Drunk as whore last night

>drunk as whore last night

What do you do in this situation?

Is this a haiku?


Keep drinking, maybe down a egg yolk.

Apologize to everyone

Woke up on my mouse to find the LMB broken this morning. Went and bought a new one.
Also went to a grocery store and shoplifted a carton of wine to get through the day. It wasn't my usual place so I didn't notice they had those magnet strip alarms by the till, though. It went off.

Guy asked me to empty my bag. I played dumb and innocent and pulled out the mouse first and held it through the detector. It went off. He let me go.

Thank you God, I won't shoplift again for at least the rest of the day



Left mouse button

Where do they sell left mouse buttons?

Not where I went. They said I had to buy a whole new mouse. That's how they get you.

Return the mouse sans the LMB. Stick it up to the man!

eat greasy food and then go beat my dick

Chug a coconut water asap

If that doesn't work, have whatever you were drinking the night before. Protein and water is mandatory.

Drink blue powerade and avoid looking at phone

What i usually do to cure a massive Hangover is, given i have nothing to do that day, is smoking some high grade and drink some chocolatemilk.

That helps/makes me endure it

>Drink what is basically flat soda


>The floor is dignity

>You'll never crash if you don't stop flying

Keep boozing friendo

Water and energy drinks. Also just act normal when people say 'I know you like Hitler". If you feel ill don't eat except maybe some carbs.


keep trying, one of these days you won't wake up

Get up, drink some water, grab a sausage and egg biscuit and some orange juice for breakfast, then go about my day. I don't get hangovers because I'm lucky like that.

Weed nigger