No actually, what the fuck is Maine's problem?

No actually, what the fuck is Maine's problem?

>No actually


Not that many decent restaurants inland Maine.

I blame Stephen King.

>Chick Fil A
yeah, no, fuck off
I have never met a single person that doesn't love it and the lines for the drive thru are so long that they have teenagers with ipads in the parking lot walking up to cars taking their orders. Stupid fucking image.

I guarantee California hating Chik Fil A is purely political and nothing to do with the food

Tennessee with forged food.

>mfw I had a good friend who lived on nothing bud dandylions & venison

Went to one in Thousand Oaks. I was one of only three customers. Nobody in the drive-thru that I saw. The food was okay, but nothing to write home about.

It's purely a result of the data being collected from some stupid gimmicky dating app which is only used by ultra liberal retarded hipsters. Using that data to represent an entire state is embarrassingly stupid.

>based texas
>numale SJW commiefornia

There's one in TO? I thought the closest was Ventura. Not that it matters since CFA is pretty solidly meh.

It's honestly not even that great. It's better than typical fast garbage, but it's by no means great. I'm surprised enough people even know about it to hate it.

>Mayo on fries

Damn straight. Disgusting practice.

There was like a year and a half ago, before I moved. Not too far from the little mall/shopping center with the Toys R Us. Also close-ish to a Rocket Fizz.

> I'm surprised enough people even know about it to hate it.
Over 2,000 locations and growing. Also that whole anti-gay headline was publicity
Fuck off

>I'm surprised enough people even know about it to hate it.
It's not the food it's hated for. CA is mostly gay-friendly and CFA is anti-gay.

>I don't know anything but here's my 2 cents anyway!
It generates more revenue per restaurant than every other fast food chain

maine is filled with a bunch of retards who unironically believe donald trump is mentally fit to be president

Yeah but with how high in sodium Asian shit is, you would think it'd be a hit with those mouthbreathers.

places like that don't get real asian restaurants, they're limited to chinese american buffets. the types of buffets that order microwave bags of macaroni and cheese for pigs to shovel down their throat.

guarantee they saw "asian fusion" and had no idea what it meant, so they picked it

I don't think 95% of people in Indiana know what a Charcuterie is desu.

Well, you've met one now. I went to one on one of my travels expecting a choice of delicious fried chicken. What I found was a dried out overcooked piece of flavorless Tyson white meat slapped on a walmart tier hamburger bun with a couple slices of walmart pickles. I couldn't finish it, it was so bad.

The lines are due to a subtle marketing strategy pandering to the fact that the troglodyte right thinks because they funded gay conversion camps they have to dip their face in the pig trough. Cuck has never been better defined.






>What I found was a dried out overcooked piece of flavorless Tyson white meat slapped on a walmart tier hamburger bun
Why would you bother lying on Veeky Forums?

All jokes aside, the man is an idiot.

Even /pol/ is roasting him & suck Bannon's cock.

lol ok shill

Yeah we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes


only rural and suburban retards voted for him
city people all voted for hillary

Who hates the corner piece of a brownie?? It's the best piece! It's so popular, in fact, that ridiculous shit like this was invented.

>people are shilling against the president on the cooking board
ever consider that he’s just an incompetent retard? he’s letting all of his advisors run wild while holding no actual policies himself


"city people voted for hillary" is a classic meme stupid

>california hates chik fil a
you mean they complain about muh no gays and then go over there to eat and instagram their meals? chik fil a is very popular here.

Upvoted fellow based MAGApede :)

I never said it wasn't you retard

wow I hate to break this to you but 7 more years to trigger you nigger

New York has it right, Ranch on Pizza is fucking gross.
>hates gas station wine
The entire state is gas stations and turnpikes

I warned you that the black would sabotage Bernie's chances. They love them some Billy Clint & that was the death of us.

Good goy. Have you given your foreskin to Kushner and other "based Jews"?

California, New Mexico and Kansas can all fuck off.

Gas station wine? These people would have had to tried it to hate it right?

I don't think that map shows what you think it shows.

You we'rent even the cool criminal Republican type (Nixon).

You voted for an Reality tv star while cursing Kardasians ass.

Peace be with you.

>your state hates veggie burgers

dog bless

>ranch on pizza
is this what people with shitty pizza do?

Either that or Ketchup. Why do you think White Pizza is becoming so popular?

this state is so much more and also so much less than gas stations and turnpikes. you black motherfucker.

Isn't that made with an alfredo sauce?

Not in the south

Based Texas.

colorado confirmed for most aryan state

>Last bite of a hot dog
>Missouri confirmed for children

I lived in Tennessee once. I ate BBQ instead.

>Dabbing pizza


>pizza grease with a napkin

It's cuts the calories to a 1/3

Hey, leave
alone, he can only read two words at a time (it's a serious mental condition)

Are you implying people get white pizza to put there shitty, thick dressing and condiments on it?

Yeah, okay but that's not even a food and why is it hated so much in Virginia? Why is the entire state hating on an OCD meme guy's OCD habit

Plus,the closer to the border the better the chile relleno.

Unless you live in glorious Manhattan.

>anything but "chili" with beans

You pull that shit down here and we'll chain your ass up and drag you behind a pickup

I go to texas I get Mexican. I get BBQ in South Carolina.

Wow sir do you have very Jewish tendencies or what are you even from America does it make you upset I voted Trump and will again when he wins the next election?

CA haets Chick-fil-A
But it's packed everyday and Democrats are in a slight minority

>Hey, leave
Why does he need to leave just for saying pizza grease?

>jewish people wanted hillary to win
do you not see how much of a cryptokike your orange is

only tumblr and antifa millennials hate that place

>Implying Trump is a cryptokike
If he was the media wouldn't be swarming him and neither would Hollywood you absolute blumpkin you know the two most Jewish things in America.

maybe it means they prefer greasy pizza
no. bully the weak



>States that are asspained about food they've never eaten:
North Dakota
South Dakota
Rhode Island

South Carolina
West Virginia

>WTF tier
Minnesota. Who the fuck blanket hates beans?
Tennessee. Is the entire state homeless?
Missouri. Nobody in any other state has ever thought of the last bite as any different than the rest. Inbred retards.

Also, Virginia should have been ethnically cleansed after 1864. Ask for a noun, provide a verb.

My campus has one in the student union. It is pretty bad. I thought it was just the student location until I went to one in the south. Slightly better but still unpleasant. They do have the most polite fast food employees though.

1. Manhattan
2. Mexico
3. South Carolina

4. Los Angeles
5. New Orleans

1. Chicago

6. I meant six
Coastal Maine including Boston is 7.

n underrated Florida an an 8.

New jersey. 9
Connecticut 10

California is ass.

There's a few. But it's gets very rural very fast when you head inland. So you're not going to have the population density to support any restaurants.

Considering that the store is closed on Sunday, yet still is one of the most successful chains in America (they have only around 2000 locations), you'd think every lefty asswipe complaining about the plight of fast food workers would praise them for this practice. But since they don't like homosex, they are satan.

>He figured if he didn't like working on Sundays, that other people didn't either." The younger Cathy also quoted his father as saying, "I don't want to ask people to do that what I am not willing to do myself."[40]

>Amazing ice fishing with pot heads
>Nice restaurants

It is a trade off.

Maine has lots of high quality places. It's filled with rich vacationers in the summer and that supports a healthy restaurant industry.

what the fuck is matcha tea? how can i hate something if i have no idea what it is?

That is some coastal shit.

Fall in love with that one Frenchy bitch & plug your seed in vacation lake.

i hate asian fusion too

like, i want bibimbap not some mayonnaise infused pseudo japanese sushi abortion with a side of pickled radish and cabbage

Matcha tea is probably referring to green tea that has been crushed over a thousand times weaboo style and then reconstituted into a drink with sugar.

>SC hates tea with sugar
ya, this list is BS

I actually have a lot of respect for Chik Fil A they're entitled to their opinions although I do not agree with their stance against homosexuals since I've grown up around friends who've come out and have gotten to witness the emotional trauma that ensued as soon as they did I think it's very cool they close on Sundays so their Christian employees can go to church. I think millennials keep forgetting this is America and that everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just because Chik Fil A doesn't like gay people doesn't mean they're not going to serve them their fast food let alone turn America into an anti gay regime of le nazi christian fascists.

Im thinking ky thought the questionnaire said humus.
>dirt? You dumb sumbitch dirts for nightcrawlers

I do respect that Chik Fil A is like the one fast food restaurant that doesn't treat their employees like complete shit.

Most peole live in the coasts. That's why we have no roads that go east to west and why it takes me an extra half an hour to drive from Standish to lewiston.

That's because their employees are all hot 16-19 year old blonde white girls. At least where I live.

i love me some honeys with my chicken

Man, all that meme makes me do is want ice cream.
Maybe I'll go buy TWO PINTS