Rate my food

Hey /ck, I decided to try cooking. Please rate my food. Ingredients are luncheon meat and Japanese style mayonnaise. Served well with sauerkraut.

Ill give it a 14/88

You could consider adding some sage to that

>not writing 1488 out in the mayo

Oh hey cool dude i'm a Buddhist too

What makes Japanese mayo japanese? How is it different from murrican mayo?

People shit all over spam but it's not that bad. IDK if I could eat it just straight though, what about some bread? Make some good sandwhiches

I don't think it would come out looking good. I'm no mayonnaise artist.

It tastes much better. And it's not in a can.

Not a bad idea. I though of adding canned pineapple but the store didn't have it.


Yes you fry it together

Yeah we know you don't spread your mayo in very many places

Is it Kosher?

Only weebs and Japanese expats buy it, other than that it serves no purpose in any country outside Japan

japanese uses yolks instead of whole eggs, a sweeter kind of vinegar, and msg.

fuck you its the most delicious thing ever

yes eat it Goldberg its not like it pork or anything...
you are a fool if you think American "mayonnaise" is even comparable

Hate Cuisine

I like it for the smoky flavour.
I'd eat it like 6 gagillion times a day.

The food looks horrid, taste would also be in question as well -OP do you even Veeky Forums?

what the f*ck? delete this sh*t right now!!!

Awesome dish if that's all you have in the refer and broke. Nasty otherwise.......Heil

>I desperately want to appear bad-ass, but deep down I'm weab loser that eats spam with chopsticks!

You should take this for lunch and impress all the kids at your table with how edgy you are!

pretty broke yeah
>spells weeb wrong
>assumes I'm not in Japan

>Mayo in a can


Are you Hawaiian?

No, Californian.

Säure und swastika würze

bet whole of germany ate this at some point

>Acids and swastika herbs
dude what?

no german rye bread?

Japanese mayo is much thinner than American Mayo, and tastes better

Mods you should know better

>you can't have a food thread if the food is arranged in a swastika!

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