Why do people eat bugs?
Why do people eat bugs?
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Brown people eat bugs and it's because they're stupid and lazy.
Muh protein
Why wouldn't people eat bugs? They're crunchy and full of nutrients, as well as being plentiful and easily harvested.
Today, an user asked
>Why wouldn't people eat bugs?
on the food and cooking board.
/end blog
I ate a scorpion once
We can't all be sexy white cowboys.
Argentina may have the best cowboys, but pls fuck off.
Man, people eat bugs because it's sustainable and cheap and easy hunting. High protein. It's smart to eat bugs, just not that enjoyable.
This good post. Am white and agree.
Fucking madman.
>defending eating bugs
liberalism is a mental disorder
One day man will live off bugs as a sustainable source off protein. Earth is dying another life & we need her tit.
>Not eating bugs
It's the protein of the future
>Liberals are supposed to be the pussies
It's called grow a sack man
you going to defend eating mud cakes next libtard?
>just not that enjoyable
Brull what the fuck is that
>grow a sack
>is such a fucking pussy that he'll listen to libtards and devolve into an insectoid chink/african
>doesn't realize how many fucking bugs he has to eat to get the equivalent of 2 chicken breasts
>but muh progressive foods
Kill yourself third worlder
actually, it's called, 'make entire populations dissapear'.
do you really think that it's difficult to exterminate a billion people? there's no reason why we can't get down to 500,000,000 humans, and then all eat organic free range steak daily
so grow a fucking sack, stop acting like you give a fuck and help contribute to the greatest genocide the world has ever seen, so that we, us, and our families and descendent's, can live in largely automated utopia.
>exterminate all but a small number of humans
>internet shitposter thinks they will be one of the ones that gets to live in the "utopia"
yeah, i'm EASILY within the top 20th percentile.
but i love how this is always the argument in retort. i'd rather be fucking dead than live in a world full of people that don't look like me while i eat bugs anyways.
highly nutritious, and they feel special from the shock factor
how did you like that, whitegod pissing on you & then the sun blew up?
poor people
>mfw chatting up a bargirl in thailand and I look down to realize she's eating a bowl full of bugs like it's fucking cereal
they're tasty
Well many are very nutritious for their size and don't taste too bad if you prepare them correctly.
They generally developed as a poverty food obviously, especially in various cases where the bugs are a pest that attacks crops. You're trying to remove the pests anyway and if they've already gotten big healthy on your crops you might as well get something back, same for various larger pests too. There are also some cases like with silk worms where they're piling up just as a side-product of the silk processing so might as well not let it go to waste.
Larger arthropods like spiders and scorpions are practically just land-crustaceans.
Jesus that's horrifying.
It is pretty weird, the monkey is way too similar to a human.
Well it is a thing that the closer something is to you the better the chance some nasty illness they have could cross over.
calm down folk, we've been eating bugs for several centuries in my country and let me tell you that they are delicious
ignore /pol/posters
there's no point in trying to talk to a meme machine.
They are tasty and nutritious.
Coddled suburban children cannot handle anything that is different from "Food, Overcooked, mild"
Yeah, you either eat well-done steaks with ketchup or you eat crickets & grub worms. Definitely no in-between
you have to go back to the_dumpsterfire
attention online
you have to be 18+ to post there
>look at how manly I ham for eating a cockroach UMAD LOL XD PUSSY
so it's just for attention then. noted.
insects aren't sustainable, you can't grow large amount of them without having unsolvable sanitary problems. It's easy to shoot some cows and pigs with medicines, but it's already a problem with poultry. For insects it's impossible. every time your farm is contaminated, you are up for a costly complete clean up.
It's pretty dangerous to eat that shit.
Insect-based protein is extremely efficient, both in terms of caloric ratio and in the amount of energy and resources required for cultivation (at least, compared to that of other animals). There's already a large transition to cricket-protein taking place in Western societies, with just about every food company angling into the insect pie; it's literally the future, with Western nations poised to gain a critical advantage over developing nations with new innovations in insect cultivation.
There's no actual reason to reject it besides your pickiness and autism. It's healthier, it's more efficient, and many recipes and cooking techniques have shown it to be just as tasty as regular meat, too.
The only bug I would eat would be the honey pot ant
sounds like some food straight out of futurama
Because they are evolving back.
>this is how zombie outbreaks start
brazilians arent human
Jesus how wrong can somebody be.
I don't know about other 3rd world countries, but here in the US we eat @ 1-2lbs/year/person because the FDA has guidelines that specify how many insects or insect parts are allowed in food. Turns out their limits are arbitrarily based on some amorphous idea of what might "gross people out" instead of any health factors.
You're stupid and obviously you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
you can grow literally millions of crickets on some basic grains in a completely contained environment at a fraction of the acreage, cost and environmental destruction of a single cow
>don't shitpost
clearly that rule is ironic in nature and not enforced
Because all bugs need to die.
OP, can I make it taste good? Can I mask the texture of exoskeletons or use it to my advantage? What kind of prep work am I looking at? What are the overall macro/micros per 100 grams against say, beef?
i like eating ocean bugs
ok balwant we get it. you weant westerners to eat insects so your delicious sacred animal wont get eaten
>has eaten 5 beef burgers today