "evil" thing

the only downside is the white trash as fuck customers

The alternative is they shut their doors and all those jobs are gone. That has happened in towns, many of which where most the town in employed by them.


What do you think happens? They just go out of business and everything reverts back to mom and pop with pickle barrels and two guys in rocking chairs on the front porch playing checkers?

No, someone else would just take their place as the monopolizer

Maybe they could pay their employees a living wage? Maybe they could give them 40 hours a week so that they are full time and eligible for benefits? Maybe they could just make most of the money instead of all of the money?

And where did you buy that grill, op? I know it was wally world...What state? And did they have more?

Maybe those people can go to school and get an education instead of wanting to make a career out of working at wal-mart. I mean, honestly, think about how many people at your local wal-mart have been there for more than a year or two. I bet they're all old or disabled

South Alabama and no, lol. I even had to get the display model

Sorry that's not how capitalism works dumbfuck. You want socialism go someplace else. They pay what the market commands and they have to maximize profits because that's what drives the ship. The alternative is they leave and all those people have no work rather than being underpaid (and really, underpaid? have you seen a walmart employee lately? what the fuck else are they going to do?)

A shit leopard can't change it's spots.

What are you going to grill on there tonight?


But if everybody gets educated and leaves their employment at Walmart, they close, towns collapse, economic chaos, end of the world, like you said. Or somebody said anyway.

Bam! Checkmate bitch! Not everybody is gonna be a college grad, the world needs ditch diggers too. But we don't need to treat them as less than human fer cry-eye.

Less than human? They work in a giant air conditioned building moving around boxes and swiping a scanner all day. I never worked at wal-mart but did work at the local grocery store when I was a teenager. There's not shit to it, it's mostly flirting with the cashiers and counting down time to smoke break

Those don't look that good


shitty meat for your shitty grill... fitting, I guess

Jelly detected

>employees are treated like shit
You're never gonna be a wage cuck and find a job where you aren't treated like shit

>Implying colleges give you an education anymore and not liberal brainwash
Now I see what you guys are actually fighting over

>they're not meant to be careers
I hate this excuse. If they're not meant to be careers then who will do the job? There are not enough high school students to support the entire industries which pay at or near minimum wage, like retail, fast food, restaurant staff, call centers, and many more which are necessary to general lifestyle for most people. If it's a job that needs done, then it ought to pay enough that the person doing the job won't live in complete poverty working full time. I think America would do well to go the way of some other countries and apply minimum wage by age. So someone who is 16 would make less than someone who was 21, 25, or whatever.

One thing that really bothers me is they get the state and local governments to build/pave new roads and utilities to their stores, yet they still get corporate tax cuts. Regular people and small businesses don't get those, but they have to pay taxes. Passing the buck on the costs to interstate shipping infrastructure pisses me off too. If employees' wages were higher, thus putting money back into the local tax coffers, that'd be great, but many of their full-timers are on federal benefits and don't even pay state income tax.

But, hey what are people's other alternatives now? Amazon? Pick your favorite tax-dodging monopoly, I guess.

that looks like it would make some serious burgers. not like my 20$ lowes grill.