What are the best maruchan flavors?

What are the best maruchan flavors?

I've only ever had beef and chicken

Picante beef is god tier

I like creamy and roast chicken.

Fuck Oriental.

Shrimp is my #1 favorite, no contest.

I like picante beef and oriental the most

For the regular square ramen, either oriental or pork, for the cup ramen, spicy beef.

Picante beef is awful why is it in this shill picture three times

I'm convinced those lower sodium packs don't actually exist. I have never seen them in stock before.

What the hell happened to Chicken Mushroom?

I can't get this type of noodles where i'm from but Duck is always a fresh taste from beef and chicken.

The only answer


I legitimately never had Maruchan, how does it compare to other brands? I like the Nissin broth, but the noodles are lacking. Nongshim is some good shit

Roast beef is easily my favorite. Beef and chicken mushroom are great too. Chili and oriental are pretty good. Roast chicken and chicken are ok but creamy chicken and pork aren't anything to write home about.

They all taste the same


I just eat the noodle wafer raw.


mushroom was GOAT.

This is the right answer.

Hell yeah.

Picante beef and roast chicken.

fpbp first post best post
fpbp first pussy best pussy

You can have as many flavors as you want but that won't change how garbage Maruchan noodles are. They're either all sticky and shit with the texture of a tapeworm or all fat and foamy like a pool floater, I FUCKIN HATE IT AAAAAAAAAAAAA!
That being said , Oriental flavor is the best one.

Has anyone here tried brothless ramen? I made some yesterday and really liked it, the flavor is much more intense, it's faster to prepare and eat as well. Too bad it balances it out by being a pain to clean up since you have to use a poached egg instead of a hard boiled one. But then again I'm a lazy faggot so scrubbing egg out of a pot probably isn't that bad. I wouldn't know because there's a cuck living with us that cleans for us.

Between Nissin and Nonshim, most Nissin ramen is garbage like Top Ramen.